Master: “ Over 1400 names of people are mentioned in the bible, only 111 are names of women. In this way this Holy book, does not differ from other documents or pamplets from around Jesus' time. Women play a role as founders of dynasties, but did not play a role in warfare, religion, economics or cultural affairs. There were exceptions of course, Mohammeds wife f.i. or Cleopatra, but the Qu'ran or the New Testament are strict male products.
The legitimization of this global trend is found in the same books!
Of course in the New Testament Anna or Mary are christian icons, worth to be followed. But de role and position of women is defined by other episodes in the Bible.
Eve, Adam's second wife after the Lilith-fiasco, was seduced by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God had strictly forbidden.
Adam follows her example and the couple is thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Gods punishment for Eve: to obey and to serve, her husband f.i. or authorities. Woman cannot be trusted and are the source of all evil and decay. The Bible mentions several of these wicked “scarlet women”.
Jezebel, who introduced pagan rituals to Jeruzalem and tried to kill the prophet Elya. Delilah, who brought the Hebrew price-fighter Samson down or Salome, who wanted the head of John the Baptist on a plate.
Mary Magdalene, mentioned in the Gospels, was a former prostitute, forgiven by the Messias, whom she followed untill his death on the cross. Mary Magdalen was the first to see the resurrected Christ.
The Bible is a work in progress. In recent years, to start in 1947 with the discovery of the Dead-sea scrolls, several gospels and manuscripts are discovered. Many totally unknown among scolars and theologians. One is the gospel of Mary Magdalene.
The scroll-fragments were a sensation. Not only did they describe Mary as a close, maybe even the closest, disciple of Jesus, who was envied by Peter and even kissed Jesus Christ. On his hand, forehead or his mouth? The scroll is damaged at that spot. Some even suggest that Mary Magdelene carried and gave birth to Jesus' child.
Remains just one question. Was Mary Magdalene black?
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