
vrijdag 30 november 2012



So here's a boycott you can do... upload this video to your FB page... say goodbye to your "friends" there...and get the hell off it!!


SODIUM-FLUORIDE is een afvalproduct van de aluminium-industrie en mag om zijn giftigheid niet worden geloosd. Toch wordt het gebruikt in tandpasta en mondhygiene-producten (en in rattengif) en wordt het aan ons drinkwater toegevoegd.
SODIUM-FLUORIDE vermindert en vertraagt de hersenactiviteit en werd door de Soviet-Unie en Nazi-Duitsland als zodanig gebruikt in concentratiekampen.

Voor kinderen is SODIUM-FLUORIDE onschadelijk.

zondag 25 november 2012


It's all a matter of inter-connectedness. I don't mean global or on the level of the EU, the British Empire or the USA. These are concepts and used to manipulate and control you. I don't mean democracy or collectivism. These “slogans” are used to make you act in a predictable way. Government literally means “governe mente”, to “rule” over the way you think, feel and act. I don't mean inter-connectedness with nature. We have definitively decided to cut all the roots with the reality around us. We are polluting the earth, the sky, the rivers and oceans; with devastating effect on the eco-system. Experimental introduction of the nile-perch into Lake Victoria resulted in the destruction of a complete eco-system or introducing, for fun, foxes on Tasmania. No, I don't mean those kind of connections. Why, because they hardly exist anymore. The areas, where you can connect with nature are shrinking and destroyed. Deforestation, growing desserts, urbanization, infrastructure, digging for gold, diamonds, minerals, oil or salt; all these, economically “necessary” activities eat away our natural world and replace it by plastic. The plastic, we so conveniently dispose of, is killing birds, fish and sea-mammals, because they mistake it for food. In the end they literally burst open and expose the waste we produce. Even where I live, the numbers of sea-birds is dwindling and the seals, because they are the end of a local food-chain, will be affected soon. Do we connect with our pats? I don't think so. Pats are bought easily and disposed of easily. Turtles and exotic fish are flushed through the toilet. Some survive, which leads to articles in local newspapers about turtles in a pond and piranha's in the river.
Even Australian wallabies have found a place in our local eco-system?
Do They connect? I don't think so. It's like the story of the lonely guardian of a lighthouse on a small island of the coast of New-Zealand, who introduced a cat to the island. In a year all the birds, species unique to the island, had disappeared, never to return.
Remains the question? Do we connect with our family? The task of educating, protecting and caring for a future education has gone. Forced by economy, implanted ambitions and manipulated consumerism, most grown-ups have to work and on all hours of the day. The harmony, warmth and care, synonymous with growing up, can only be bought. Children who experience a divorce, will have to deal with absent, work and money motivated parents and complex emotional and identication problems, when mother starts dating.
Ockay, except from all this “Entfremdung”, prophesied by Jesus, Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse, do we connect with our selves. Let me ask you: “Are we happy?”

The Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger, was declared official extinct in the late 1930s, but today people all over Australia claim to have seen one of these creatures. We sent our investigates to check out some of the most compelling sightings. You decide - extict or not.


Frontline disease: OBESE


Fault Lines: Dying Inside: Elderly in prison

The US' massive prison population is getting older.

Long sentences that were handed out decades ago are catching up with the American justice system.
Prisons across the country are dedicating entire units just to house the elderly.

During difficult economic times, the issue has hit a crisis point. Estimates are that locking up an older inmate costs three times as much as a younger one.
How are prisons dealing with this issue? Who are the prisoners that are turning gray behind bars?

Josh Rushing gains exclusive and unprecedented access to jails and prisons across the country to tell the story.


Fault Lines: The other debt crisis: Climate debt


vrijdag 23 november 2012

Postcard mailed during WWII arrives after 70 years

Postcard mailed during WWII arrives after 70 years:

 A postcard mailed nearly 70 years ago has finally arrived at the former upstate New York home of...

Air India-Indian Airlines feud hits 787 training

Air India-Indian Airlines feud hits 787 training:

 IA pilots have so far refused to be trained for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner by AI instructor-examiners and...

