The Qeen of Sheba made a long yourney to meet the famous King Solomon in Jerusalem. She had heard stories about his enormous wealth, worldly might and magical powers and wanted to check for herselves. Solomon, when told about her arrival and intentions, was extremely cautious. He wanted to make sure, that she was no witch or demon. Before receiving her, he made sure that the Queen of Sheba had to cross a pond by means of steppingstones to reach him, sitting on his throne. Now she had to lift her skirts and our noble king saw that she had feet and ankles. Had she been a witch, Solomon would have seen hooves.
The Queen stayed a while and Solomon succeeded in seducing his beautiful visitor. When the Queen of Sheba returned home she was pregnant. Menelek, a son and heir to the next dynasty, was born.
Later in his life Menelek returned to Jerusalem to meet his father. Then a crucial incident happens. Supposedly Menelek stole the Ark of the Covenant, the most precious religious object of which Solomon was the guardian. 5 years after his deat, the Egyptians defeated his son and detroyed and looted Solomon's Temple. The Ark disappeared out of history and religious practice. The Holiest of Holies, where the Ark rested, stays empty from now on. Menelek brought the Ark to the South. But where was his kingdom located?
Untill now, Ethiopia is the main candidate.
Suprisingly in this part of the world all the christian orthodox-churches possess an Ark, repilicas of the original one. This Ark you can find in Axum, in a speial temple, guarded by one single priest. A duty for life, thoughly the priests mostly die yound.
Nobody is allowed to see the Ark untill the right moment is there.
The Ethiopians have, in religion and folklore, strong connections with Israel and the Jews. Not too long ago a whole tribe was transported to Israel, because they were of Jewish descent. This African christian outpost, preserved the book of Enoch, which was lost to the rest of christianity. The complex of “sunken churches” at
Lalibella is locally known as “the new Jeusalem”.
So was Ethiopia the place where Sheba is located?
A second candidate is Yemen, the land of 2 Paradises, where about 1000 years bc. several trading-towns (Herib) flourished. Main product of this area is frankincence a product which was worth its weight in gold.
And it were gold and frankincense that were the gifts of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon.
Sheba in Yemen? There still is a lot to discover in this part of the world. But in latest years Yemen is almost inaccessable to archeologists. Opposing factions and tribal rivalry are part of a continuous conflict, that tears the country apart. Menelek's kingdom could stay covered with dust.

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