
maandag 20 januari 2014


The Nazis were helped by aliens, who later turned to the United States. This one of the latest leaked documents by Edgar Snowden. His first fraud, mistake or “leaked by his opponents in the NSA?”

How tell?

Hermann Oberth (1894-1989) was the founder of German rocket-technology and the brain, behind the V-1 and V-2 rockets. He immediately recognized the genius of Werner von Braun. Both had no problem working for the Nazis, and with them thousands of others, eager to prove their superiority.

Less know is the fact, that Hermann Oberth worded as (technical) producer for the movie “Die Frau im Mond” (1929). This futuristic production was direct Friedrich “Fritz” Lang (1880-1976),famous for an even more impressive “Metropolis”.
 “Die Frau im Mond” shows almost the same launching sequence Nasa used in the sixties. The count-down, added by Lang, to intensify that moment in the movies, is still in use.

That's not strange. Lang, Oberth and Werner von Braun ended up in America. Lang fled the Nazi-thread. Oberth and von Braun surrendered to the Americans, were transported (with hundreds of others) to the States

and continued their work, with the known results.

Remains the question? Were Lang, Oberth, von Braun and others aliens or were they time-travellers, desperately trying to go home.

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