
vrijdag 24 januari 2014

january 25, 2014

Everything is connected.

Special attention to a “new” Discovery-series. “Weird or What”.

An interesting battle is fought here. The producers are desperately trying to debunk “paranormal phenomena”, especially powers used willfully by human “psychics”.

They do that by introducing weird scientists and professor, introducing all kind of “pseudo”-science, which is used by psychiatrists, psychologists and think-tanks to marginalize, criminalize and turn humans into psychiatric or medical files, to be managed by our alien Overlords.

See and learn.
I bring you knowledge. dM, SiTU

KOLKATA, INDIA: At 17, she had resisted an arranged marriage and left the city to seek an independent existence in faraway America. Three decades later, Chanda Zaveri Bhuwalka, 47, has returned to Kolkata to give something back to the city.

In Los Angeles, she has set up her company of skincare products and drugs. She fought and survived leukemia that had her confined to bed for months. Actiogen Corporation manufactures diabetic wound healing medicines in the US and is marketed across Asia. It is now set to be launched in Kolkata in partnership with local firms. It is a business move that will renew
Chanda's ties with the city.

New History of Humanity

Our history is not what we think

Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left out many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself.

TOP 10 UFO Government Wistleblowers Of All Time 2014 - HD Feature [Video]

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