Student: “Master, Christmas is in the air. The internet is filled with foolish Sales!”
Master: “Have you any idea, what we are celebrating in december”
Student: “We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The world is divided into 2 historical periodes: before or after Christ, from that moment onwards.”
Master: “I am glad you remember that. What do you know of Herod the Great?
Student: “He ordered the “slaughtering of the innocent children. Every child under 2 years of age were murdered by his troops. In and around Bethlemen, in a desperate attempt to kill the new-born Messias. But Josef was warned by an angel and were ordered to flee Bethlehem and escape to Egypt. Herod failed and Jesus lived to fulfill his destiny. He died, 33 years old, in Jerusalem, on a wooden cross. We celebrate this event on Easter.”
Master: “Being exact, does not mean that you are correct. You must agree, that Herod the Great still reigned over Judea, when Jesus was born. What we know from the temporary historian Josephus, who also notes Jesus' crucifixion in his “Antiquities”, is the fact that Herod died in a terrible and slow way. He organised his own funeral on a carefully located landmark. His death is recorded: 4 years Before Christ. What does that mean?”
Student: “It means, that Jesus was at least 4 years older, when he died in the Holy City.”
Master: “In the period of birth it was winter and bittercold. It was quite unlikely, that the shepperds camped in the open. The dates of Christmas have much to do with pagan sunworship.”
Student: “What is real in this story, Master?”
Master: “ Real? Real till this day?
That is Jesus; no doubt about that.”
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