
woensdag 27 februari 2019

AMBULANT, een toekomstvisie

Het was zijn gebruikelijke gang. Twee maal per week diende hij zich in de Stadskliniek te melden. Zijn bloed werd er geprikt en eventueel lichamelijk onderzoek gedaan. Ook kreeg hij dan de pillen voor de komende dagen uitgereikt. Dat was al een oude maatregel. Om zijn vrijwilligerswerk te kunnen behouden, moest hij medicijnen gebruiken. In vorige eeuw was er een ware suïcide-hype losgebroken toen de kennis van pilgebruik via Internet beschikbaar kwam en duidelijk werd dat met slechts weinig officiële pillen, ontzettend veel ellende kon worden aangericht. Daardoor werden er slechts zeer beperkte hoeveelheid pillen verstrekt. Enkele kennissen moesten zelfs dagelijks verschij­nen.

Doordat tevens de verslaafdenzorg en daklozenopvang zich in de nabijheid gevestigd hadden, werd de buurt door menig wandelaar doorkruist.

De groepen ontmoetten elkaar in het Inloopcentrum "De Steen", een gebouw dat met een grote ketting vastgeklonken was. "Anders wordt die ook gestolen", was een cynisch grapje dat in de wandelgangen de ronde deed. Goederen, wapens of drugs moesten bij de ingang worden afgegeven. De elektronische verklikkers waren al regelmatig gemold zodat het management het nu hield bij regelmatige politie-invallen. Bijna iedereen was nu in het bezit van een socio-creditcard, zodat de consumpties elektronisch konden worden afgerekend. Het aanbod werd gekenmerkt door sober en gezond; zelfs het alcoholvrije bier was gesneuveld.

De Catharijnesingel werd sinds twee jaar nog slechts bereden door taxi's en electrobus­sen. Mistroostig nam hij de betonmanie van de vorig eeuw waar en via een uitermate lelijke brug, gelukkig nu overgroeid met klimop, betrad hij het keurig onderhouden park, waar Wilderswerkers, middels privaat gefinancierde onderhoudsbanen , de paden en gazonnen onderhielden. Regelmatig een oude bekende groetend, maakte hij een kort ommetje naar de Poort, met zijn nu weer aanwezige Middeleeuwse bebouwing en fietstaxi-standplaats.

Het erbarmelijke tekort aan voorzieningen, ontmoetingsplaatsen en werk had hen in dit gedeelte van de oude stad bij elkaar gedreven. De sociale ellende hoopte zich op en kon slechts door streng politie-optreden en twijfelachtige jurisprudentie enigszins in de hand worden gehouden. Het naast elkaar plaatsen van psychiatrische en hulpverleningsvoorzieningen bleek niet zo'n gelukkige te zijn. Nog steeds durfde de samenleving niet in te zien hoe ziek ze was, ofschoon iedereen met de groeiende verpaupering, criminaliteit en agressiviteit geconfronteerd werd.

Het was het name het gebied rond de Kop van de Oude Gracht dat het loodje dreigde te leggen. De middenstand kon nog amper het hoofd boven water houden. Een unieke winkelstraat dreigde te verdwijnen.

Geschiedschrijvers zullen het nog moeilijk hebben om deze periode te beschrijven. De economische en milieucrisis; de burgeroorlogen en het geweld; de volksverdrijvingen en religieuze twisten maakten duidelijk dat er niet alleen sprake was van een maatschappelijke crisis, maar dat de mens zelf in crisis was. Het had zich een wereld geschapen die niets menselijks meer had.

Hij versnelde zijn pas om de toeristische paardentram te ontwijken die langzaam richting de Dom sukkelde, volgepakt met uniform geklede Japanners met camera's en andere apparatuur, een fietskoerier scheurde voorbij. Ze hadden de plaats ingenomen van bezorgdiensten nu benzine onbetaalbaar was geworden voor de gemiddelde Nederlander.

De economische crisis had de kloof tussen arm en rijk vergroot en ook in Nederland duidelijk gemaakt. Deze tweespalt kwam naar voren in de combinatie van luxe winkelss en tweedehands-rommelzaken en vooral het grote aantal cafés. 's Nachts boden de plantsoenen, kerken en musea talrijke slaapplekken aan de talloze daklozen en illegalen, die Utrecht rijk was. Gelukkig was nu het al lang leegstaande gebouw van Expert gekraakt door een aantal idealisten, die er een 24-uursopvang van wilden maken.

Op dit moment was er sprake van een status-quo en het pand, met wapperende vlaggen getooid, werd schijnbaar onopvallend door de politie geobserveerd. De kraak was het gesprek in het Inloopcentrum geweest en had de anders gescheiden groepen tijdelijk verbroederd.

De ingang naderend zag hij het bord staan. Alleen de woorden "Excuses voor het ongemak" waren nog te lezen; de rest van het bord was met klimop overwoekerd. In het voorportaal trok hij een nummertje. Je moest daarna wachten tot het nummer oplichtte, waarna je de gekleurde pijlen moest volgen. Er waren zo'n zestal routes. Prive-verzekerden werden door een hostess begeleid.

Doordat het aantal opgenomen patiënten was teruggebracht, konden de vrijgekomen ruimten voor ambulante behandeling en privéklinieken worden gebruikt.

Het ziekenhuis was ingericht in sectoren al naar diagnose. Zo werden de afdelingen ook genoemd, naar de betreffende hoofdstukken in DSM-V.

Nog steeds was tijd iets waar je als patiënt ruimschoots over beschikte en het ziekenhuis niet. Dit leidde nog steeds tot lange wachttijden zeker als het computersysteem weer eens plat was gegaan door een virus of systeemfout. Het was met name ergerlijk omdat afspraken standaard op je vrije dag werden gepland, voor de overige vier dagen was je verplicht om een dagbeste­ding vinden. Lukte dat niet of wilde je dat niet dan werd je doodleuk van verdere begeleiding uitgesloten.

Aan de gracht was sinds enige tijd een particulier bureau voor case-management gevestigd, dat je daarbij, tegen betaling, kon helpen. Je persoonsgebonden budget liet dat in veel gevallen niet toe.

Toen z'n nummer opflitste bleek dat hij niet de blauwe maar de gele route moest volgen. Dat betekende een IC, een intensieve controle. Daar ging zijn dag!"








