
woensdag 29 februari 2012

The Lost Gods: The Inca

The Lost Gods: The Inca - Watch Free Documentary Online - History Channel, Stephen Rooke, Christy Kenneally (presenter)

The Incas worshiped both a creator God and the sun, moon and stars.
Kenneally travels to the Peruvian Andes to explore the remnants of Incan civilization: the city of Pisac, which like all Incan cities was designed in the shape of a sacred animal; Cajamarca, where the Incan leader Atahualpa was murdered by the Spaniards; and the sacred mountaintop city of Machu Picchu.

dinsdag 28 februari 2012

Bloemen in de kunst hebben vaak een symbolische betekenis.

De roos staat voor de liefde,

 de witte lelie voor maagdelijkheid,

 de narcis voor ijdelheid

en de akelei is het symbool van de heilige geest.

maandag 27 februari 2012

Atlantis: End of a World, Birth of a Legend

Atlantis: End of a World, Birth of a Legend - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Michael Mosley, Ailsa Orr, Detlef Siebert, Tony Mitchell (director)

Historical drama telling the story of a devastating volcanic eruption on the Mediterranean island of Thera in 1620 BC, producing huge tsunamis that flooded Crete and led to the downfall of the Minoan civilisation - incidents that are thought to have inspired the legend of the lost island of Atlantis. Starring Stephanie Leonidas, Reece Ritchie and Langley Kirkwood.

Derren Brown Investigates: The Ghosthunter -

Derren Brown Investigates: The Ghosthunter - Watch Free Documentary Online - Channel 4, Derren Brown (presenter)

The illusionist explores the world of Lou Gentile, an American ghost hunter who claims to have evidence supporting the existence of the paranormal. Lou believes he can photograph and record messages from ghosts, and has been providing his professional services to clients for the past 20 years

Project 10:10:10 - Pill or Perception?

Project 10:10:10 - Pill or Perception? - Watch Free Documentary Online - Darren Manden, Theresa Grainger


Project 101010 interviews some of today's leading experts in the field of human consciousness and explores the question - Pill or Perception?... The message is about wellness and everyone's role they play in self-care and self-education.

zondag 26 februari 2012

The Muslim Jesus

The Muslim Jesus - Watch Free Documentary Online - Irshad Ashraf, Melvin Bragg (narrator)

A documentary about the Islamic Jesus – a man born of a virgin, and a man who performed miracles, but there was no crucifixion and no resurrection.
Yet there is a Second Coming, when he shall descend in the clouds as a Muslim to destroy the Jews and ‘the swine’.
The Muslim Jesus uses the Qur’an and other Islamic texts to explore the differing ways in which Christian and Muslim faiths both acknowledge Jesus.
Scholars, teachers, parents, rappers, poets and historians come together for the one hour special narrated by Melvin Bragg.
The differences between the Qur’an and Bible’s portrayal of Jesus are explored in detail, from the role of Mary and his death and resurrection, to the coming of the Anti-Christ.


zaterdag 25 februari 2012


Artist and writer Matt Collings takes the plunge into an alien world of equations. He asks top scientists to help him understand five of the most famous equations in science, talks to Stephen Hawking about his equation for black holes and comes face to face with a particle of anti-matter.

Along the way he discovers why Newton was right about those falling apples and how to make sense of E=mc2. As he gets to grips with these equations he wonders whether the concept of artistic beauty has any relevance to the world of physics.




Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries.


woensdag 22 februari 2012

What We Still Don’t Know? - Episode 3: Are We Real?

What We Still Don’t Know? - Episode 3: Are We Real? - Watch Free Documentary Online - Channel 4, David Malone


The Universe is still a place of mystery and wonder. As a cosmologist, I am exhilarated that we can make some progress towards tackling what seem very fundamental questions.
These programs focus on: Was there a beginning? Whether we are alone? What’s the future of the cosmos?
What is the nature of reality? With each advance, new questions come into sharper focus. The key issue is what we still don’t know.
Are We Real?
There is a fundamental chasm in our understanding of ourselves, the universe, and everything. To solve this, Sir Martin takes us on a mind-boggling journey through multiple universes to post-biological life. On the way we learn of the disturbing possibility that we could be the product of someone else’s experiment.



