
zaterdag 24 november 2018


It has been a journey through the past; my past so to say. I have shared those items with you I paid attention to in the last couple of years. I see patterns and development in my own archives. My search for a verifiable “truth” brought me everywhere and back.

You have your personal path inside a concept (SiTU).

That's why I ask you to use your senses from now on. And don't think immediately of intuition, telekinesis and teleportation.

I am talking about the, underestimated, common 5 senses.

Seeing – use your peripheral eye-sight and see more

Hearing – start listening when it is “silent”

Smell – realy, this world stinks

Feeling – feel yourself, you are growing, perfect

Tasting – Eat and drink well; it's there for the taking

Activate these senses (restart) when you step outside.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

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