Als alles mogelijk is,

is dan ook alles


Waarom er in Harlingen
zo weinig eenden zijn.
Is het U nooit opgevallen, dat er zo weinig waterfauna (en -flora) in de Harlinger wateren te zien is?
In de weilanden in de omgeving zie ik tientallen eenden bij elkaar en hier, bijna geen!...

De oorzaak ligt m.i. in de gewoonte om uitsluitend hoge, steile wallekanten aan te leggen. Het liefst van tropisch hardhout natuurlijk. Daardoor is het voor eenden en ander watergevogelte onmogelijk te nestelen. Doen ze het al, dan verdrinken de kuikens, omdat ze, na de eerste tewaterlating, nergens kunnen rusten.
Zou deze aanpak gevarieerder kunnen, waardoor er weer nestelplekken ontstaan en de natuur weer een kans krijgt in de stad.
Als we massaal de eendjes gaan voeren, komt er ook weer meer vis in het water. Dan kan er ook weer gehengeld worden.
Dit wilde ik onder Uw aandacht brengen.

All will be revealed.











We zaten we er allemaal klaar voor. Het tijdstip was aan de Nederlandse kijker aangepast, meer dweilpauzes voor de sponsors, notitieblok op schoot, een kop soep en de verwarming een slag hoger. Sven Kramer ging een gouden medaille winnen op de Olympische Spelen, zijn tien kilometer! We geloofden er allemaal in. Sven ook. Wekenlang schaatste, skeelerde of rende hij al door de reclameblokken. Zet de verwarming maar wat hoger, schat. Wanneer is de ploegenachtervolging?

Zo zal het dinsdagavond, 23 februari 2010 in veel huishoudens zijn gegaan. Tot om kwart over tien. Sven, vol op stoom, de gouden medaille al om de hals, in de verkeerde baan belandt. Einde oefening, einde droom, diskwalificatie, minder omzet in het Heinekenhuis, vroeg naar bed.

de wetten van Murphy:

1. Als iets mis kan gaan, gaat het ook mis.

2. Gaat iets langere tijd goed, dan zal het des te erger

mis gaan.

3. Het gaat altijd onverwacht mis en

4. Op het meest ongewenste moment.

In elk menselijk handelen schuilt een mogelijkheid tot falen. Seneca adviseerde om elke ochtend een kwartier te mediteren over wat er die dag fout zou kunnen gaan. In deze complexe tijden is dat waarschijnlijk onvoldoende. dM, SiTU, 2010


Everything is interconnected. Connections consisting of several layers, dimensions and levels of existence. Every root in a forest is connected. They protect and maintain each other, even on an emotional level. Plants that are worshipped during growth, talked to and treated well (like ganja f.i.), perform excellent. Even the water, the plants we use, reflect emotions and even react to music. You can imagine, what happens in a forest (emotionally, spiritual and physical), when the chainsaw-gang arrives. Trees are connected, by means of their height and canopy. Watching life in the treetops, opened up a completely new worlds to botanists and biologists. Completely unknown plants and species of butterflies, frogs and even monkeys, were seen for the first time. Seen from above, by satellite, scientists discovered the diversity and harmony of the trees and plant life. This world is destroyed too, because of our insatiable hunger for wood. This ends up in our houses as souvenirs and decoration.

Lake Victoria in New South Wales. Tree trunks can be seen emerging from the surface of the lake.
In Africa certain trees warned each other. When an elephant arrived, that started eating, all the trees changed the chemicals in the leaves. They became less edible. The number of birds do not show you, how “natural” an area is. It's the diversity that counts. All the insects, birds and mammals interact with each other. Is there enough to eat, the number of owls grow, because many mice survive. But butterflies harvest on different flowers and mammals eat different plants. When diversity disappears, decline begins.

That's what happened in “Lake Victoria”. This African lake was famous for its divers and colorful fishes. They were liked by fans of tropical fish, all over the world. This type of fish is completely gone and because this eco-system was unique, probably forever. This eco-disaster is completely man-made. To boost the local fishing-industry, the “nile-perch” was introduced. This alien took completely over. Being a predator, unknown to the “locals”, this was heaven. The perches grew bigger and bigger. Now they are eating each other. But the lake has changed too. All the fish had a well defined place in the eco-system. Some ate plankton, some ate plants, some ate insects. This is Darwin's nightmare. The perches don't do things like that. “Lake Victoria” is a place of death.

dinsdag 26 februari 2019


A snuff film is a motion picture genre that depicts the actual murder of a person or people, without the aid of special effects, for the express purpose of distribution and entertainment or financial exploitation. The existence of for-profit snuff films is generally considered an urban legend. Some filmed records of executions and murders exist but have not been made or released for commercial purposes. (Wikipedia, 2012)

Boris Arkadin (Jeroen Crabbe) is a horror film maker. His pregnant wife was brutally murdered by a Manson-like gang of hippy psychopaths during the 1960s. He becomes a virtual recluse - until years later he directs his own snuff inspired movies. He invites actors to take part in an audition at his country manor house - blurring the lines of what is real and what is fiction. (Snuff Movie, 2005)

During my travels in Asia, I spend the last days or weeks on the island of Bali. It was there I met a Canadian girl. We talked a lot and being a lot older, she respected me and was interested in my expeditions into this part of the world.

We talked about the existence of snuff-movies, being an example of the extreme degradation and exploitation of women. At that time I didn't dare to tell her the truth. Those tapes exist. At the end of this cosmic cycle entities degenerate and start doing the most ugly things. Demons feed on human emotion and fear. In wartime children and woman are trapped and killed. Tortured in the most extreme way. Mass executions draw a lot of attention from above and killings are seen life on the internet. Horrible things to see and a lot of screaming and blood, when fundamentalist saw off the head of an infidel. What a horrible way to go. Alien abductions are just a cover-up of all kind of weird experiments. In the movie “Man in Black” Will Smith has a tool, by which he can wipe out the memory of witnesses. During an “abduction” something like that happens. Memories are covered by worse ones; memories of pain, loud noise and sexual harassment. But those layers fade in time and especially in a time like this, when everything will be revealed. I hope you can stand this apocalypse. Everybody who has sold his soul to Satan, and making a snuff-movie is, should be careful in the future. Your might have the chance to act in a real one. Satan, then may be an illusion; there are enough, possesed humans, who will.