This fall California will vote on fully legalising cannabis. Fault Lines explores the implications for the economy, politicians and the criminal justice system.

Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief - Episode 1: Shadows of Doubt

Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief - Episode 1: Shadows of Doubt - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Richard Denton, Jonathan Miller (narrator)

Shadows of Doubt
Jonathan Miller visits the absent Twin Towers to consider the religious implications of 9/11 and meets Arthur Miller and the philosopher Colin McGinn. He searches for evidence of the first ‘unbelievers’ in Ancient Greece and examines some of the modern theories around why people have always tended to believe in mythology and magic.
So few representatives of atheism provide a compelling and earnest account for unbelief, let alone with the lucidity and intellectual vigor of Jonathan Miller. He is sincere and moving in this attempt to explain and understand the origins of the truth of disbelief of religious superstition and faith.

dinsdag 21 februari 2012

Future Affairs

Backlight's Future Affairs - Watch Free Documentary Online - VPRO, Backlight


What will be The World's Next Economic Super Model?

The Elegant Universe - Episode 3: Welcome to the 11th Dimension -

The Elegant Universe - Episode 3: Welcome to the 11th Dimension - Watch Free Documentary Online - PBS, Nova, Julia Cort, Joseph McMaster, Paula Apsell, David Hickman

Adapted from a provocative book by Brian Greene, this deeply engrossing documentary — which originally aired on PBS’s NOVA in three parts — attempts to explain the controversial string theory, a complicated scientific proposal that, in short, posits a single explanation for many of the universe’s mysteries. As affable an egghead as you’re likely to find, Greene engages an array of physicists in his examination of string theory, which in part blends Einstein’s theory of relativity with the complex laws governing quantum mechanics. Although mind-numbing technical terms are kept to a minimum, those of us not conversant with advanced physics might feel a bit lost at times.
Still, the subject is undeniably fascinating, and some of the conclusions are nothing short of mind-blowing: a reasoned, professional discussion of a universe encompassing 11 separate dimensions certainly calls Johnny Carson’s “I did not know that” to mind.

Lord of the Ants

Lord of the Ants - Watch Free Documentary Online - PBS, Nova, Melanie Wallace, Paula S. Apsell


Every so often a giant emerges on the stage of science, someone who transcends the narrow boundaries of a particular line of research and alters our perspective on the world. E.O. Wilson is such a man.
Ant expert E.O. Wilson has spent his career studying tiny creatures. Yet what sets him apart is his ability to step back and see the grand scheme of things. Newly appointed to Harvard, Wilson ignores charges by molecular biologists that his work with ants is mere “stamp-collecting.” He goes on to discover ants’ extraordinary means of communication, which opens up whole new areas of study.
Wilson realizes that the chemicals governing an ant’s behavior must have a genetic basis. Does this hold true for other animals, including humans? His answer, the 1975 book Sociobiology, unleashes a firestorm of controversy. As the controversy slowly dies down, Wilson turns his attention to a new crisis: the ongoing loss of biodiversity. In the Florida Keys, he undertakes a groundbreaking experiment that provides data critical to the new field of conservation biology.

maandag 20 februari 2012

The Kogi - From the Heart of the World - The Elder Brothers' Warning -

The Kogi - From the Heart of the World - The Elder Brothers' Warning - Watch Free Documentary Online - Alan Ereira (presenter)

David Icke, The Lizards and The Jews - Watch Free Documentary Online - The Secret Rulers of the World, Jon Ronson

David Icke, The Lizards and The Jews - Watch Free Documentary Online - The Secret Rulers of the World, Jon Ronson

Here Be Dragons - Watch Free Documentary Online - Brian Dunning

Here Be Dragons - Watch Free Documentary Online - Brian Dunning


Here Be Dragons is a free 40 minute video introduction to critical thinking. It is suitable for general audiences and is licensed for free distribution and public display. Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims without critique as they are promoted by the mass media.

