
vrijdag 6 juli 2018


The word “Apocalypse” originally meant “unveiling”. Like the opening of the curtains at the start of a play. When you watch a program with that name on “National Geographic”, you are bombarded with images of doom and destruction. The “Apocalypse” is the endfase of mankind, filled with suffering and destruction for mankind. War, pestilence, earthquakes and famine are stages towards “The End of Time”.

In 1936 an old box, containing “strange” papers, was auctioned in London. The new owners discovered that the papers had belonged to Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, who lived in the 17th century. With him sience finds a foundation and his laws and observations gave a giant push to optics, astronomy, physics and mathematics.

But the papers found in the box had nothing to do with his scientific work. Sir Isaac Newton had through analysis and calculating of the Holy Bible, discoverd, that “the End of the World” would happen in 2060.

Sir Isaac Newton knew, that publishing these findings, would cost him his live. The result of his research would be called “blasphemy”, punished bij death at the stake. Maybe that was the reason, why Newton never spoke of this and hid his calculations. But Isaac Newton was not the only one, who believed, that the Bible contained a prophetical calendar. Dates have been named and passed. Everybody is now awaiting the next prophesied “Apocalypse”. This time it's the Mayan Calendar. On 21 december 2012 their old calendar comes to an end. The cycle of about 5000 years comes to an end.

American TV-stations, like NGC, History Channel and Discovery contimuous fill our minds with images and “facts” of every type of horror possible. Giant tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, solar flares and pole shifts; all candidates for the end of mankind. Indeed many things do come to pass, but harm to humankind will be done by men upon men. War, famine, epidemics and violence can only be stopped by man himself. To make a start, you have to “drop out” out of this reality, full of lies and hidden secrets, and start doing the right things. Your personal “Apocalypse”.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor APOCALYPSE

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