KLM, our Royal Dutch Airline (sold to Air France) has started a new promotion campaign. You may choose the person you are sitting next to. Ruud Gullit is participating, a well-known and handsome football- player and a Catwalk Queen, whose name I forgot. Jeroen Krabbe is also a possibility. He can tell you all about snuff-movies. He had the leading part in one of the most recent ones and Jeroen's performance was excellent (2005).



De “onmogelijke coalitie” in Harns is gesneuveld. De Frisse Wind is vervlogen en de stank van tientallen jaren wanbeheer, bereikt opnieuw ons reukorgaan. Of die stank ooit verdwenen was.
Wat hebben we aan politici en partijen, die in tijden van opperste nood, geen gemeenschappelijke noemer kunnen vinden. Liever barsten, dan buigen op de wind. De jeugd, de gehandicapten, de zwakkeren en de ouderen staan weer in de kou, terwijl juist de gemeente(politiek) zich op deze terreinen dient te profileren.
Het is tijd voor een andere vorm van politiek en van maatschappelijke betrokkenheid. Er is geen gebrek aan betrokkenheid en inzet van de inwoners van onze gemeente, maar ze zijn ondergeschikt gemaakt aan ambitieuze plannen. De Harlinger politiek (en de gemeente) heeft, bij gebrek aan eigen ideeën, zich overgeleverd aan project ontwikkelaars, de Omrin en de havenbaronnen.
Harlingen was ooit een levendige, groene en aantrekkelijke stad en dit dient weer terug te keren. Dat kan door kleinschalige bedrijven te stimuleren en te faciliteren. In plaats daarvan kiest men voor leegstand en bouwpercelen in de binnenstad, die al jaren braak liggen. Laten we er dan maar een tuin van maken.
Nordholland Harlingen 2004 003a.jpg
Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: lucht, wolk en buiten


jesaja (104) LR

Wanneer gij Uw handen uitbreidt,

verberg Ik mijn ogen voor u;

zelfs wanneer gij het gebed vermenigvuldigt,

hoor ik niet;

uw handen zijn vol bloed.

Wast u, reinigt u,

doet uw boze daden

uit mijn ogen weg;

houdt op kwaad te doen;

leert goed te doen,

tracht naar recht,

houdt de geweldenaar in toom,

doet recht aan de wees,

verdedigt de rechtszaak der weduwe.

Jesaja 1 – 15 tot 17


Commander Orlov played with the crystal chips as if he was playing Mahjong. These were the first field reports concerning the harvesting and destruction of the planet Earth.

First results would be a good indication of the strategy to be followed next. The Handbook forbade alien hardware, at least in this phase. The events had to look tragic, but natural and should not be alarming enough for mankind, to stop their visions and alter their ideologies. It would get worse before the inhabitants of this planet would notice that resistance was useless.

The first report contained some newspaper articles about the disaster that struck Japan. He saw the hands of his social engineers and technicians in the subtle development of the disaster. And worse was to come. The whole “Rim of fire” would explode and volcanic activity was increasing already. All attention was directed towards the disaster at the neclear plant, while fugitives and evacuees died in ice-cold shelters. It was Hirosjima in reverse. Another planetary no-go area. Orlov smiled when he read, that the Japanese government had been forced to change dangerlevels for radiation. Up by 250%. Poor workers, doing their job, while high officials had failed. Even the future Emperor-to be of the whole world was seen on television. The second report described the turbulence in the Arabic and islamitic world. Orlov smiled again. The whole situation reminded him of a saying by Jian. “If you have to tell your people the truth, you better make them laugh. Otherwise they may kill you.” This male, autocratic, conservative, religiously biased top-down culture was desintegrating. The future seemed clouded in dust. An ecological memo drew his attention. Due to overfishing and global warming the oceans will be ruled in future by jelly-fish. The nets of Japanese and Korean fishing ships were filled with it. This would disturb the local diet, because the remaining fish gained radio-activity and slowly died of the plastic particles they drank.All went according to plan. He activated the colossal powerpoint presentation on the main screen. Work in progress. The last memo was short and contained little information. It said, that Jian had started an Academy in a small state in Europe. Quite succesfully Orlov read. He shook his head. The crazy monk had chosen the long path. But he had one big problem, Time. He would not be able to educate and train enough students to stop the momentum this planet was in. A last report appeared on the screen. The North-Eastern coastline of Japan was slowly sinking into the sea. About 70 centimeters at the moment.


Sponsors of the Georgia Guidestones: A small group of Americans who seek the Age of Resonans

Supreme Commander Haku was about to finish his lecture. Then he would shake his audience with a message which would alter each one of lives of the people supporting him and drinking in his words. He lit another sigarette. His brothers in arms were used to his long pauses, while he seeemed to stare through the robust wooden walls into another dimension, another world.

Only fight can open up the world.”, he inhaled deeply and was again silent for a while. He felt enlightened. “The nazis tried and seemed to have failed. In a fundamental prophesy Hitler said, that the first time, the Nazis would fail and be seem to be defeated. They would come back to gain total victory.”

Haku suddenly felt the presence of the world around him. Technicians and producers were taping this gathering and making it public to the world. Nothing could prevent his victory now. Democrats were cowards, who had not the guts to fight. Hitler made the mistake, that prime-minister Chamberlain would be his major opponent. The Nazi-leader neglected Churchill, which eventually led to the defeat of the Third Reich.

We have looked all over the world. But we saw no sigh no signs of Nazi-recovery. That's why the Fourth Empire will start from here, from Japan. Nostradamus set a date in his prohesies, a date of ultimate terror in july 1999. He did that on purpose! It was his trick to misguide ordinary people, when this day went by. The actual date is today in the month of july 2009. At this moment we will come out of the shadows to rule with an iron fist and control humans, who are only garbage of this planet, anyhow.