Dragons offers a toolbox for recognizing and understanding the dangers of pseudoscience, and appreciation for the reality-based benefits offered by real science. Here Be Dragons is written and presented by Brian Dunning, host and producer of the Skeptoid podcast and author of Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena, and Executive Producer of The Skeptologists.

American Zombie

American Zombie - Watch Free Documentary Online - In-Ah Lee, Grace Lee (director)

zondag 19 februari 2012



Could you have come up with Einstein's theory of relativity? If not - why not?

This is what Marcus du Sautoy, professor of mathematics, wants to explore. Marcus readily admits that he is no genius, but wants to know if geniuses are just an extreme version of himself - or whether their brains are fundamentally different.


zaterdag 18 februari 2012

How TV Ruined Your Life - Episode 06: Knowledge

How TV Ruined Your Life - Episode 06: Knowledge - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Nick Vaughan-Smith, Annabel Jones, Charlie Brooker (presenter)

Charlie Brooker traces how the presentation of factual TV programmes has developed over the years, changing their focus from experts in spectacles to celebrity hosts. The Screenwipe satirist provides his thoughts on archive material including Danny Dyer's encounter with an alien, and supernatural activity involving famous faces

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

Living in the End Times According to Slavoj Zizek

Living in the End Times According to Slavoj Zizek - Watch Free Documentary Online - VPRO, Backlight, Mariska Schneider, Pepijn Boonstra

Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, akaThe Elvis of cultural theory, is given the floor to show of his polemic style and whirlwind-like performance. The Giant of Ljubljana is bombarded with clips of popular media images and quotes by modern-day thinkers revolving around four major issues: the economical crisis, environment, Afghanistan and the end of democracy. Zizek grabs the opportunity to ruthlessly criticize modern capitalism and to give his view on our common future.

We communists are back! is the closing remark of Slavoj Zižeks provocative performance. Our current capitalist system, that everyone believed would be smoothly spread around the globe, is untenable. We find ourselves on the brink of big problems that call for big solutions. Whatever is left of the left, has been hedged in by western liberal democracy and seems to lack the energy to come up with radical solutions. Not Zižek.



donderdag 16 februari 2012



In the year 2210, scientists uncover the ruins of a great civilization - so powerful one could argue it dwarfed anything that came before it. Sifting through the wreckage of cities overtaken by the desert and swallowed up by the sea, they piece together a remarkable story of collapse - the story of what on Earth happened to us.


Haku Zynkyoku Profile

  • - Has been using “伯壬旭” (Zynkyoku Haku) as a pseudonym since 1996.
  • - Founder of Shinmon-gaku, which is the study of aiming to reveal the secrets of man and the cosmos.
  • - Supreme Commander of the ZX Empire (pronounced [zaiks]) = The Fourth Reich; the core organization for undertaking the Research of Shinmongaku together with establishing a new era , and CEO of ZX Org. which suppports the ZX Empire.
  • - Broadcasting the “Talks by Zynkyoku Haku – the Supreme Commander” which you can watch on ZX Empire Official site every other week.
  • - Producer, actor, and executive director of the DVD expose “Ryujin-Rettou (The Dragon Archipelago: published in Summer 2006)” which exposes the mysteries of ancient Ryukyu islands, the conspiracy of the US and Chinese government against Japan as well as the countermeasures and our historical ignorance created by this long-term plot.
    (* DVD includes a bonus track with Zynkyoku Haku’s video message!)
  • - Developed a new sword martial art style “Susa Shinryu Maken” (literally the demonic sword martial art style derived from Susano-no-mikoto, the Japanese Shinto god), and teaches his style all over the country.
    - Books: “God of War and Peace Ⅰ – Secrets of ancient Israel and Japan”, “God of War and Peace Ⅱ – The Cosmic Plan hidden behind the ruin of The Great Japanese Empire” (now on sale), and etc.

    woensdag 15 februari 2012

    Cracking the Maya Code

    Cracking the Maya Code - Watch Free Documentary Online - PBS, Nova, Rosey Guthrie, David Lebrun

