
maandag 18 februari 2019



86 billion dollars is needed to rebuild Iraq, after the wars, that struck this country. The so-called “donorcountries” hesitate over the funding. I would too, 86 billion dollars is only the beginning and the present war is not over yet. And what about the other countries around the world, that are in need of strong support: Afghanistan, Haiti, Libie, Yemen and, not to forget Syria.

This country is constantly being bombed by the government, Iran, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Libanon and of course us: USA, Britain, France en of course US. The Kingdom of the Netherlands. And let's not forget Russia, who support the Assad-regime. On the battlefield we find, Syrian, Russian, Turkish and allied troops. They bomb and fight eachother supported by several rebelgroups, Kurds, El Qa'ida and IS.

In the last weeks, a transporthelicopter, an Iranian drone and an Israeli jetfighter have been shot down. Russian mercenaries were killed during American airstrikes. The tensions are rising, while Palestinian rockets are lauched towards Israel.

I wonder how many billions of dollars will be needed when, when the dust settles and peace will fill the lands, Syria has to be rebuild. When will residents of Syria, Afghanistan, Libia, Yemen and Iraq have a future.

And for what?

How many lives, money, schools, hospitals, houses. infrastructure and culture has been destroyed. What a different world we could have had, when we had followed the path of Peace.

And the end of all of this is not even in sight.
Damaged building in western Aleppo

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