Why today?” Haku inhaled again. “The last ten years we have worked in secrecy on special high-tech-weapons. Today I can tell you, that we have a new weapon operational. It is called the AGL-weapon and you can compare it to a nuclear-bomb. Only this time the effect is not material but mental. This weapon will split the material from the etherical body. When this happens people will be completely helpless and can manipulated at will and destroyed easily.” Commander Haku picked up his papers. “I can assure you that the victory is ours. Our flag will prevail.”

maandag 25 februari 2019


De academische wereld heeft altijd ongewoon fel gereageerd op Velikovsky's theorieën. Uitgeverij MacMillan, die veel academische werken uitgaf, werd na de publicatie van “Werelden in botsing” bedreigd met een boycot en haalde daarop het boek uit haar fonds. In algemeen richt de kritiek zich op de onorthodoxe wijze waarop Velikovsky (1895-1979) tot zijn conclusies komt, zoals door het gebruik van oude mythen. Verder is er kritiek op het gebruik van bronnen, zoals het gebruiken van verouderde vertalingen en onjuiste interpretaties.” Wikipedia, 2009.________________________ “De mens gedraagt zich irrationeel. Oorlog, misdaad, vernietiging van de omgeving drijven de wereld naar de afgrond. Op dit moment beschikken wereldmachten over de middelen om de aarde te vernietigen. Dit zal ongetwijfeld ook gebeuren als onze manier van denken en ons gedrag zich niet fundamenteel wijzigt.” Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979)

Immanuel Velikovsky was goed bevriend met Albert Einstein. De theorie van Velikovsky als geheel heeft hij nooit onderschreven, maar Einstein accepteerde Velikovsky's idee van een poolwisseling. dM

Immanuel Velikovsky werd in het tsaristische Rusland geboren, als zoon van een welgestelde Joodse familie. Hij studeerde medicijnen en verdiepte zich in de psycho-analyse. Van 1924 tot 1939 woonde hij met zijn gezin in Palestina, waar hij een medische/psycho-analytische praktijk had. In 1939 vestigde Velikovsky zich in de Verenigde Staten, Na een lange periode van intensieve studie publiceert hij Werelden in botsing en Aarde in beroering.

Hij beweert hierin dat bepaalde historische periodes worden afgesloten door kosmische catastrofes. Deze rampen zijn in het collectieve geheugen van de mens opgeslagen en vormen de bronnen voor diverse mythen (bijvoorbeeld de Zondvloed) over de hele wereld. Deze wereldrampen zijn van redelijk recente datum. Volgens Velikovsky stootte de planeet Jupiter rond 1500 BC. een geweldige hoeveelheid materie uit, die uiteindelijk tot een planeet zou afkoelen. De beroemde rode vlek op Jupiter was de geboorteplek van een komeet. Op dat moment bevond de planeet Mars zich in een baan om de Zon binnen die van de Aarde. Venus was nog een komeet, die vlak langs de aarde passeerde. Velikovsky verbindt deze confrontatie met de plagen van Egypte, de doortocht door de Rode Zee en de reis van veertig jaar door de woestijn van de Israieten. In deze periode werd de aarde geteisterd door aardbevingen, aardverschuivingen en vulkanische uitbarstingen. Toen de electro-magnetische invloed van Venus op zijn hoogst was, vond er op aarde een verwisseling plaats van de magnetische polen. Hierdoor ontstonden geweldige klimatologische veranderingen. Zo veranderde Siberië in een arctisch gebied en was er sprake van instant-freeze. Mammoeten worden tot op heden in de perma-frost gevonden en volgens zeggen is het vlees voor de sledenhonden nog eetbaar en hebben ze lentegroen in hun bek en maag. In dit interplanetaire duel verdwenen complete beschavingen. De mensheid werd gedecimeerd. De oorsprong van het geloof in de bijzondere positie van het Jodendom als uitverkoren Volk ligt in de wonderbaarlijke ontsnapping van de Joden aan deze catastrofes.

In zijn vervolgbaan passeerde de komeet Venus de baan van Mars. Mars zou volledig uit haar koers zijn geworpen, terwijl Venus de plaats van de oorlogsplaneet innam. Bijna kwamen de Aarde en Mars met elkaar in botsing. Ook dit had weer grote gevolgen op de aarde. Pas toen Mars een nieuwe, elliptische baan had gevonden, keerde de rust in ons zonnestelsel enigszins weer. Een aantal voorspellingen van Velikovsky zijn uitgekomen. Zo bleek de planeet Venus veel warmer te zijn dan gedacht. Velikovsky had die hoge temperatuur voorspeld, omdat Venus een nieuweling is in ons zonnestelsel. Mars daarentegen heeft in het verleden een andere atmosfeer gehad en rivierbeddingen zijn nog steeds goed zichtbaar. Is hier een hele beschaving vernietigd? De mens heeft, volgens Velikovsky, deze rampen verdrongen. Doordat we onze werkelijke voorgeschiedenis verdrongen hebben, zal de mens uiteindelijk volstrekt irrationeel gedrag gaan vertonen. De rampen, die we verdrongen hebben, roepen we dan uiteindelijk zelf over ons af. Velikovsky doet een beroep op zijn studenten om de autoriteiten te tarten, grondig onderzoek te doen en vooral niet bang te zijn. Toch blijft voorzichtigheid geboden. Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis is de mens in staat zelf een kosmische ramp te veroorzaken.



En de zeven engelen, die de zeven bazuinen

hadden, maakten zich op om te bazuinen.


De eerste Bazuin

Hagel en vuur, vermengd met bloed, zullen op de aarde worden geworpen.

De aarde zal verbranden en het gras zal verdwijnen.

Deze Bijbelse profetie wordt in verband gebracht met het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, die zeven jaar zou duren. De omvangrijkste oorlog, die de mensheid ooit heeft gekend. Met tientallen miljoenen doden, verminkten en een gedesïntegreerde wereld achterlatend.

De tweede Bazuin

Iets als een berg, brandend van vuur, wordt in zee geworpen. De gevolgen zijn dramatisch. De schepselen in zee sterven massaal en schepen vergaan.

Door de atoombommen, die op Hirosjima en Nagasaki, komt er een einde aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De Koude Oorlog begint; de mens lijkt geen lessen uit de geschiedenis te trekken. De wapenwedloop neemt absurde vormen aan en mini-oorlogen worden over de hele aardbol uitgevochten.

De derde Bazuin

Er valt een grote ster uit de hemel, genaamd Alsem. Alsem is een bitter kruid. Het Russische woord hiervoor is Chernobyl. De passage verwijst naar de verontreiniging, die het gevolg was van deze nucleaire catastrofe. "Vele mensen stierven, omdat het water bitter geworden was."