    This one-hour program is divided into five chapters. The Forgotten Maya Temples. In 1774, Spanish explorer Jose Calderon rediscovers the temples of Palenque and the ancient hieroglyphs of the Maya, a people whose culture was decimated by the Spanish conquistadors.
    A Hidden History. Toiling away in the basement of Harvard’s Peabody Museum, archeologist Tatiana Proskouriakoff discovers that Maya monuments contain a decipherable history rather than mere pictures and symbols.
    Political Roadblock. Working behind the Iron Curtain, Russian linguist Yuri Knorosov posits that Maya glyphs may represent sounds, but his ideas are discredited in the West.
    Child’s Play. David Stuart submits his first scholarly paper on glyphs at age 12 and later becomes a major player in Maya studies with his advances in script decipherment.
    Cultural Revelations. An image of the ancient Maya comes to life, and their descendants in modern-day Mexico and Central America begin to relearn their lost language and history.

    dinsdag 14 februari 2012

    Moraal uit een scanner

    NRT-recensie: Het morele landschap

    • Door: Taede Smedes - NRT-recensieteam

    In Het morele landschap richt Sam Harris zijn pijlen op religie en relativisme, in een poging een wetenschappelijk fundament voor de moraal te vinden. Overtuigen doet hij nauwelijks, en dat ligt niet alleen aan de Nederlandse vertaling.

    Wetenschap: gids in het morele landschap?
    De Amerikaanse filosoof Sam Harris werd op slag wereldberoemd door zijn boek The End of Faith (uit 2004, de Nederlandse vertaling met als titel Van God los verscheen in 2007 bij de Arbeiderspers), dat een genadeloze kritiek was op de redelijkheid van religieus geloof.
    In Het morele landschap, dat in 2010 in Amerika verscheen en nu in Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar is, gaat Harris verder op het spoor dat hij is ingeslagen, maar toch met een twist. Hij probeert enerzijds gelovigen een hak te zetten, die menen dat menselijke moraal slechts gebaseerd kan zijn op geopenbaarde waarheden. Tegelijkertijd richt hij zich op het culturele en morele relativisme dat vooral binnen de academische wereld gangbaar is en de impliciete claim behelst dat ieder moreel systeem cultuurgebonden is.

    Dit boek gaat niet over de evolutionaire wortels van de menselijke moraal, ofschoon Harris in de voetnoten soms uitstapjes maakt naar bijvoorbeeld het primatenonderzoek van Frans de Waal. Wat Harris wel doet, is echter moeilijk te zeggen. Soms lijkt het boek op een filosofisch betoog, maar daarvoor is het niet rigoureus genoeg. De achterflap suggereert dat het gaat om een boek over neurowetenschappen. En inderdaad zitten er, naar Harris’ eigen zeggen, delen in verwerkt van zijn dissertatie in de neurowetenschappen.
    Toch komen de neurowetenschappen veelal zijdelings ter sprake. Helaas lijkt het boek ook vaak een voortzetting van Harris’ eerdere atheïstische pamfletten: er is vrijwel geen enkele pagina waarop fundamentalistische moslims en christenen er niet stevig van langs krijgen, wat op den duur vermoeiend en afstompend werkt. Wél is het boek duidelijk een amalgaam van Harris’ essays die her en der verschenen zijn en die nu gebundeld zijn. Kortom: er zit heel weinig lijn en structuur in het boek, en dat maakt het dan ook lastig om samen te vatten.
    Weg met het is/ought-onderscheid
    De centrale stellingen van het boek staan in de eerste twee hoofdstukken. De eerste stelling is dat het traditionele, filosofische onderscheid tussen 'zijn' (is) en 'moeten' of 'behoren' (ought) een nonprobleem is. Dit onderscheid was al door de filosoof David Hume geformuleerd, en later nog eens door G.E. Moore aangescherpt tot wat vandaag de dag de 'naturalistische drogreden' wordt genoemd, en die behelst dat je geen ethische conclusie kunt trekken gebaseerd op een natuurlijke stand van zaken.

