
vrijdag 28 december 2018

SiTU MONKEY MEMO: daily update

Walt Disney made a movie about “lemmingen”, small rodents living in Northern Slandinavia. The underlying message: overpopulation leads to collective suicide.

Shown were the desperate animals, who jump from the rocks and into the sea; towards a certain death by drowning.

It was completely fake and staged. Members of the crew caught as many “lemmingen”, they could. Later they were released and chased, until they, terrorised, jumped of the cliff. They even had boats, lying in waiting, to film the fall, splash into the icy waters and the drowning of them.

Not as dramatic, but also with a hidden message and completely fake and staged, is

the following documentary. It supports the theory of “cargo cult” . Aliens arrived on earth and were considered, by primitive humans, to be gods. When the aliens left, many promising to return, the humans developed rituals, ceremonies and build temples and pyramids, to honour the Gods and pledge for their support and return.
Cargo cult in modern software development

Cargo-cult” was an interesting concept, because it was practised into modern times. Tribes in (Papua-)New Guinea build aeroplanes to honour he “Gods”, in the form of American military and especially the planes, completely new to the locals, and the enormous amount of cargo they transported. This meant work, trade and wealth to an otherwise stable stone-age community.

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