De vierde Bazuin

Een derde deel van de zon, de maan en de sterren zal worden getroffen en de wereld zal worden verduisterd. Deze voorspelling werd vervuld toen de olievelden van Koeweit in brand werden gestoken.

De vijfde Bazuin en Zesde Bazuin

De rampen, die hier worden beschreven, verwijzen naar de oorlogen in Iraq. "Laat de vier engelen los, die die bij de grote rivier, de Eufraat gebonden zijn." Openbaring 9:14.

Met de sprinkhanen zouden de aanvalshelicopters zijn bedoeld en met de vuurspuwende paarden, moderne tanks.

Ondanks al deze tekenen, weigert de mens van zijn dwalingen terug te keren. "Zij bekeerden zich niet van moorden, noch van hun toverijen, noch van hun hoererij, noch van hun dieverijen." Deze vorm van extreme denial wordt ook in Openbaring voorspeld.

Volgens orthodoxe christenen en andere gelovigen bevinden we ons in het tussengebied tussen de Zesde en de Zevende Bazuin. Het wachten is op het moment, dat de ware gelovigen uit deze werkelijkheid weggenomen zullen worden. "En zij hoorden een luide stem uit de Hemel tot hen zeggen: Klimt hierheen op! En zij klommen naar de hemel op in de wolk, en hun vijanden aanschouwden hen." (Op.11). Daarna zal er een periode van zeven jaar aanbreken, waarin de achtergeblevenen opnieuw door honger, oorlog en anarchie zullen worden geteisterd. Pas dan zal de Zevende Bazuin, die de wederkomst van de Heer aankondigt, klinken en zal het Duizendjarig Rijk een aanvang nemen en een nieuw Jeruzalem worden gesticht.

History of the end of the world

The speech, that got John F.Kennedy shot.

We are opposed around the world

by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy

that relies primarely on covert means

for expanding its sphere of influence.

It is a system, which has conscripted vast

human and material resources

into the building of a titanic,

highly efficient machine

that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,

economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not public.

Their mistakes are buried, not headlined.

Its descendants are silent, not praised.

de Boeddha

Reïncarnatie is een vloek. De menselijke ziel worstelt zich door miljoenen vormen,

zonder zichzelf te vinden.

Gautama, die geboren werd als prins en later

de Boeddha zou worden genoemd, groeide op

in luxe en welvaart.

Buiten de paleismuren betekende

het leven van de mens armoede, ziekte en tegenslag.

In deze spirituele turbulentie is de mens

gedoemd om eindeloos te lijden.

Boeddha wijst een weg om aan dit lijden

een einde te maken. Onthechting van de materiële

wereld, vermindert het lijden. Goede gedachten, goede woorden en goed handelen wijzen je pad. Nirvana, de werkelijke wereld, waarvan onze materiële wereld slechts een afspiegeling is, lijkt binnen handbereik als

we het juiste pad volgen. Goden zijn in dit proces irrelevant. Het Boeddhisme is een vorm van atheïsme.

De goden zijn echter niet irrelevant, ze zijn net als de mens gebonden aan de cycli in de kosmos. Nadert het Rad van Wedergeboorte een cruciaal moment, zoals de huidige fase, die zou moeten culmineren in een omwenteling in 2012, dan zullen de goden en demonen zich steeds duidelijker manifesteren. Ook een cyclus van 330 miljoen

jaren kent een einde.

Het Boeddhisme kent een hiërarchie, die uiteindelijk culmineert in monniken, die bereid zijn zichzelf in brand te steken om een hoger doel te dienen.

Dit is een doodlopende weg.

De mens dient niet zijn banden met de werkelijkheid te verbreken,

de mens dient te overdenken welke banden ermee (opnieuw) moeten worden aangegaan.

Laten we deze referentiepunten los, dan zijn we overgeleverd aan goden en demonen, die graag de ontstane leegte in ons brein willen vullen.

We zien de gevolgen hiervan om ons heen.

Dit is de enige verklaring voor de absurditeiten, gewelddadigheid en perversiteiten, die zich in onze directe omgeving voordoen.

Zou de Boeddha nu het levenslicht hebben hervonden, dan zou hij (of zij) ons gewaarschuwd hebben voor onze afhankelijkheid en de kwalijke invloeden van mobiele telefoons, computers, magnetrons en plasmaschermen. De afbraak van persoonlijke contacten en vervlakking van het leven. De vernietiging van ons milieu en de natuur. De troosteloosheid van onze steden. De walgelijke overproductie en -consumptie. Wil je de werkelijkheid hervinden, dan zul je hiervan afscheid moeten nemen. Dit is een langdurig proces. Maar het leert je jezelf kennen via een uitbundige aanwezigheid van natuurlijke energie.



There is one universal truth: you only can do something once, so it better be good.” Jian walked in front of a giant screen. With a remote controle he showed pictures, faces, formula with which he visualised the lexture he was giving. The students were stunned, they had never experienced anything like this before. Some tried to take notes, but most were completely absorbed by the monk's performance. He had a calm but penetrating voice, which changed dramatically when he recited poetry or even sang them a song.

This truth, this law means that you have to be very careful and very sure of yourself, before you can do anything good. Your learningcurve means damage to others. Always keep that in mind. You will learn, that sometimes it is better to be silent and do nothing. During the moments you are given, you can think, meditate and learn about your actions. Look not at the teachers you meet or the things you are thought, but look at the tradition from which they stem. A tradition you are part of now and which already was old and rigid when Atlantis fell. This institution has only one goal: to revitalize this ancient tradition. Why, you may ask? Well, because this tradition is the only power with which this world can be saved. Saved by the good deeds you are going to perform. This is a terrible important task and not without danger. Our world is a battlefield of several great powers, some alien, who try to conquer our world. For several thousands years human beings are being manipulated and trained to act as servants for a ruling elite, which sometimes were called gods. This elite manifests it selve at key moments in our history. At this moment giant-computers are calculating the outcome of a third World War. A war which will be devastating. In the meantime millions believe that this is the hand of God, punishing the non-believers before the return of his son, Jesus Christ. War will be welcomed by them as the fulfillment of an ancient prophesy. They will even be willing to fire the first shot of launching the first rocket or pay people to do this. The result will be a Western world, which will have many similarities with the Roman Empire.” On the screen some scenes showed images of legions going to battle. “The Romans knew one thing for sure. They were superior to their opponents because they had the gods on their side. But I will take to you about that, next time.”

