
woensdag 4 januari 2017

During this course you met several concepts of “ lost and hidden treasure”. The results of plunder and greed; stolen from us!
Modern technology, excessive funding, media-attention and new archeological data, inspire many modern-treasure hunter.
I make a distinction between under-water research, extremely important and exploration of the soil.
The first, got known by the discovery of ancient shipwrecks. Regularly my home-town comes to live. Another expedition of the “Lutine”, is on the way. This ship contained the total payment of German soldiers fighting for England. Coins, gold and silver bars and jewelry. It is all still there.
This just one example of the many ships, still to be discovered.
Underwater-archeology presents us with data, that pushes human history, way back. Underwater ruins explored: Dwarka, the twin-city of Krisjna: more than 30.000 years old (India) and Yonaguny, underwater man-made complex. Near Okinawa, Japan.
Classical archeological digs produces evidence, that contradict common theory. The Sphinx is weathered by rain, not by sand. Which makes the monument, much more ancient, than the supposed 4500 years.
Next mankind searches for “esoteric and religious objects”. There are a lot of them and most of those artefacts are lost, which means hidden and many times guarded and manipulated by secret owners.
It is our task, to bring these treasures. In to the open.
Examples are: relics, the Ark of the Covenant, The Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny or the staff of Moses.
A second category is so-called “War Treasure”, still missing. Examples are: Montezuma's Treasure, Japanese Army lost gold-looting, Rommel's Treasure, hidden Nazi treasure trains, dumped Nazi Gold, the Templar-treasure, the Amber-Room.

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