Now-a-robot-boy-to-help-humans-with-everyday-tasks: The research team is developing radical artificial 'tendons' to help the robot move.
Spion kroop voor zijn dood toch zélf in tas
De mysterieuze dood van een Britse topspion lijkt te zijn opgehelderd. Gareth Williams werd in 2010 naakt in een sporttas in zijn badkuip gevonden. Onderzoekers gingen ervan uit dat hij was vermoord. Nu concluderen zij dat de geheim agent zichzelf in de tas moet hebben opgesloten.
Heel Groot-Brittannië brak zich het hoofd over de vraag hoe de 31-jarige Williams in de tas was terechtgekomen. In het appartement werden nauwelijks afdrukken of haren gevonden. Wel lagen zijn mobiele telefoon en een paar simkaarten keurig in zijn woning uitgestald. De gsm bevatte een filmpje waarin te zien was hoe Williams met alleen leren laarzen aan voor de camera stond. Zijn computer bevatte foto's van travestieten en in zijn flat lag voor 30.000 euro aan dameskleding en -schoenen. Enkele dagen voor zijn dood bezocht de spion websites over claustrofilie, een verlangen naar afgesloten ruimtes. Scotland Yard had Williams privéleven binnenstebuiten gekeerd. Maar het leverde weinig op.
In de hoop Williams dood op te helderen trommelde justitie een yoga-leraar op. De man stapte in de sporttas maar na veel wringen, wurmen, zwoegen en zweten gaf hij op. Het lukte hem niet om eigenhandig in de tas te komen en de rits te sluiten. 'De tas met het lichaam moet door iemand in het bad zijn geplaatst,' concludeerde lijkschouwer Fiona Wilcox. 'Ik ben bang dat zijn dood nooit wordt opgehelderd.'
How All Of Society Is Under Mind Control Dr. Patrick Flanagan W/ Jeff Rense [Video]
Dr. Flanagan has openly invited stringent scrutiny of his research and discoveries by the medical and scientific communities. The seeds of this effort are blossoming at an exponential rate as the scientific community is validating and embracing his extraordinary contributions. Academics and researchers at universities from Oxford to Stanford are beginning to study Dr. Flanagan's breakthrough discoveries and teach them to Scientists of the future.
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Morgellons Presentation (Potent News Blast #10) [Video]
As many of us now know, a vast amount of airplanes are currently spraying most of the Earth's population with aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. Less discussed components of the spray programs include lab-created synthetic life-forms and other biological materials such as red blood cells, fungus, and self-replicating nano-fibers. Massive and diverse geo-engineering operations are indeed occurring. Moreover, a peculiar syndrome called Morgellons has emerged and has now been linked to these eugenics/transhumanist operations.While this is alarming, humanity should at some point face the ugly details of this dilemma. This is an agenda partly involving a nano-technology infestation in our bodies. Potent News Blast #10 seeks to shed some light on this often neglected issue
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World's longest bullet train line starts in China
World's longest bullet train line starts in China: China started service Wednesday on the world's longest high-speed rail route, the latest milestone in the country's rapid...
When you ask a friend, “What do you know of ancient stone-structures.” He will immediately start talking about Stonehenge and the mysteries of the Gizeh-plateau. This seems a natural and logical answer. In the last decennia many of these “anomalies” and mysteries have been explored and explained. Other, who had escaped discovery for thousands of years, simply emerged, were suddenly recognized, the Bosnian and Chinese pyramids f.i., excavated, like Arkaim in the Caucasus or discovered while diving, like Yonaguni, a mysterious underwater structure over 10.000 years old or the Bimini-road.
Our world is covered with mysterious ancient stone-structures. The Maya's built thousands of pyramids and temples and so did many American tribe. They also dug miles-long tunnels through the mountains and used them as hiding-places for their gold and silver or religious artifacts. Many archeolgists are in fact treasure-hunters, like the Conquestadores from Spain. But tunnels and underground complexes are found. Trouble is, that much of the tunnelsystem is flooded and is only accesable, untill now, by divers. Some get lost, never to return.
But ancient stone structures exist, which are much easier found and accessable, we totally ignore. They are hiding in plain sight and they control and dominate us. I am talking about cities.
A city is an organism and the older and bigger it becomes, the organism grows and becomes more and more complex. Main goal of this organism is to survive and outlive other cities, which it sees as rivals. A city is proud and vain, so it stimulates and activates it citizens to build beautiful palaces, temples of any domination, whatsoever, roads to move the military and trade. The city wanted to be a center of the world and political, military and governmental powers were centralized there. The city wanted to be the centre of religous and spiritual power. Many beautiful churches and domes were build in Europe till the late 1900's.
These accumulation of power, wealth and pride led to feelings of superiority, which led to clashes and warfare between competing city-states. When you live in a city and you want to break free; you have to study your past. To begin with.
December 16, 2012 - After all the weird coincidences with the Colorado Movie Theater "incident" and Batman... now check this one out.
In this movie scene (1:58 into the movie) from Dark Knight Rises, "Sandy Hook" is about the only legible text on the whole map (look left of the walkie talkie in the screenshot above), and a guy puts his fingers on it.
Someone says the dialogue at this point is "There are no coincidences.". But we haven't verified that, yet.
Allegedly the Illuminati code of conduct mandates that they must place warnings of upcoming events. They don't have to be particularly clear, but they must be there.
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In this movie scene (1:58 into the movie) from Dark Knight Rises, "Sandy Hook" is about the only legible text on the whole map (look left of the walkie talkie in the screenshot above), and a guy puts his fingers on it.
Someone says the dialogue at this point is "There are no coincidences.". But we haven't verified that, yet.
Allegedly the Illuminati code of conduct mandates that they must place warnings of upcoming events. They don't have to be particularly clear, but they must be there.
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Everything old will be presented as new. That's one of the aspects to be reckoned with after the end (and restart) of the Mayan Calender. Music, art, fashion and work will rerout towards the past. It's a path towards liberation if we want it; but it will be a path of doom and slavery, if we let the “Masters of Fear” (and ignorance) have their way and we wake up in a totalaterian global system and you have to put on your uniform. Both possibilities are still open, though I think that liberation and feasting over new paradigms will prevail. John Lennon is in the air again. Just listen en enforce the field, that is active at the moment. All kinds of energypatterns are cleaning your mind and waking you up. Slow down and concentrate on that wave and try to stay (!) part of it. When this has happened, you will enjoy it. But don't over do it, be quiet. You just have obtained almost magical knowledge. But it is only the beginning. Better to read a book now, than to talk with a friend. You better sit back and watch. When you do this in a meditative way, you will see the connections (literally) around you. Stick to that, otherwise you will fly away. The power of the field can take you up and drop you far away. You will get lost and will have “muchos problemos”. Problem is, that there are many people who cannot see or feel the force-field around them or ignore and bagatellised it. But there are people that do see these interactions and dependencies. They even manipulate the field, to control people and make them fearful and full of rage and anger. As a individual, but also as a group.
The commercial media companies deliberately shower us with war, destruction, killings, battles and dangerous sports, just to create “the global, universal” He-man. In a way they created a monster. To have some kind of identity, people en-act movie-scenes or get inspired by war-games and Batman-movies. I call this the worst form of child-abuse ever and it will go on, because respectable business-man and coorporations make millions and we suffer braindamage.
My advice. Make free your mind and ban this destructive (material and spiritual) input out of your life. Start downgrading and go back to basics. What do you need, when everething old will be as new again. Turn to and connect with nature. A good place to start, when you can find any.
Flying Monsters
If there is one place on earth that could be home to a prehistoric flying monster, it is Papua New Guinea. These islands to the north of Australia are the closest thing to a real "lost world" and eyewitnesses here claim that a terrifying monster is circling above them. Natives call this creature the "Demon Flyer," but its twenty-foot wingspan, grey leathery skin and crested head appear to be only one thing--a living pterosaurs.
Waarom was dit uitsluitend mogelijk in Nederland? Omdat je hier nog een joint kunt roken, zonder door de politie of anderszins te worden lastig gevallen.
John Lennon- Give Peace A Chance
John Lennon- Give Peace A Chance
Het is dus nog steeds mogelijk, dat, in ons overvolle landje, een stoffelijk overschot, 9 (negen) dagen in een weiland ligt. Om door een jager te worden gevonden.
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