The lights went on and everybody was blinded for a while. They stayed seated, some to take a deep breathe. The classroom was empty, Jian, the crazy monk, had disappeared.

It was a time of material wealth and spiritual chaos. Mankind tried defining itself again and again in ways which were alien and opposite to their origins and destination. The most bizarre rolemodels dominated the youth. Sex, luxury and danger dominated thoughts and actions around the world. "Everybody is afraid, just like in the last days of Atlantis.", Laura thought when she mounted the bus, which was late, as usual. 
The only other passenger was a man in his thirties. Obvious a sailor, who went immediately to the back of the bus and fell asleep. Laura chose the seat behind the driver and relaxed.
At daytime it was an impressive ride. About a hundred feet wide and 38 kilometers long, it was one of the greatest engineering projects of that time some 80 years ago. It had an colossal impact. But the parts of the former Frisian empire, which meant the coastline from Denmark to Belgium, had drifted apart. Instead of reuniting the past powers, they now were competitors in a global economic battlefield. At night she saw the moonlit waves on both sides of her, dotted with light. Impressive too.
Laura opened her bag looking for her waterbottle. Instead she packed the deck of cards. In her first year in Amsterdam, she had seen a man, being chased and shot at by the police. He had dropped a bag in front of her and before running on, gave her a begging look, as if he handed the bag to her. Everybody, including the police ran around in total chaos, so she could easily pick up the bag and put it in her handbag.
At home se had studied the cards. It was an unusual deck. One side showed an old weapon, carried by to red eagles. On the other side, they were all different. Faces, landscapes, maps, symbols and formula. The cards had a silvery glow about them then and this glow got stronger when she opened the deck. The faces looked familiar, as if they were member of a family or brotherhood.
"You are getting closer. Hold on." She shook her head. "Who was that talking?" She looked around, but het only companion was the sailor. who was still asleep and the driver, who listened to his Ipod.
"I must have been falling asleep.", Laura thought and she put the cards back in her bag and found the waterbottle. The bus passed an old and abandoned military fort. It was here, in World War 2, that the Dutch and the Frisians, had put a halt to the Nazi-warmachine. Though the battle had been highly exegarated, you could still feel the pride and determination when you were inside the bunkers. At least, that she was told.
The bus left the highway, to make her way to the small, though important, Frisian harbortown. "Which once was an outpost of Atlantis." Another voice said. Laura knew, that she needed a joint to silence these voices, which kept telling her tales of old. Tales from before the flood.
The busterminal was dark, dirty and desolated. The young sailor had put his bag on his shoulder and disappeared into the darkness. The bus, filled with drunk students, made his way across the seas again. It would be dark for several hours. Across the street was a bridge, which led into a small park. Laura had her sleeping bag with her and she had slept in worse situations. She could also nick a bike, there were several hundreds of them standing around, and try to find a better place to spend a couple of hours. And roll a joint.
Still hesitating she saw a woman, in her thirties, dressed in black, approaching her. When she was close enough, she looked into a face full of determination and passion. "Welcome," the stranger said. "Welcome to Atlantis. We have been expecting you." Before she could say anything, the woman picked up her bag and signalled to follow her.




Finally I got some information. It were just two simple messages I found on the Web (thank the Aliens for that), posted by the NASA-Mentalsquad. Remoteviewing and stuff like that. I never understood, why those guys stayed in deep-underground bunkercomplexes, to tell what is happening outside. The first memo mentioned an asteroid, which would come dangerously close to the moon (number 2004 XP14). I learned at the Academy, that asteroids that size, were followed by huge iceballs and other spacedebris. It would rain cats and dogs again; frozen parts of Atlantis. Secondly NASA predicted a collision of two hugh storms on the planet Jupiter.. They frankly admitted that they didn't know what would happen next. I do.

Before I got to this planet I was shortly briefed about the effects of a shrinking universe. That's why I am here. I am payed to watch and report. About what? About the Big Bang of course. My bosses missed the last one.


Love is a 4-letter word, but so is hate. Jian, tcm, SiTU

The secretary of Defense of the Kingdom of the Netherlands layed backwards in his comfortable armchair and smiled at the glass he held in his hands. The political backing of his policy to participate in global peacemissions was thin, but determined. Some of the members of parliament would not even mind if atombombs were used. The global threat against democracy and freedom must be stopped. He thougt, while sipping his whiskey, about the leftwing politicians, who had started as pacifists. They knew nothing of worldpolitics. Once he had flown in a Apache-helicopter across the deserts of Afghanistan. They even had let him use the machinegun. A sensation he would never forget.

He reached for the newspaper, which lay on is his desk. Even this former leftwing paper had changed dramatically. They had realised that the fighting now and in the nearby future, would open up markets, the Dutch had never reached. There would be deaths of course, but he would visit every funeral, to get the necessity of these missions across.


M!”, the prime minister of the Netherlands opened his eyes and saw his political advisor standing in front of him. On the floor laid the report he had been reading and which had slipped out of his hands. Before he could pick up the papers, his advisor had done so and laid the report needly on his desk. M. had not said a word.

You have read the report, I see.” M. looked ad the piles of paperwork, which surrounded him. “Which one do you mean.”, he stuttered a bit, but the conservation with his assistant warmed him up. His brain slowly accelerated and would reach its huge potential in a minute or two. “You don't mean, that memorandum about a “Dutch Pearl Harbor.”” “I know,”, his advisor said, while putting a chair in front of him to set down. “It's a daring concept, but according to the strategists it's the best idea to garantee your second term in office.” “It is much to drastic. Things like that always come into the open, in the end.” “Prime-minister, analysis shows, that even when clear connections between government and terror-attacks are brought into the open, the public does not seem to mind. All they want is safety, but first this safety has to be threatened.” M. shook his head. “What would that mean. A jet crashing into the Royal Palace?” Despise this joke, his political advisor reacted completely serious. “No,nothing like that. They are suggesting an outbreak of birdflu.”