Uitgestorven schildpad wordt weer tot leven gewekt

Uitgestorven schildpad wordt weer tot leven gewekt - GROEN - PAROOL

De schokkende waarheid over vliegtuigmaaltijden

  • Bron: ABC
Grijp al maar meteen naar het kotszakje want vliegtuigmaaltijden worden veelal bereid tussen, muizen, mieren en kakkerlakken. Deze schokkende vaststelling deed het Amerikaanse nieuwsprogramma 20/20 van ABC op basis van data verstrekt door de Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Meer dan 1.500 overtredingen werden op vier jaar tijd geregistreerd, merkelijk meer dan in vergelijkbare industrietakken. In de productiehal van LSG Sky Chefs, één van de grootste cateraars van vliegtuigmaaltijden, krioelde het van de mieren, levende en dode vliegen en kakkerlakken.

"Als er zich diertjes in die ruimte bevinden, dan is de kans erg groot dat je ze eveneens in de bereide maaltijden aantreft", verklaarde voormalig gezondheidsinspecteur Roy Costa aan ABC. "Insecten en uitwerpselen van knaagdieren kunnen in zo'n omgeving absoluut niet getolereerd worden. Als je al die elementen samenbrengt, zit je op een potentiële tijdbom."

Ontelbare muggen, ongekoeld voedsel en ronduit vieze werkoppervakken werden aangetroffen bij cateringbedrijf Gate Gourmet. De onderneming reageerde als volgt op de reportage: "De vaststellingen van de FDA waren niet van die aard dat de publieke gezondheid in gevaar kwam."

Daarnaast 'vergaten' vliegtuigcrews volgens de betrokken inspecteurs veelvuldig om de handen te wassen. In toestellen van Delta Airlines werden bovendien meermaals muizen gesignaleerd.

First Class
Reizigers in Business en First Class denken bovendien onterecht dat de alom bekende gordijntjes hen afschermen van besmet voedsel. "Exquise gerechten zijn daarom nog geen veilige gerechten", aldus Costa. "Bacteriën trekken zich daar niets van aan."
Paus: "Jezus is jaren vroeger geboren"
paus jezus is jaren vroeger geboren
Benedictus XVI heeft het derde deel van zijn biografie over Jezus van Nazareth klaar. "In geen enkel evangelie wordt er gerept over een os, een ezel, schapen of kamelen. Dat is waarschijnlijk een Hebreeuwse mythe uit de zevende eeuw", schrijft de paus. "En dat herders de geboorte van Jezus vernamen via engelengezang, is ook een fabel. Het christendom heeft altijd gedacht dat engelen alleen maar zingen, maar in werkelijkheid hebben ze de boodschap gewoon verteld."
In een adem worden ook de drie koningen in twijfel getrokken. "Die figuren zijn ontsproten aan het theologische idee dat mensen vanuit alle hoeken kwamen om de nieuwgeboren koning te eren. Als symbool dat de hele wereld hem eendrachtig verwelkomde."
Wat Benedictus wel zeker weet is dat Maria nog maagd was toen ze haar kind op de wereld zette. De onbevlekte ontvangenis is het werk van de heilige geest.
Misschien nog belangrijker is dat Benedictus XVI vermoedt dat Jezus vroeger geboren is dan algemeen wordt aangenomen, namelijk in de jaren 7 tot 2 voor Christus. Dat betekent dat onze kalender gebaseerd is op een vergissing. De monnik Dionysius Exiguus zou een verkeerde interpretatie gemaakt hebben in de zesde eeuw na Christus.
Benedictus begon als kardinaal al aan de trilogie over het leven van Jezus. De eerste twee delen werden bestsellers in Italië. Het derde deel komt in vijf talen uit. Voor een Nederlandstalige versie is het wachten tot 12 december.

woensdag 21 november 2012

What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?"


Mythology and the Coming Great Deception (Rob Skiba)
This new DVD traces the trail of foreign gods that were introduced to the Israelites in Egypt and still remain with us, all the way to the present day. It appears a few of them have even landed in Washington D.C.! Zeus lives

zondag 18 november 2012



Dracula: The True Story




A prosecutor in upstate New York has admitted that he acted in pornographic movies in the 1970s.

