
zaterdag 5 mei 2018


what happens when we die

You heart will be weighed and compared to that of a feather. Is it lighter, only good things await you. If not, you will be eaten alive by a bloodthirsty monster.

So says an ancient Egyptian papyri describing the road through the afterlife and how to survive. Every culture knows descriptions of the Underworld, Hades or our christian hell.

Hell is a moral concept.

Hell is a fysical place.

Hell is forever.

If this concept is true, it is a most terrible prognosis for our future. “Who is without sin?”, Jesus asked the villagers, when they wanted to stone some-one, “Then throw the first stone.”

The Roman-Catholic Church earned a lot of money by selling “aflaten”; documents in which sin was forgiven, that had not been committed yet. You could buy your way into heaven; hell was for the poor.

More and more, hell is manifesting itself in our reality. Our modern world is put upside down by war, economic manipulation, long-term pollution effects, radiation, starvation and epidemics. Hell on earth.

What is going on our planet is, still is manageable, controlled and temporarly. Or so, the rulers of this planet, make us believe. Promising us peace, when global war is near; promising us food, while the food-chain is disrupted and crops are destroyed; promising us health, while the most devillish viruses are constructd in laboratories all around the world, while ebola is on the rise again and promising us safety, while terrorist-attacks are on the rise.

That is true, hell on Earth is a historical process, manifesting in time. The real Hell means torture forever. And even if there is no such thing as eternity, a stay in Hades lasts a long, long time.

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