zondag 24 februari 2019

Laura slammed the door of her appartment behind her. Amsterdam was starting to drive her crazy. Nothing remained of the flowerpower attitude she had greeted a couple of years ago. Amsterdam was the capital of the world for drugconsuming. Everything was available and more. From all around the world fucked-up people bought a ticket to Amsterdam Airport. Drugs, booze and prostitution made Amsterdam like Las Vegas. People flocking together to make their behaviour look acceptable. Which it was not. She felt treated like a whore many times. Complete strangers touched her breasts in the subway and just laughed. "No respect, no dignity.", she thought. I have to get out of here.
Whithout hesitating she started packing her things. A while ago she had been talking to an elderly guy in the coffeeshop. He said, that he had left the city and moved up north to a small seaport, about two hours by car. "You will find your peace there.", he had said, when he left. It would take her about five hours by public transport to get there. One of the last things she threw into her bag, was the pack of cards, she found a couple of years ago. She hesitated, but then packed it carefully. It looked like they were glowing, but she had no time to spare. If she wanted to be there by daylight, she had to hurry. 
For the last time she looked around her. She had been happy here. But she had to move on. Amsterdam was no longer a place, where you could live your own life.

Public transport in Holland was the worst in the civilised world, maybe even worse than the trainstations and busterminals in Guatemala and Brasil, she visited. Those were places filled with light, music, food and playing children. "Apocalypse.", Laura thought when she looked around. The terminal was almost deserted and scarcely lit. The walls were covered with graffiti and worse. The place stank.
In the times of Atlantis this delta was a prosperous province of this Great Empire. But after the fall and after the flood the sea had taken almost half of the land. Only 70 years ago this gap had been filled. The Dutch and the Frisians, which did most of the hard work, built a dam of giant proportions. Connecting two parts of Frisia, which used to be one. A long time ago. The bus she was waiting for, would take her across the waters to the seaport, which name she had scribbled down in her notebook. It was almost midnight and she had no idea, how to find a place to stay. It felt good though. She left the dirt, the noice, the polution and violence of Babylon behind her. She realised, that for the first time in years, she felt at ease. Almost automatically she started meditating about Atlantis.

It was a time of material wealth and spiritual chaos. Mankind tried defining itself again and again in ways which were alien and opposite to their origins and destination. The most bizarre rolemodels dominated the youth. Sex, luxury and danger dominated thoughts and actions around the world. "Everybody is afraid, just like in the last days of Atlantis.", Laura thought when she mounted the bus, which was late, as usual. 
The only other passenger was a man in his thirties. Obvious a sailor, who went immediately to the back of the bus and fell asleep. Laura chose the seat behind the driver and relaxed.
At daytime it was an impressive ride. About a hundred feet wide and 38 kilometers long, it was one of the greatest engineering projects of that time some 80 years ago. It had an colossal impact. But the parts of the former Frisian empire, which meant the coastline from Denmark to Belgium, had drifted apart. Instead of reuniting the past powers, they now were competitors in a global economic battlefield. At night she saw the moonlit waves on both sides of her, dotted with light. Impressive too.
Laura opened her bag looking for her waterbottle. Instead she packed the deck of cards. In her first year in Amsterdam, she had seen a man, being chased and shot at by the police. He had dropped a bag in front of her and before running on, gave her a begging look, as if he handed the bag to her. Everybody, including the police ran around in total chaos, so she could easily pick up the bag and put it in her handbag.
At home se had studied the cards. It was an unusual deck. One side showed an old weapon, carried by to red eagles. On the other side, they were all different. Faces, landscapes, maps, symbols and formula. The cards had a silvery glow about them then and this glow got stronger when she opened the deck. The faces looked familiar, as if they were member of a family or brotherhood.
"You are getting closer. Hold on." She shook her head. "Who was that talking?" She looked around, but het only companion was the sailor. who was still asleep and the driver, who listened to his Ipod.
"I must have been falling asleep.", Laura thought and she put the cards back in her bag and found the waterbottle. The bus passed an old and abandoned military fort. It was here, in World War 2, that the Dutch and the Frisians, had put a halt to the Nazi-warmachine. Though the battle had been highly exegarated, you could still feel the pride and determination when you were inside the bunkers. At least, that she was told.
The bus left the highway, to make her way to the small, though important, Frisian harbortown. "Which once was an outpost of Atlantis." Another voice said. Laura knew, that she needed a joint to silence these voices, which kept telling her tales of old. Tales from before the flood.
The busterminal was dark, dirty and desolated. The young sailor had put his bag on his shoulder and disappeared into the darkness. The bus, filled with drunk students, made his way across the seas again. It would be dark for several hours. Across the street was a bridge, which led into a small park. Laura had her sleeping bag with her and she had slept in worse situations. She could also nick a bike, there were several hundreds of them standing around, and try to find a better place to spend a couple of hours. A roll a joint.
Still hesitating she saw a woman, in her thirties, dressed in black, approaching her. When she was close enough, she looked into a face full of determination and passion. "Welcome," the stranger said. "Welcome to Atlantis. We have been expecting you." Before she could say anything, the woman picked up her bag and signalled to follow her.

The railway station was built 150 years ago outside the old city. They passed several waterways and walked through scarcely lit alleys. If Laura had been alone, she would have stopped to inhale this mysterious atmosphere. But the woman in black went on, without saying anything. Suddenly the scenery completely changed and she looked at was a huge harbour, filled with classical and traditional ships. Though she saw no people. she heard the noices of people handling merchandise and preparing the ship for departure.

"We are almost there.", the woman in black said, while walking along. They walked across a bridge to the other side of the harbour, which was surrounded by late-medieval merchanthouses. In those days people showed off and most of the warehouses, hotels , restaurants and private building were beautifully decorated and plastered. Even in the dark the atmosphere was full of expectation for the day to come.

The road lead downward and they left the harbour behind her. Gone were the majestic buildings, she had admired just before. After a few minutes her guide went to the left and disappeared into a dark entrance. Laura followed her and entered a kind of plaza. Though scarcely lit she saw the trees, the beautiful garden, surrounded by table and empty chairs. It looked and smelled like some kind of restaurant.

They went upstairs, where she saw a row of appartments. A bit like a motel, but here you saw plants, beautiful paintings and lit sculptures. "I hope you don't mind.", her companion said, pointing a the number above the door. Laura smiled. "13 is my lucky number." "You can stay here for the night. Try to get some sleep. We will talk in the morning."