Liquor baron Ponty Chadha and brother kill each other at their Delhi farmhouse

Liquor baron Ponty Chadha and brother kill each other at their Delhi farmhouse:

 Ponty Chadha and his brother were shot dead allegedly by each other in a crossfire during a meeting...

zaterdag 17 november 2012

vrijdag 16 november 2012

Unsolved Mysteries: Ghosts



1) Friendly Ghost               
2) Resurrection Mary
3) Matchmaker Ghost
4) Queen Mary Ghosts
5) Grace's Ghost
6) Voice From The Grave
7) Ghosts Go To Court
8) The Entity
9) Ghost Boy

Hosted By: Robert Stack

Internet voor het Afrikaanse platteland

Internet voor het Afrikaanse platteland - Binnenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad


If you read the Bible carefully, you' notice, that Genesis contains two creation-stories. In the first one God creates man and woman (equally, simultaniously), from the earth. In Genesis 2, God first creates Adam, who gets bored and frustrated in the Garden of Eden. God hypnotizes him and while Adam is in a deep sleep, he takes a rib and from it creates Eve. This story is one of the biblical archetypes, that led to a, religiously legitimized, lifetime of obedience, submission and possible torture or even death, for women, all through history and all around the world, alhough it is not the only “haunting from the past”.

Judaism and early Christianity were a “literate” society and both produced a lot of scrolls, codexis and books. When finally the content and order of Bible were formalized, many books, gospels and apocalypses were left out. Some circulating books were called heretic and burned. In the last century many of those missing “sources” have been discovered. (Dead sea scrolls, Nag-Hamadi and recently discovered “sources”, hidden in monasteries from the Balkan, the Kaukasus to Ethiopia (the Book of Enoch).

Interesting details about Genesis can be discovered in this material. Eve was Adam's 2nd wife!

Adam's first wife was called Lilith, a woman created equal and with a mind of her own. Adam claims sexual dominance, but Lilith refuses to submit. Adam wants to force hinself unto his wife and she “calls God's secret and forbidden name” and disappeares into thin air. She does not leave paradise immediately. God sends three angels, to seduce her to return to Adam, but the 1st woman on earth, keeps saying no. God threatens to punish Lilith for her stubbordness. “Every day 100 children will die, because of you.” Lilith does not return to Adam.

Christian and Judaism “propaganda” have turned Adam's first wife in to a demonic and horrific entity. From the Middle Ages untill now, people wear amulets against her evil powers and intent. She tortures women during pregnancy and is kept responsable for the sudden death of a baby or child. Lilith also preys on young man, sleeping alone. By possessing his body and thoughts, she procurates with them. The name Lilith may sound unfamiliar to you, but you have used it many times during your lifetime. Lullaby literally stems from “Lilith abide”.

dinsdag 13 november 2012




Some North American Ufologists and UFO-research organizations want to quite. There is no interest anymore and the number of sightings is dropping dramatically. Soon a major conference will be held about this topic of continuing the hard work.

On the other hand, the internet is flooded with pictures and video's of strange sightings, aerial phenomena and possible ufo's. They show themselves in all sizes and shapes, all over the world. (Cointelpro?).

Whistleblowers and experts reveal new and astonishing insights about the world around us and about our own potential and destiny. We are benevolent beings slowly liberating ourselves from the web of deception existing around us. Aliens are not benevolent! They vary from pure evil to entities, that really don't care. By means, beyond our comprehension, they influence us and force us tto live in a world, that fits them best.

Ufology has not produced a single bit of evidence in 60 years. No crashed ufo or surviving alien. A lot of anecdotal information, with little or no relevance at all. The focus on “encounters” was one big hoax, stimulated and fed, to drain the energy of “believers” by focussing them on details. Only recently the attention of researchers changed. Suddenly ufo's were “tendencies to exist” and the result of demonic activity. This development put all kinds of alien contact in a completely different perspective. For believers ufo's and aliens are benevolent and want to save humankind and our planet. Channeling and being a contactee prepares the human soul for further manipulation. Idea's of supremacy (as beings), superior technology and joining a Galactic Federation, are imprinted. As above, so below and an “alien” Elite is created, to impress the masses, which generates life-style extremes, the alien entities like.

War, murder, death penalty, mass-destruction and assassinations produces energy and “matter”, on which alien feeds and flourishes.

Abortion, sexual perversion, child abuse, mass shootings and carbombs are not human, but flourish under alien influence. Overconsumption, animal slaughter, pollution, planned extinctions, and ecological recklessness are not human, but the result of (alien) strategies to provoke mass-suicide.

Are these hidden alien powers existing under our feet, in an inner, hollow and hidden earth or do they live on the Moon or Mars, visiting and exploiting our earth. I think you don't have to look that far. It's hidden in plain sight. Look in the mirror! We carry that alien parasite around, with us. It sometimes takes over completely (possessment, abduction). Sometimes it is dormant. But it is always there!

