heart of stone
Costa Rica over 30 “bolas”, stone balls are found. Variaty of
size, from a basketball to stones the size, and the weight, of a
small car. These balls have one thing in common: They were almost
perfect spheres; about 97% correct. Impossible to produce in our
days, the stones are estimated to be 3/4000 years old. Which brings
us to the conclusion that 2000 years before the birth of the Christ,
stone-masons, predating the Maya and Olmek, produced perfect round
balls, with stone tools!, and placed them, sometimes half buried in
the jungle, all over the island. How these “primitive” indians
did this, we don't know. Why they did it, we don't know either.
anomalies in our history can be just single stones or artefacts, in
recent years thousands of, sometimes colossal, monuments have been
discovered. I am talking about pyramids. Before 1945 pyramids are
only found in Egypt, more than 100 of them. But everybody's attention
was focused on the Gizeh-plateau in Egypt. He stood three giants, but
again we were distracted and focused on the Great Pyramid of Chu'fru
planes, flying at the end of World War 2 over China, saw and
photographed pyramids. This was a sensation and a pardigm was broken.
Suddenly pyramids were discovered all over the world. Thousands were
found in South- and Meso-America, but also in Sudan, Ethiopia, the
South-Pacific, England, Bosnia and even the Antarctic. Ages ranging
from 4000 bc. to 1000 ad.
only the number of known, man-made pyramids reaches 10.000, the
knowledge about this subject has exploded. Traditionally pyramids
were seen as graves for a diseased pharaoh and rooms discovered were
interpreteted as funeral chambers. If the pyramids were pharaonic
grave-monuments is doubted by modern researchers. No hieroglyphs
inside the Great pyramid or mummies and gifts. There is one
exception, the grave of the Great Pakal in Mexico. Here the remnants
of the king were found, including his royal attributes, armor,
jewelry and mask.
a period of several thousand years Earth was a colossal building site
of pyramids and other monuments.
they did, with only manual labour and simple tools, is a mystery.
When they did it is debatable. Generally the Gizeh-complex, including
its Sphinx, is dated 2500 b.c. The weathering of the Sphinx by water
cannot be explained this way.
the final question, why, has not been explained at all, but studies
reveal parts of the cosmic contrext the pyramids functions within.
they are there and more will be found. Hidden in plain sight. Covered
with sand or deep in the ocean.

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