Suddenly Laura felt tired and she nodded. "Thanks for helping me." The woman opened the door to let her in. "Like I said, you were expected."


SiTU ACADMY (introduction 3)

Laura's work started at ten and she had found a nice room in a beautiful, medieval merchanthouse. On her way to work, she passed several small shops, with cheap art, clothing, jewelty, records and books. At this time of day, the streets were quiet and she could take all the time, she wanted to shop with her eyes. She was standing in front of an antiqueshop, where they sold mostly African art, when suddenly the world seemed to explode.Laura was hit by the blast, which knocked her to the ground. When it became silent and the dust settled, Laura saw that a bomb had destroyed the front of a leftwing bookshop. Books and papers lay all over the street. What was left of the doorway suddenly burst open and a man, dressed in black, stumbled out and looked around with bewildered eyes. In a split second he made a decision and started to run in her direction. Instinctively she hoped he would make it, but seconds after he started running a uniformed guy ran out of the bookshop and started shooting.

The fugitive got hit in the shoulder and fell down. All of this happened right in front of her eyes.

When the victim hit the ground, his eyes locked with hers. It couldn't have been more, than a split of a second, but Laura felt that he was giving her a message. A new round of gunshots broke the spell. The wounded guy stumbled to his feet and disappeared into a small alleyway.

Laura lifted her face from the ground and she only heard the sound of multiple footsteps pursuing the stranger. When all seems quiet, she got up to brush the dirt from her clothes. She had to hurry, to open the coffeeshop in time to welcome her first customers. She looked at the place, where the fugitive had fallen. Next to some traces of blood lay a wallet. Nobody seemed to pay any attention, when she picked up the wallet and put it in her purse.






The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle: the beasts of nature flock and men flocks apart; volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere ice melts. And then on other days it just rains. Indeed many things come to pass.

It was in the first quarter of the 21st century, when the North-Koreans tried to immanentise Armageddon. Never before came the World Powers that close to planetary annihilisation. All because of a tiny rock in the Japanese Sea, the Chinese had renamed Yin. When finally emotions calmed down to the levels of secret operations and local warfare, nobody realised that the point of no return had passed. The long planned extinction of the human race had begun.

I am totally aware of this fact, though in the meantime I am watching a group of sparrows on a neighbouring roof. Though officially almost extinct, the remaining flock together on a local garbagedump in front of me. They seem to like the smell. Their numbers keep growing, because I am feeding them for a couple of months now. This planet is a misfit. Superb technology combined with primitive instincts. But the women are the best. The best in the Universe. So they say.



I lost you, my eyes wide open.

On that Omaha-beach, I died for you.

Mayapoison on my brain.

I lost an eye

in that battle

on Glastonbury Hill.

Where dark crows

kill the dying.

Eat you said

and I did.

So I told you about the sparrows and the end of the world. When I look out of my study, I see storms forming in the East, hiding the sun for just another day. It will be foggy today, but it will give the inhabitants of this part of the world a chance to get around. The sun has become a very dangerous factor in daily life. On sunny days the streets and beeches are deserted. As soon as the sun sets, the lights are lit and a seemingly endless hedonistic festival begins. Do they realise, that they live in the End of Times. The end of a long, long cycle and the start of a new, even longer one? Outside endless rows of cars are moving around, showing how afraid they are. The people I met sofar are exttremely good at one thing: denying the evidence of their senses.

In the meantime in the Gualtemalan rainforest, the eyes of a giant stature, representing Tlaloc the Raingod, started to weep and soon the monsoonrains will start to pour. Nobody saw this miracle, but Laura, an Australian tourist, who suddenly understood that Atlantis will rise again. Her heart went ice-cold. Indeed many things come to pass.



Slowly she removed her cap.

Her long brown hair carressed the wind.

Ocre colours, a burning sun.

I followed the path down,

a bamboo forest

hissing sounds,

Khmer Rouge.

Step by step

we followed the opiumtrail.

The monsoon was about start.

Lights at the horizon

are signals of change.

I will carry you all the way, I said.

And I did.

A very bright, previously unknown planet will appear and coincide with times of great geological troubles. With earthquakes and erupting volcanoes disturbing global weathersystems. Thiw will cause widespread famine and draughts, followed by sociaL Upheavels in unexpected places. Nations that are considered prosperous and powerful will be seriously weakened. They will be torn by civil strife and rioting, as people migrate to areas that have fresh water, that can support cropgrowing. The social chaos and weakening of governmental power, will help to bring the “Antichrist” to power. The United States in particular will be subjected to serious natural disasters and flooding.

The teacher was silent for a while and looked his students in the eyes. “Let's meditate on that.”

(Meditations on Nostradamus, june 2006)

In the meantime, Laura was waiting on a flooded airport in Guatamala City. When she finally got a friend on the telephone, he told her that her parents had been evacuated due to a huge forestfire. She shivered, thinking about Atlantis and decided to go to Europa in stead of going home. Indeed many things come to pass.


You wanna live like a mushroom?

All together, enough to eat.

Nice and warm.

But always kept in the dark?

Les Uns et les Autres.

Slaughterhouse 5.

Bombers fly,

flashlights in the sky.

You and me,


let this place be safed.

God listened.

But not far from us.

Cities were burning

and children cried.


crushed under balconies


on the streetcorners

young soldiers

were hanged.

The atombomb dropped in the Middle East will spark off yet another war on top of the other ones; Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. The US and her European Allies will interfere to diminish the threat to their oil supplies. Europe draws the heat and a great deal of natural and human catastrophies will occur. People will kling to their religious prophesies. This will only hasten the development towards a Big Brother State or New World Order.”

The class held its breath. How precise would their teacher be. He was dressed like a monk, in black wearing a sevenpointed star at his left breast. He was, at least 7 feet tall and seemed to stare out of the window. He didn't speak, but his pupils saw a tear, meandering down his cheek.

(Meditations on Nastradamus, january 2006)

Laura loved Amsterdam from the start. She absorbed all kinds of food, drugs and sextechniques. She realised that Australia was full of male chauvinist pigs. You got them here as well, but the The combination of water, history and culture made it perfect for her.residents she got to know, were quite relaxed. She even found a job in a coffeeshop at a quiet canal. Amsterdam was not that overoganised and monitored city, as the ones she visited or compared to Australia.