The “alien” is inside us and we don't realise that. It controls our brain, our soul, thoughts and actions. It creates blind spots, where you don't dare to look. This “their” power and our doom.

What to do? Start deprogramming your self. Ban all the above mentioned out of your mind, your thoughts and actions. Concentrate on the “human” character: peace, understanding, love, growth, sharing, care and excellence. To name a few.

maandag 12 november 2012

Brain linked to diabetes, hope for new treatment

Brain linked to diabetes, hope for new treatment:

 Diabetes, traditionally linked to a rise in blood sugar level due to a combination of lifestyle and hereditary...


Of all the particles, science discovered, there is one common factor: they are for over 99% empty. Their mass is nothing and is built up by sub-particles, who hardly have any mass at all. So why cannot we walk through a wall or explain gravity. In their search for truth, scientific theorists came up with the “Higgs-boson”, also called the “God-particle”. This elusive particle would give “mass” to his and her fellow-particles. If they find it, and billions of dollars are spend to discover it, one will learn, that it has no mass, worth mentioning.

This kind of research is a dead-end street. Leftbrain dominance and the arrongance, that you gain insight in our reality by throwing matter to pieces. And the problems for the “particle-physicists” are not over yet. Research of the kosmos, resulted in the discovery of “dark matter”, a founding force of our universe, previously unknown. Dark matter has bizarre characteristics and forms 85% of all matter around us. You may conclude, that we know nothing of 15% of our environment, which is only 15% of All.

Scientists have come to the conclusion, that “dark matter” gets its characteristics from a particle! Now the hunt for “whimps” has begun, a particle, that only exists in mathematical formula.

Imagine, you find a small feather and pick it up. When you want to weigh the feather, you must conclude, that is has no weight it all. Now you can choose two paths. You can develop a highly developed technologic device, that can weigh everything. This way your feather turns into cushion-filling and into (measurable) matter.

But there is another way. When you realize that the feather is telling you a story: “This is not the way, you will get to know me. My essence is not matter and weight; but it is about flying in the air and touch the earth, where the wind brings me. That's what matters.”

UFO Time Travelers From Our Future [Video]

UFO Time Travelers From Our Future [Video]

vrijdag 9 november 2012


Zero Point is a three part series consisting of excerpts from freely available information found online.
Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future.
The film also discusses the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality.
Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, the film focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance.
The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandelbrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself.
The Legacy of the Ark, the final part of the Zero Point Trilogy, concludes by examining the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant. What was the Ark? What was its Purpose? and How did it work?

woensdag 7 november 2012


Last weak, I read a message out of the USA. Somebody had yelled, 'Hijack', inside a plane. The man was sentenced to life in prison. I could not believe my eyes, not that we don't have a class-justice in the Netherlands, if you throw something at our queen, you stay behind bars for years, but this was bizar.

The next day, I understood the article. In 27 states, judges use the “3-strike system.”, which means, that after two sentences, even a mild offense can lead to a sentence of “25 to life”. At this moment 150.000 inmates serve a life-sentence (of the 2 million+ prisoners inside) and the numbers are growing fast. Many State prisons are in some cases extremely overcrowded and violent. Gang wars go on, behind bars and attacks and assassinations are carefully planned.

This continuous thread, safety procedures are extremely strict and the prisonguards are well armed. Officers guarding the fences, have a license to kill, when riots break out.

Inmates can turn everything into a weapon. A toothbrush, a platic bag, but most off all metal. To give you an idea, what happens, we can look at “Pelican Bay”, an infamous prison, with a history of violence (in 2000 1 prisoner was shot and 19 wounded, during a massive fight, with about 100 casualties). Mexican gangmembers attacked the blacks. When the area was cleared dozens of home-made knives were found. So when a razorblade is missing, the prison is on high alert. All prisoners are removed from their cells (832 cells, 2 or more inmates per cell) and dozen of officers search each cell for potential weapons. After hours, an officer calls out. “I found the razorblade!” When the camera zooms in, it is obvious, that this is NOT a razorblade. It's a small piece of metal (alluminum), which can, after many hours, been turned in to a sharp object. It's a kind of tunnelvision. The guards, too attribute to the violence and aggression. Because the real weapons are the prisoners themselves. They train a lot, flock together by race or gang and start conspiring. What else can you expect, if you know that you will spend your life behind bars. Can make you quite desperate.


