
dinsdag 8 mei 2018


Master: “You are unique and therefore important. Your presence has effects, like a stone thrown in a quiet pond. Waves, circels, interference. Nothing happens by chance, everything seems planned. Your name was planned, so was your day of birth. Much of the program you follow, is aimed at that. Insight in your self and your historical karma.

Dates of birth have one big problem.

They are too precise. Jeus is said to be born on the 24th of december. Even the year is known. The year 0.

Actually it was the year minus 4. Herod the Great ordered the slaughter of the Innocent, to kill Jesus. He died in that year and was buried in an unique mausoleum near Jerusalem.

The common chronology and timeline are probably wrong. What about the date? That the shepperds camped in the open in the middle of winter seems improbable. More likely is the use by the early church of dates, already celebrated by the people, like Easter and especially Christmas. All through history december 24 is an important date. Many famous teachers were born on that day. Especially the sungod Mithras, imported to Rome from the Orient. “Christmas” was celebrated, even before Jesus was born, including the gifts.

But if you start messing with dates and timelines, other problems appear. According to catholic tradition John the Baptist was born 6 months before Jesus. His birthday is celebrated, worldwide on the 24th of april.

Some believers still think that his role was more important than Jesus, whom he baptised in the Jordan-river.”

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