    Harris verwerpt het is/ought-onderscheid op basis van neurowetenschappelijk onderzoek. Hij beweert namelijk dat fMRI-studies laten zien dat wanneer mensen feitelijke claims en ethische claims waarderen, dat dan hun hersenen op precies dezelfde plekken oplichten. Harris trekt daaruit de conclusie dat de hersenen blijkbaar geen onderscheid maken tussen 'zijn' en 'behoren', en dat dit onderscheid derhalve als kunstmatig verworpen kan worden.
    De tweede stelling die Harris verdedigt, is dat hij meent na eeuwenlang filosofisch gebabbel, eindelijk het juiste begrip van 'het goede' op het spoor te zijn. Voor Harris is namelijk het goede niets minder dan het welzijn van bewuste wezens. Harris geeft daarbij direct toe dat welzijn net zo moeilijk definieerbaar is als bijvoorbeeld gezondheid. Maar toch, artsen hebben geen enkel probleem met de vaagheid van het begrip 'gezondheid' en dus zouden ethici ook niet wakker moeten liggen van de vaagheid van het begrip 'welzijn'.
    Voor Harris is de notie van het goede verbonden aan het idee van een 'moreel landschap', die een denkbeeldige ruimte is
    van werkelijke en mogelijke uitkomsten, waarbij de toppen corresponderen met de hoogtepunten van menselijk welzijn en de dalen het diepst mogelijke leed weergeven. Verschillende manieren van denken en handelen – verschillende culturele praktijken, ethische codes, regeringsvormen enzovoort – laten zich vertalen in bewegingen door dit landschap heen, en dus in verschillende gradaties van menselijk welzijn (16)
    De pieken in het landschap corresponderen met een hoog welzijn, de diepte van de dalen met pijn en leed. Aangezien Harris het onderscheid tussen feiten en waarden verwerpt, meent hij dat de pieken in het morele landschap corresponderen met feiten, dat wil zeggen met wijzen van denken en handelen die objectief beter zijn dan andere. Aangezien dit morele landschap dus over feitelijke standen van zaken gaat – dat is Harris’ derde stelling – is dit het terrein van de natuurwetenschappen, en dan met name van de neurowetenschappen. De natuurwetenschap kan ons zo helpen om erachter te komen wat we behoren te doen en behoren te willen. De ‘natuurwetenschap van de moraal’ zou het welzijn van bewuste wezens op het oog moeten hebben.

    In de overige hoofdstukken bespreekt Harris nog de relatie tussen geloven en niet-geloven, het fenomeen godsdienst en de banale moraliteit die daar in zijn ogen bij hoort, en het idee van morele progressie waar Harris ondanks alles in gelooft. Veel van die hoofdstukken zijn duidelijk opgebouwd uit verschillende teksten die Harris blijkbaar nog had liggen en die hij tot een boek heeft samengebracht. Ze hebben weinig tot niets met de drie centrale stellingen uit de eerste twee hoofdstukken te maken en zorgen ervoor dat het boek rommelig en ongestructureerd aandoet.

    Harris heeft een aantal controversiële stellingen op tafel gelegd. Iemand die ook maar een beetje filosofisch onderlegd is, zal echter direct concluderen dat dit boek niet overtuigt, mede door de weinig analytische aanpak. Harris’ stellingen vegen zo’n beetje alles wat de filosofiegeschiedenis heeft opgeleverd resoluut van tafel. En toch argumenteert Harris nauwelijks, maar stelt slechts retorische vragen. Het boek prikkelt, maar snijdt niet echt hout.

    Ik kan hier niet op de filosofische finesses ingaan, maar op internet zijn genoeg filosofische weerleggingen van Harris’ stellingen te vinden, bijvoorbeeld in de
    New York Review of Books, in de Wall Street Journal en de Guardian.
    Uiteindelijk is dit een boek dat ik niemand kan aanraden om te gaan lezen – en al helemaal niet in de Nederlandse vertaling, die erg stroef en formeel is. Sommige termen zijn gewoon fout vertaald (enkele voorbeelden: interests wordt vertaald als 'interesses' in plaats van 'belangen'; Bruce Hoods idee van supersense wordt onzinnig vertaald als 'bovengevoel'). Het boek is er onleesbaar door geworden. Het Engelse origineel leest luchtiger en vloeiender.
    Maar de doodsteek voor de Nederlandse vertaling is wel dat uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers wél de voetnoten heeft behouden, waarin afgekort naar allerlei literatuur wordt verwezen, maar zich verontschuldigt dat de lange bibliografie uit de Engelstalige editie niet kon worden overgenomen. Die beslissing vind ik onbegrijpelijk. Want wie dit boek dus echt wil bestuderen, zal dus het Engelse origineel moeten bemachtigen om te zien waar de verwijzingen op slaan. Iemand die dit boek dus echt wil bestuderen, doet er dan ook goed aan om de Nederlandse vertaling maar links te laten liggen.