The name “Moses” is Egyptian and it means “son of” and we find it in names of Egyptian pharaohs like Rameses and Tutmoses. Moses was a renegade prince,who fled Egypt after killing a supervisor of Jewish laborors. They worked as slaves on the city of Piramses, build by Ramses II, the Great. He escaped the wrath of the pharaoh and went to the country of “Midjan” (across the “Gulf of Eilat or the “Arig al-Aqaba” in, now, Saudi-Arabia).

After Jaweh presents himself to Moses, he returns to liberate his people (the Jews). They lived in the North of the delta for a few generations, after fleeing Kanaan because of a draught. Josef welcomed them and gave his tribe access to the wealth of the country along the Nile. After Jozef's death and changes in Egypt's leadership the hospitality faded and the Jews worked as slave-laborers to build the new capital of Ramses II. This places the Exodus, according to historians, around 1200 BC.

Some say that the Jews were kicked out of Egypt, because the local people envied their wealth and feared their secluviness. Next the fleeing Jews are saved from the forces of the Pharaoh, because the waters of the Red Sea part and the Jews escape. The charriots of Ramses disappear into the returning waters, killing most of the soldiers.

But is this correct (geographical)? First it seems quite illogical, that the future Israelites crossed the Red Sea. They lived in the North and they had to leave Egyptian territory, by following the route Moses knew, the road to Midjan (Midian), that led out of the pharaonic Empire. That would also explain, the signs the fugitives saw. Clouds/smoke during daytime and fire at night, that showed the way. According to Ron Wyatt (Biblical archeologist) the Jews marched towards the “Gabal al-Laur”, an active volcano. In Saudi-Arabia. The parting of the sea took place in the “Gulf of Eilat”, before they reached the safety of Midjan.

But why did Ramses send his elite-soldiers after the Jews. The story goes, that Moses stole an ancient piece of technology, that belonged to the Egyptian rulers. With this technology Moses was able to part the Harig al-Aqaba and “closing” the waters, when the Egyptian army followed the Jews into Midlan. Ron Wyatt had unearthed a number of wheels and bronze ornaments, belonging to Egyptian charriots. Ramses was defeated and after Moses received the Ten Commandments, they went North on their journey of 40 years to the Holy Land. You ask: “What happened to the mysterious weapon, Moses stole?” Moses had made a special box for this “wonder-weapon” and he called it “the Ark of the Covenant”. 

"Did God have a Wife?"



dinsdag 6 november 2012




In 1514 the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis made a map of the world. He wrote, on the document, that this map was a compilation of about 20 older maps. Some suggested, that these maps dated from the time of Alexander the Great, or even before that period. What makes this map extra special, is the fact, that it shows South-America (the West) in detail, even though this coasts were not yet discovered or mapped. Also Antarctica is represented, but as a landmass, something our scientists discovered in the second half of the 20th century. Modern cartographers studied the map (and others) and concluded, that by designing the map, the Gizeh-plateau was taken as the centre of projection.

In a recently discovered tunnel-system in Equador, excavators found more than 300 artifacts. One of them was a oval bassalt stone, with a small, white granite band, around it. After closer inspection, the archeologists concluded, that it was a map of the world! A kind of sketch, that also depicting an island in the Atlantic Ocean, now gone. Proof for the existance of Atlantis? Europa, the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa can easily be recognized. You may say that the carvings are vague and maybe natural. Definitely no. On two spots the granite is carved out and shining eyes are placed there. One in Ecuador and one on the Gizeh-plateau.

For thousands of years the 3 pyramids (and many other structures) and the famous Sphinx have resisted the sandstorms and the burning sun. Though partially stripped, they still show the architectual mastery of the ancient Egyptians. But there is more.

The pyramids form a star-constellation on earth (Orion), the Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned (North-South, East-West) and its location is exactly in the middle of (European, Asian and African landmasses) our planet. A remarcable location, a center of ley-lines and the earth-grid, but not for a funeral. The Great pyramid supposedly contains a sarcophagus of pharao Chufru (Cheops). But there is no lid and no inscriptions, not on the sarcophacus, nor on the walls. The King's chambre was never used for a burial. Maybe the pyramids were used for regulating the air-traffic (spiritual) and guiding the explorers on the 7 seas.


Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past

 Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, the film focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance. Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future.

Born Polluted - Nepal


Seven Wonders of the Microbe World



In the 18th century a tulip-bulb could cost you 6 to 7000 guilders. An amount of money, you could buy a nice house for. This was at the end of a period of speculation and collective greed. The market-value exceeded the intrinsic value of the product many times.

The market collapsed, the bubble exploded and many people did loose a lot of money. The same happened in England, where the stock of railway-companies only seemed to rise. When the railway-stocks crashed, many investors, especially the private one, remained empty handed.

Economy is filled with bubbles. In the last century bio-technology was hot. New companies drew lots of eager investors, who all expected big profits. Everything went well, untill the results were meager and the money went elsewhere.

The Western economy is in crisis, because in 2008 the next bubble exploded; the house- and real estate market collapsed. Speculation and a belief in eternal growth had driven prices through the ceiling. On the other hand houses, appartments and office-buildings became unaffordable for the general public or stayed empty because of the stagnating economy. Banks and investors are in very big trouble, so are private owners. Prices are going down. This means for house-owners, that their mortgage is actual higher, than the market value.

Banks and investors will have to take enormous losses. The property they own is sometimes even worth nothing (a brandnew airport, that is never used). A small Dutch bank is slowly going under, because the estate-division is bankrupt.

But the next bubble is about to burst. It's called: the dot.com-bubble. In recent years dot.com-companies, like Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google and many, many more, have made a colossal amount of money, while delivering a “virtual reality”, which experts predict, is losing (economic) ground. While almost everybody is expecting the dot.com-bubble to inflate, the next one is gaining momentum. When you want to make money in the nearby fruture, you have to invest “green”. If you want to keep the money, you have “to leave the building” at the right moment.

Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification

This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.

maandag 5 november 2012

Solid Scientific Evidence We Are Headed For A Pole Shift! (FULL LENGTH) [Video]

Solid Scientific Evidence We Are Headed For A Pole Shift! (FULL LENGTH) [Video]

Ancient Advanced Pre 10,000 B.c Civilization [Video]

Ancient Advanced Pre 10,000 B.c Civilization [Video]
People & Power - America's prison problem
The US locks up more people than any other country in the world, spending over $80bn each year to keep some two million prisoners behind bars. Over the past three decades, tough sentencing laws have contributed to a doubling of the country's prison population, with laws like the 'Three Strikes and You're Out' mandating life sentences for a wide range of crimes.

BBC - Supernatural Science - Previous Lives


Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions[1] and is a belief that was held by such historic figures as Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates. It is also a common belief of pagan religions such as Druidism, Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.[2]

Super Natural Science: Secrets of Levitation

Levitation has been reported for more than a century. Recently, forensic scientists have begun to develop a compelling explanation for this phenomenon. Is it real? Can science show that levitation could have a future?

What Are Economic Bubbles? - The dot.com Bubble



The New York Stock Echange (owner of rhe Amsterdam SE) has been caught in the act. The act of fraud, bigtime.

What did they do. Traders react when the data, they use, fluctuate. The faster you react, the more you possibly gain (and others loose).

The NYSE offered special clients a view “into the future”. They received the actual data about 4 seconds before regulars traders received them. That does not seem much, but because trading is highly computerized, several hundreds of transactions can be made, with this foreknowledge. This story surfaced about september 2012 and it is only scratching ther surface. Computerized trading, uses algorithms to make choises to sell or buy, and touches all trading, of which 40% is completely automated. Real money-machines. But algorithms are getting increasingly complicated and have a tendency towards chaos. In one case 80% of a company's liquidity, evaporated in a couple of seconds. There is more to come, but it is time to occupy Wallstreet and bring the fraud and the lies into the open. It's not that strange, that bankers and investment-managers earn hundreds of millions. They are payed to cover up this mess.

