
zaterdag 17 november 2018

Something to THINK about

Balkanpeople and East-Europeans like to die in close combat and suicide actions. Aryan white Cucasian males want to die in the open field, preferably on horseback or charriot.

Both warrior-types are fully-commited,obedient, willing to die and fight till the end.

The two powers clashed during World War 2 during the battle of Stalingrad and other big Russian cities (Karkow and Kiev).

At Stalingrad the Nazi-warmachine suffered their first defeat and fieldmarschall von Paulus had to surrender his remaining troops, who still held on to parts of the fatal city. They all could have been saved, if Adolf Hitler had allowed von Paulus to retreat. The plans to evacuate were ready and German tankformations got close to the defendants.

But Hitler ordered von Paulus to fight till the end and to hold their grounds.

Which they did. Fighting till the end.

After Paulus' surrendered the, defeated 9th Army and he and his staff and soldiers were paraded through Moscow and to the “Goelag”, the prisoncamps in Siberia.

Almost none survived and in a horrible way mirroring the fate of the Russian POW's, captured by the millions in the openingphase of Operation Barbarossa (the Russia-campaign).

Von Paulus survived and returned to the “Heimat” (Eastern-Germany, DDR). He died there, after leading a quiet abd seemingly insignificant life.

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