
maandag 29 februari 2016


the SiTU Academy (introduction)

Laura shook her head to fight a certain dizzyness, when suddenly she was watching a scene, straight out of World War 2. In a cloud of dusk several vehicles were racing along an ancient desert track. The strike-force consisted of some tanks, trucks, motorbikes, and armored cars, towing anti-aircraft guns. In front drove a British jeep, painted over with several swastikas.

Again a change of focus. She was sitting next to the driver. A young soldier, who had to fight the wheel several times. The trail was hardly visible and on some spots almost disappeared. He almost looked like a boy-scout. He wore boots, khaki trousers and a seaty shirt. His face though was that of a grown-up; hardened and concentrated.

Next to him, sat an equally dressed officer. The only difference was the Iron Cross on the officer's chest, and of course of course the maps het studied, while pointing directions to the driver.

Welcome to the World of Cards.”, a familiar sound. It was the voice of the Master. “You are doing well. You are experiencing a learning sequence, which is part of running project. Remember, the card has chosen it for you. You are looking through the eyes of Heinrich von Neustadt (an alias), captain operating in the Afrika-korps, Erwin Rommel's elite-unit, that almost swept away the British forces in Egypt and would have driven the Allies out of Northern-Africa.

Heinrich and his task-force are on a special mission. For a lot of gold, stolen from the Jews in Northern-Africa, Intelligence had obtained an ancient Bedouin-map of an ancient secret trail in the southern desert, the route led straight to the south-entrance of the Suez-canal. The Allied forces were concentrated in the North to face Rommel's attacks at El Alamein. If the map is genuine, the resistance would be taken by surprise and Germany ruled over the Suez-canal.

The next step in the sequence is “being” the captain. You will experience his emotions, motivation and combat-abilities. That is reserved for the second lesson, The card will show you the way. I will watch and record the process. You don't have to be afraid. For now, the card will disconnect and analyse the incoming data. Put it in a special place and go to sleep. You should be tired.”

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