In Holland there once was a (and is) State Lottery. Sounds safe and they advertized, that a big percentage of the incoming money, payed for by the participants, would be divided among them, by chance. The Management of the State Lottery used a very profitable algorithm. Tickets, who were not sold (sometimes millions) were not taken out, but still could be “a lucky number”. In that case, the owners, the State Lottery, cashed the price. That's not a lottery, but it is pure (State) fraud! It reminds me of a political meeting, where also a lottery was held (socialist and ufological books and pamflets). Not all tickets were sold, the organization had expected much more visitors. The owner of the pub bought the remaining ones and won most of the prices.

zondag 4 november 2012

Max Keiser: 'NYSE Wealth Confiscation Scheme' [Jim Rickards © KeiserReport] [Video]

Max Keiser: 'NYSE Wealth Confiscation Scheme' [Jim Rickards © KeiserReport] [Video]


Houses explode, fighter-jets almost touching the buildings, a city in ruins, in which hundreds of kids and young men, hide. Where are they hiding for? They are hiding for enormous “alien-looking” bulldozers, colossal tanks, armored cars and lots of military and police. When the youth have a chance, they sling stones or even sand at this army, who are destroying their country and future. A 7-year old boy is chased by 5 police-officers and finally caught, arrested and dragged back to a patrol-car. This goes on till dawn. People get hurt and people get shot, every day.

This is just a day in a life in the Gaza-strip (or the Golan-heights, Westbank and Southern Lebanon and even Syria). When evening falls desperados shoot rockets across the border. The streets are filled with people and they carry around green flags . In the central market place thousands of people gather. The air fills with songs of hate, hate against the Jews, hate against the state of Israel. Preachers, teachers and speakers fill the heads of the young with hatred , martyrdom and a brilliant future. People get extatic and as in a trance, start dancing and shouting. They promise their leaders to march to Jerusalem. This ritual is happening almost every evening. During the day-time the young start gathering, which leads to accumulating anger, throwing stones and tanks chasing teenagers down the sandy streets. Both rituals go on for years now. But David does not have a chance against a modern-day Goliath. Slowly, step bij step, the world of the Palestinians is shrinking, the pressure is rising and the local tensions will soon explode. The theological and geo-political indoctrination, on both sides, has lead to a complete standstill in local development (mental). For some youngsters martyrdom is an option, especially if your family will be well looked after. Israel is feeling more and more threatened. They have nuclear bombs and will use them, when they think it is necessary. Netanjahu, the Israelian prime-minister, is warning for Iran's nuclear threat.

Is this threat real? It has all to do with ancient, religious prophesy. For the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims the city of Jerusalem is the most important place on Earth. The Jews are expecting their Messiah in the Holy City, so do the Christians. The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ is predicted to happen in the Area. At the same time, many Muslims are expecting the coming of the Imam Mahdi, the 12th spiritual leader of Islam. His headquarters will be in Jerusalem and he will convert (or destroy) all non-believers and found a global Califathe.

So underlying all the tensions in the Near- and Middle East are prophesies out of the three monotheistic religions. But the Jews have a problem. Before the arrival of the true Messiah (not Jesus), they have to rebuild the Temple of Solomon (for the third time). But from 700 till 1948 Muslims ruled Jerusalem (apart from the Crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem) and built “the Dome of the Rock”, the third holiest place in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Replacing this monument by the “The 3rd Temple”, would possibly start a Third World War. A war, which is prophesied and accept by Catholics and Protestants, as part of the Tribulation-period before the 2nd coming of Christs, asd described in Revelation. All fingers point and all roads lead to Jerusalem.

Ook drones kunnen gehacked worden

De Amerikaanse luchtmacht zet steeds meer ‘drones,’ onbemande vliegtuigjes, in voor spionagedoeleinden en andere militaire operaties in de ‘War on Terror,’ zoals missies om specifieke leiders van Al-Qaeda en andere terreurorganisaties te doden. Dat er met deze drones ook wel eens iets mis kan gaan, bleek in maart 2011 toen op een geheime luchtmachtbasis in het Afrikaanse Djibouti een Predator-drone plotseling zijn motor startte zonder enige menselijke tussenkomst, ook al was de ontsteking uitgeschakeld en waren de brandstofleidingen dicht. Technici concludeerden toen dat een virus de besturing van de drone had geïnfecteerd, zonder dat ze in staat waren de precieze oorzaak van het probleem aan te wijzen.
Sinds een jaar of vier is duidelijk dat ook de videobeelden die sommige drones van potentiële of daadwerkelijke doelwitten maken onderschept kunnen worden door kwaadwillenden. Deze beelden zijn in een groot aantal gevallen niet ‘encrypted’ (versleuteld), zodat ze relatief makkelijk door militante groeperingen ontvangen en bekeken kunnen worden. In 2008 werden videobeelden van drones aangetroffen op een laptop van shiitische militanten in Irak, die met behulp van een stukje software van 26 dollar de beelden hadden opgevangen.
Drones maken voor hun vluchten gebruik van GPS-gegevens. Ze kunnen in de problemen komen als de GPS-signalen in een bepaald gebied worden gestoord. Dat kan al worden gedaan met goedkope, commercieel verkrijgbare hardware. Iraanse functionarissen beweren dat zij het GPS-controlesignaal van een geavanceerde drone hebben gehacked, maar het is onmogelijk die claim te bevestigen.
Er zou een ongelooflijk slimme hacker voor nodig zijn om het commando over een Predator over te nemen. Toch kan niet worden uitgesloten dat dit ooit zal gebeuren.