    Astrospies - Watch Free Documentary Online - PBS, Nova, Melanie Wallace, Lisa Mirowitz, David Condon

    Discovering Psychology - Learning -

    Discovering Psychology - Episode 08: Learning - Watch Free Documentary Online - Michele Korf, Philip Zimbardo

    Prominent researchers — Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner — have greatly influenced today’s thinking about how learning takes place. This program examines the basic principles of classical and operant conditioning elaborated by these renowned figures. With Dr. Howard Rachlin of the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Dr. Robert Ader of the University of Rochester.

    We Love Cigarettes

    We Love Cigarettes - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Horizon

    A love of nicotine unites all peoples across the globe, regardless of colour, wealth or creed.
    Where religion and politics have failed tobacco has succeeded, but at what cost?
    For over 50 years people have been knowingly paying for the pleasure of tobacco with their lives, making man’s fatal tryst with the cigarette one of the strangest love affairs ever.
    But as smoking bans in the US and Europe abound, what is happening in poorer nations?
    Their love affair is still in its first flush – one third of the world’s cigarettes are smoked in China alone.
    And globally the tobacco industry is still worth $430 billion and going strong.

    Phantoms in the Brain

    Phantoms in the Brain - Episode 02 - Watch Free Documentary Online - Channel 4, Emma Crichton-Miller, Chris Rawlence (director)

    The writings of Oliver Sacks and others have shown us that we can learn much about ourselves by looking closely at the deficits shown by people with neurological problems. V.S. Ramachandran has seen countless patients suffering from anosognosia, phantom limb pain, blindsight, and other disorders, and he brings a remarkable mixture of clinical intuition and research savvy to bear on their problems.
    He is one of the few scientists who are able and willing to explore the personal, subjective ramifications of his work; he rehumanizes an often too-sterile field and captures the spirit of wonder so essential for true discovery.
    Phantoms in the Brain is equal parts medical mystery, scientific adventure, and philosophical speculation. Whether you’re curious about the workings of the brain, interested in alternatives to expensive, high-tech science (much of Ramachandran’s research is done with materials found around the home), or simply want a fresh perspective on the nature of human consciousness, you’ll find this to be an interesting documentary.

    maandag 13 februari 2012

    The Divided Brain

    The Divided Brain - Watch Free Documentary Online - Iain McGilchrist, RSA Animate

    Psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist explains how our 'divided brain' has profoundly altered human behaviour, culture and society.
    In a lecture titled 'The Divided brain' he explains that it isn't just "emotion on the right, reason on the left", but instead shows the real differences between the left and right halves of the human brain.

    zondag 12 februari 2012

    Massacre at Virginia Tech

    Massacre at Virginia Tech - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, This World, Jonathan Hacker, Mark Strong (narrator)

    This documentary details the story behind Cho Seung Hui, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech University, who committed a mass murder of 32 people and wounded 25 others in the shooting rampage which has come to be known as the Virginia Tech massacre. Cho killed himself after law enforcement officers breached the doors of the building where he had killed and injured the majority of his victims.
    Cho arrived in US at a young age with his family. He had a severe form of anxiety disorder known as selective mutism in middle school as well as depression. During Cho's last two years at Virginia Tech, several instances of his aberrant behavior, as well as plays and other writings he submitted contained references to violence, and caused concern among teachers and classmates.

