
maandag 20 januari 2014

SiTU Global News


In Japan, 250 bottlenose dolphins await slaughter or captivity
Two bottlenosed dolphins at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, California on January 17, 2014. (Via AFP) 

LONDON: More than 250 bottlenose dolphins have been rounded up by Japanese fisherman to be slaughtered for meat or sold into captivity, animal conservationists are warning.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) said dolphins were corralled into the Taiji cove and held overnight as the town's controversial annual hunt was underway. It said one dolphin died in the process, and a rare young albino dolphin had been among those being held captive by the fishermen.

Number of skyscrapers up 318% in 13 years


MUMBAI: The 355-metre JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Tower 2 in Dubai was the tallest among the 73 buildings completed in 2013, described as the second-most successful year for skyscrapers by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH).

On Thursday, the Chicago-headquartered CTBUH released it annual tall building data research report on 200-metre-plus buildings completed across the world last year. No skyscraper in Mumbai figures in the list.

At 82-storeys, Dubai's JW Marriott was still only the 27th tallest building in the world. The 823-m Burj Khalifa (163 floors) completed in 2010 in Dubai retains the top spot globally.

Zware aardbeving in Nieuw-Zeeland

Een winkeleigenaar ruimt producten op na de aardbeving in Eketathuna in de regio Wairarapa. © afp update

Het Noordereiland van Nieuw-Zeeland is getroffen door een zware aardbeving met een kracht van 6.3 op de schaal van Richter. De schade lijkt volgens de eerste berichten mee te vallen.

Christchurch na de aardbeving van 22 februari 2011.

Christchurch na de aardbeving van 22 februari 2011. © reuters

Het epicentrum van de beving lag volgens de eerste berichten zo'n 10 kilometer ten noorden van het plaatsje Castlepoint, een klein plaatsje aan de Wairarapa kust. De schok was echter te voelen tot in de hoofdstad Wellington, zo hebben getuigen gezegd.

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