I am in for a 10-day retreat. No phone, computer or newspapers.
Refreshed we will start a new Cycle in the weeks towards Christmas.
Take care.
dM, SiTU
Verenigd Links, Want to save an aging elephant from a truly miserable life? Elephants are incredibly smart, emotional animals. They feel joy and camaraderie—and they can also feel extreme grief and depression. Kaavan was still a baby elephant when he was taken from his mother and placed in the Islamabad, Pakistan Zoo. For the past 30 years, Kaavan has lived in a small concrete enclosure with all four legs chained. These chains have left deep gashes on his feet and legs. He bobs his head from side to side—a behavior known as "weaving", displayed by elephants to express despair and depression. |
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Dat de grootschalige productie van melk, vlees en eieren veel dierenleed veroorzaakt, weten veel mensen inmiddels. Maar dat de veehouderij verantwoordelijk is voor bijna 15% van de wereldwijde uitstoot van broeikasgassen is voor velen nog onbekend. De uitstoot van deze gassen komt onder andere vrij via de ontlasting van de miljarden dieren in de vee-industrie en de grote hoeveelheid energie die nodig is voor de productie van het voer voor al deze dieren. De uitstoot van broeikasgassen door de veehouderij is zelfs hoger dan de hele transportsector bij elkaar! |
Houston officials believe the fire was set intentionally, and many are calling for this to be investigated as a hate crime. Unfortunately, the hate which likely ignited this fire wasn't just contained to the blaze, for as news of the fire spread, a retired Houston-area firefighter who
still(update: no longer) volunteers for Crystal Beach Fire & Rescue posted the following: