
vrijdag 6 november 2015

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor situ harns

Master: “Of course God created Man and Woman, like he created sex-differences in animals, trees and plants. God is a creator of dualities. Heaven and Earth, Light and darkess and bulls and cows. Sexual procreation is the driving force of God's universe.

On this terrain, there are hardly any problems (except when we kill all the cows), except amongst people.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor elohim

Did this has to do with Lilith, Adam's first wife, who refused to submit to his sexual differences. Lilith disappeared into mythology and Eve was born.

God already ruled over a race of androgynous entities, called the Angels. Their only task was to praise God. Some higher in rank, were called Archangels. The Bible and the Quran mentions some of them: Uriel, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer.

The latter was a perfect Angel, in the eyes of God. An Islamic story describes the fall of the Lightbearer. He refuses to bow for Adam and after heavy fighting, Lucifer, further called Satan, and supporting angels were thrown out of the heavenly realm. To land on Earth I suppose.

The Bible mentions 200 fallen angels, the Elohim (sons of God) landed on Mount Hebron. They fell in love with human women, who gave brth to offspring; the Nephilim. These were the giants, men of reknown, who began dominating this part of the world.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor elohim

This culminated in the days of Noah and God decided to cleanse the planet with water. This is called the Great Flood. The plan failed, not all the giants, the Ephraim, drowned. When the Israelites' exodus came to an end and they entered the Holy Land, they found out that there lived giants in the land and they reigned over historical cities like Petra.

After an epic struggle, the Jewish tribes were succesfull and the giants were exterminated. All? I don't think so, just like after the Flood some giants survived and fled to the four corners of the Earth (Albion, Patagonia) or hid in caves and mountains of “Middle-Earth”.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor elohim

With this I want to introduce a certain timeline and the acting forces in the last 15.000 years.

In Hebrew, the book in Genesis names “elohim” as creator, better creators, because this word plural and used in the male and female sense. The wandering tribes commited themselves to Jehovah Elohim. But he is NOT God, in the sense of allknowing and allpowerful. If such a God exists it is probably a renegade machine.

200 of the elohim (angels and archangels) came to earth and bound themselves by oath, to break God's rule and interfere with our planet. It were these fallen angels, who tought us agriculture, writing, the art of seduction with perfume and bodypaint. Mettalurgy and warfare were gifts of the Gods too.These Fallen Angels (Watchers) were banned from Heaven and the entrance was blocked.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor elohim

These fallen ones lusted after the mortal women on Earth. They married many of them and produced off-spring, called the Nephilim. These were sometimes literal giants, but the offspring was alwso very intelligent and had special powers (healing, talking to animals, magical).

They dominated humans and even performed experiments of them and animals. In short, a lot of genetical experiments went on, witch resulted in centaurs, minotaurs, sphinxes, phoenixes, giants, cyclopses, flying horses and dinosaurs.

Heaven interfered. Like it interfered in Babylon.

The whole earth was flooded. The waters rose higher than the mountaintops, killing all life, except Noah, his wife, 3 sons with their wifes.

They were destined to re-populate the planet. Noah and his companions were of pure human stock and with DNA the Nephilim had not messed with. In the Ark “all” types of animals were gathered for the same purpose.

Of course, the gods and goddesses were disturbed, had to flee (to the Moon) or were covered in the tunnels, they hid. They cannot die, these are still angels, elohim and immortal.

The Nephilim were not. Over 4000.000 giants drowned in the Great Flood. But some survived, as did some bio-engineerd life-forms. In the years after the Flood, they were hunted down and killed, where-ever human “heroes” could find them. Fairy-tales and folklore, all over the world, contain these, related, tales.

Nowadays stories about giants and dragons, are considered fantasy, that is a treasure-shrine for directors and producers of fantasy-, occult-, horror- and sf-movies and videogames.

Still I am doubtfull. Humans over 7 feet tall are quite common. Volleyball and basketball cannot do without them. Some reach a heigth of 8 or 9 feet. And not only male, female as well. And the average height is rising, especially around here, North-West Europe.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor elohim

Humans are growing taller and are living longer. But it will take quite some time, before giants will be born. Tall humans are no giants, in the literal sense. Giants appear from other dimensions, other worlds. If they, and all the other entities, gain access to this world; bizarre things will happen. Like, literally, living in a, deadly, fairy-tale.

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