    Fault Lines -Cyberwar -

    Fault Lines - S02E07 Cyberwar - Watch Free Documentary Online - Al Jazeera

    Is the US contributing to the militarisation of cyberspace? Cyberwar. A conflict without footsoldiers, guns, or missiles.Instead the attacks are launched by computer hackers. Digital spy rings. Information thieves. Cyberarmies of kids, criminals, terrorists - some backed by nation states.

    zaterdag 11 februari 2012

    Nuclear Secrets - Episode 02: Superspy

    Nuclear Secrets - Episode 02: Superspy - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Deborah Cadbury, Chris Bould, Sean Pertwee (narrator)

    The work of German refugee Klaus Fuchs, who was posted during World War Two to the high-security weapons lab where J Robert Oppenheimer and his scientific team were building the bombs later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Despite being under FBI surveillance, Fuchs smuggled a complete blueprint out of the building and passed it to the Russians - laying the foundations for the Cold War.


    vrijdag 10 februari 2012


    Hooligans: A Panorama Special - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Panorama, Jeff Wilkinson, Stephen Barrett (narrator)


    The shocking untold story of the 2006 World Cup – the mindless violence, the racism, the unseen riots and the running battles in German cities as the police tried to protect the hundreds of thousands of genuine fans who were attending the sporting extravaganza.
    Undercover cameras reveal the ugly face of the beautiful game and capture the true extent of England’s shame as hundreds of yobs sing, swear and scrap their way across Germany.

    Einstein's Equation Of Life and Death

    Einstein's Equation Of Life and Death - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Horizon, Johanna Gibbon, Aidan Laverty

    In the summer of 1939 Albert Einstein was on holiday in a small resort town on the tip of Long Island. His peaceful summer, however, was about to be shattered by a visit from an old friend and colleague from his years in Berlin. The visitor was the physicist Leo Szilard. He had come to tell Einstein that he feared the Nazis could soon be in possession of a terrible new weapon and that something had to be done.
    Szilard believed that recent scientific breakthroughs meant it was now possible to convert mass into energy. And that this could be used to make a bomb. If this were to happen, it would be a terrible realisation of the law of nature Einstein had discovered some 34 years earlier. September 1905 was Einstein’s ‘miracle year’. While working as a patents clerk in the Swiss capital Berne Einstein submitted a three-page supplement to his special theory of relativity, published earlier that year. In those pages he derived the most famous equation of all time; e=mc², energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.
    The equation showed that mass and energy were related and that one could, in theory, be transformed into the other. But because the speed of light squared is such a huge number, it meant that even a small amount of mass could potentially be converted into a huge amount of energy. Ever since the discovery of radioactivity in the late 19th century, scientists had realised that the atomic nucleus could contain a large amount of energy. Einstein’s revolutionary equation showed them, for the first time, just how much there was.

    donderdag 9 februari 2012



    Capitalism Is The Crisis

    Capitalism Is The Crisis - Watch Free Documentary Online - Michael Truscello


    The 2008 "financial crisis" in the United States was a systemic fraud in which the wealthy finance capitalists stole trillions of public dollars. No one was jailed for this crime, the largest theft of public money in history.
    Instead, the rich forced working people across the globe to pay for their "crisis" through punitive "austerity" programs that gutted public services and repealed workers' rights.
    Austerity was named "Word of the Year" for 2010.
    This documentary explains the nature of capitalist crisis, visits the protests against austerity measures, and recommends revolutionary paths for the future.

    Special attention is devoted to the crisis in Greece, the 2010 G20 Summit protest in Toronto, Canada, and the remarkable surge of solidarity in Madison, Wisconsin.

    It may be their crisis, but it's our problem.

    woensdag 8 februari 2012


    This documentary about stupidity tells us the history of the word "moron", the difference between stupid, moron, smart, intelligent, genius and questions the regular practice of classifying peoples intelligence through standardized IQ tests. Of course also Mr. Bush is examined in this report. A well educated guy who, nevertheless, acts in a completely dumb way -- or at least wants us to believe so.
    Albert Einstein said:
    "Only two things are infinite the universe and stupidity.
    and I am not sure about the former."




    dinsdag 7 februari 2012


    All around the globe there are monoliths and monuments from ancient civilizations erected to leave a marker of the relevance of their advanced history. These were also beacons and guidelines of the ancients who mapped out the stars with a precision that has not been equaled since.