Horizon Project Poltergeist (Missing Neutrinos)

This is the story of two genuine scientific heroes. For forty years, John Bahcall and Ray Davis were engaged in a single extraordinary experiment - to find out why the Sun shines. In the end they would triumph. Davis would win the Nobel Prize and, thanks to their work, a whole new theory about how the universe is put together may have to be created.

At the heart of this story is a tiny, utterly mysterious thing called a neutrino. Trillions of them pass through your body every second, touching nothing, leaving no trace. Yet neutrinos are one of a handful of fundamental particles in the universe, essential to every atom in existence and clues to what makes the Sun work. But their ghost-like quality made trapping and understanding them immensely difficult.

What then followed was a bizarre series of experiments. They led from a vat containing 600 tons of cleaning fluid, to a vast cavern in a Japanese mountain, to a hole in the ground in Canada two kilometres deep.

What they would reveal would stun the world of science. It seems that neutrinos may be our parents. They may be the reason why everything, including us, exists.

The Universe - Time Travel

Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, either sending objects (or in some cases just information) backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future without the need to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate).
Although time travel has been a common plot device in fiction since the 19th century, and one-way travel into the future is arguably possible given the phenomenon of time dilation based on velocity in the theory of special relativity (exemplified by the twin paradox), as well as gravitational time dilation in the theory of general relativity, it is currently unknown whether the laws of physics would allow backwards time travel. Any technological device, whether fictional or hypothetical, that is used to achieve time travel is commonly known as a time machine. Some interpretations of time travel also suggest that an attempt to travel backwards in time might take one to a parallel universe whose history would begin to diverge from the traveler's original history after the moment the traveler arrived in the past.

vrijdag 2 november 2012



Wat op dit moment duidelijk wordt t.a.v. een inkomensafhankelijke ziektekostenpremie, is vanaf 2010 al op de GGZ-patiënten uitgeprobeerd.

Deze, gemakkelijk te manipuleren en tiranniseren, groep werd geconfronteerd met “de eigen bijdrage”. Een eigen bijdrage voor de psychiater, opname, ambulante zorg en therapeutische activiteiten.

Met dat laatste werd een 40-jarige, gehuwde vrouw geconfronteerd.

Doordat het inkomen van haar man werd meegeteld, moest zij de volle mep betalen. 420 euro per maand! Waarvoor denkt U? Toegang tot een beauty-farm misschien. Nee. Twee dagdelen per week werkte zij op een tuincentrum van de GGZ. Ze leverde daar productie en is vooral lichamelijk bezig. Hiervoor wordt 50 euro per dagdeel in rekening gebracht als eigen bijdrage, 12 euro 50 per uur.

En nee, niemand die zegt:dit is oneerlijk en belachelijk. Ook de SP niet. Ambtenaren en politici laten dit allemaal passeren. Ze zijn de naam “volksvertegenwoordigers (m/v)” niet waardig en geen knip voor de neus waard.

Let me nog te vertellen, dat mevrouw gedwongen werd om te betalen. Het CAK is net als de Belastingdienst onverbiddelijk. De eerste rekening bedroeg iets meer dan 5700 euro. Binnen 14 dagen te betalen. Dat zij zich per direct als deelnemer uitschreef, terug naar de geraniums thuis, kunt U begrijpen.

Nu staat de politiek op zijn of haar achterste benen. Toen vanaf 2010 duizenden GGZ-clienten werden getroffen, zweeg men en stemde in.

Won't write on India anymore, Naipaul says

Won't write on India anymore, Naipaul says:

 V S Naipaul, the Nobel Laureate who has penned three books, two novels and "one essay as thick...