
dinsdag 8 mei 2018


he was worshipped by his followers, as the Son of God

The most important Mary in the Bible, is Mary, mother of God. Her presence and adoration among the Christian-believers has been growing over the centuries and culminated in many apparitions (Lourdes and Fatima in Portugal) and special worship within the papal church. Popes visit mass-meetings in Poland, to worship and revive the “Black Madonna”.

Some protestant bible-extremist see in Mary, the manifestation of “the Whore of Babylon”, the wicked one. A dark and evil power, described in Revelation, which will show itself, in the End of Days, during the Apocalyps. Mary-worship is a tool of the devil, as tne New Age movement is; an ingenous deception. Mary is mentioned in the Qu'ran, as is Jesus.

Number 2 in the list of Mary's is Mary Magdalene. For ages, she was portrayed as a converted prostitute. Who was struck by Jesus' words and followed the Messiah untill his death. She was the only follower of Christ present at his death at the cross, all the others, including Peter and the other disciples fled and sought shelter in Jerusalem.

Mary Magdalene was the first, who met the resurrected Jesus Christ and warned the others. This makes her an important “player” in the life and death of the son of God and the following events.

In recent years much relevant material fitting in the Biblical time-line was found in Israel and Egypt (Dead Sea scrolls. Naq Hamady-library (Egypt); archeological excavations enriched our insight in the context in which the Bible came to be.

In this spirutal “learning-proces” Mary Magdelene even a gospel named after Her, was found.

This completely changed the picture. Mary Magdalene was one of the most loved disciples of Christ. Jesus saw her potential and became quite intimate with Mary and introduced her to the Lord. This made Peter, an anti-feminist, very jealous. Jesus even kissed her; on the mouth? The word used is, unfortunately is completely burnt away!

In the 21st century Mary Magdelene has a central place, especially with modern, female theologians.

According to them, Mary Magdelene was carrying a child, the child of Jesus. She fled to Egypt, where Sarah (Hebrew for Princess) was born and lived till she was 12. Probably Egypt became to dangerous and she has to flee. Sarah's and Mary Magdalene's stories remarkedly resemble the tales of Mary and Jesus. With this big difference, Mary Magdalene and her precious child left the area. In a boat Mary, Sarah and their entourage, drifted, they had no oars, and landed in the south of France. The Lord had shown them the way and so it was here that Sarah grew up and Mary Magdalene was buried in France. Mary Magdalene has been a favourite saint in France since their arrival around 50 ad.

From here the story mystifies and seems to step out of our classical paradigms.

Sarah, or her children, married into the Merovingian royalty. They were the first kings and queens of France. Merovingian kings had healing hands and other superhuman qualities. This dynasty, that fell and was resplaced by the Carolingians (Charlemagne a.o.), who drove back the Spanish Moors, contained, from Sarah onwards, the bloodline of Christ, the Holy Grail (Sang Real, Holy Blood).

This is quite the opposite from the classical description; the Holy Grail being the cup, Jesus drank his wine from at the Last Supper and which was chased by the knights of King Arthur. Some churches pretend to possess one.

The Priory of Sion was created to protect this bloodline and it functions to this day, as “novelised” in the “Da Vinci Code”.

This could mean, that a direct descendant (m/f, even twins) of Jesus walks this Earth. The Lord will not descend from the sky, for his 2nd Coming, but could knock on your door.

Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been the Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion. Did he leave a message on one of his masterpieces?

Leonardo depicted the Last Supper. Recent interpretations declare the person on Jesus' right hand is not a male apostle, but Mary Magdalene.

Secondly: the Cup of Christ is missing on the fresco. Leonardo left the cup out. No material Holy Grail painted near his hand.

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