
vrijdag 29 november 2013


Giants did exist in early times. no questions about that. The Bible mentions giants, many myths report about them (Titans) and the great Pharaoh Ramses II hired giants from Sardenia as bodyguards and many future rulers (Charlemagne, Frederick the Great and Napoleon) had elite-regiments of giant-warriors, 7 feet tall or more.

Extreme skeletons have been found on Malta, in India and North-America. But it is all a matter of perspective and relativity. The average height of a soldier in a Medieval War, was about 5 feet. About the same length used as a minimum for US-soldiers, that joined World War 1 (1917).

The average-height of a Dutch-soldier at the moment is about 6 feet and rising. The average height of a Taliban-warrior is several centimeters less. Colonial officers are chosen for their height and posture. Giants.

Another aspect of gigantism is the influence of radiation, gravity, planetary positions, oxygen-content, air-pressure etc..

In laboratories atmospheric conditions have been manipulated. The result: fish and tomatoes grew to extreme proportions and lived/produced much longer. Atmospheric conditions (Ice-age) and planetary-circumstances (polar-shift, change axis) differ. There are periods in our history, when horses, sable-tooth tigers, reptiles and butterflies (and the rest of nature) were enormous. So were the humans, who had to survive these episodes and who would live much longer, than nowadays.

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