
zaterdag 22 december 2018

For those of you, who follow

the Monkey Path

Consider it a fact, that our historical timeline (global or local) is wrong. Humans lived (or visited) on this planet for a long, long time and they left us a world-wide puzzle. Consisting of monuments, pyramids, artifacts, colossal earthworks, tunnels and complete, multi-level underground cities.

Our historical thinking is programmed to be liniar and accumulitive. Man develops his potential through making steps from primitive to sophisticated, from restrictions to freedom, from simple to artistic and from cave to palace. Men gets smarter (enlightened) and technology enriches our world and possibilities. This process goes faster and faster. Men is on the brink of “a theory of everything”, but can we cope with it?

In the meantime discoveries in far-off places shows the existence of sophisticated cultures wich created impressive monuments, beautiful art and remnants of a sophisticated technology.

The paradigm, that primitive men were not capable of doing all this, in a considerable short period of time, leads to the “alien intervention”-theory. Extraterrestrials visited primitive earth in the past. They genetically modified our ancestors. The Aliens played the role of “Gods and Goddesses, that came from the Sky.” They taught the necessary atronomical knowledge, how to breed cattle and work the fields, how to melt metal and make a sword. And so on. The Gods educated, manipulated and exploited homo sapiens and ruled over them with absolute power.

And the people loved it. They even had no problem with dying for the Gods and their deputees.

The Great Flood made and end to this and the Gods disappeared or kept themselves hidden.

But the Flood was not the first global extinction moment. Earth (and our solar system) has known many disasters on a planetary scale. We have almost completely forgotten about them (Velikovsky, collective amnesia). The continents are drifting apart or collapsing. Porlarshifts changed climate-patterns, volcanic eruptions caused hugh tsunamis (Toba, Crete) and in certain periods (Ice-ages) waterlevels fell dramatically,

Several important names of pre-Flood civilisations remained.

Pangea – the earth-mass

Lemuria – Asia/Pacific

Atlantis – Mediterranean, Atlantic

Thule – Arctic, Siberia, Northern Europe

Dwarka – city of Krisjna (Indian Ocean)

Bermuda Triangle


Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

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