
woensdag 9 mei 2018



The prophet Elia went up into heaven by a charriot-of-fire; never to be seen again, Enoch visited Heaven and circled around the world. He too, went with God to live eternal life.

Moses, who wrote the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. In it is the story of the Exodus, when the Isrealites left/fled Egypt. The Jews lived in the north-eastern part of theNile-delta, where they were building the city of Piramesse (Ramses, this does not automatically mean Ramses II, the Great, who ruled over 60 years; the list of Pharaohs mentions 8 rulers by that name.

The story is well-known. The Israelites (estimations 300.000 up to over a million; Egyptions joined the Exodus too; their land lay in ruins. Moses split the Red Sea. The fugitives passed and the charriot-army of the pharaoh drowned when the waters returned. For the Isrealites 40 years of wandering began. During this “trip”, God fed them with manna and guided them with a pillar of light at night and a pillow of smoke at day-time. Following this guidance, they arrived at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the 10 Commandments and the Isrealites accepted the Covenant with Jehovah.

Recent research indicates, that this interprettion may be completely wrong.

According to recent publications, the path of the Exodus did not lead through the Red Sea, but through the Persian Gulf. Mount Sinai is not in the Sinai-dessert, but in Saudi-Arabia. There arguments sound reasonable.

Like I said, the Jews lived in the North-Eastern part of the Nile-delta. The mass-migration along the Western banks of the Red Sea, would bring them into Egypt, not out of it. Going to the North, was blocked by the Filistines, who were much too strong. They introduced iron-swords in the area.

Remained the Eastern bank of the Red Sea, following an ancient trading-route to Arabia, a route that takes them to the Persian Gulf. Moses had travelled this road once before. But there is more. First we have to realise, that the desserts, we know, are a modern phenomenon. The land was lusher and greener and water was plenty. Also the sea-levels were lower. The Persian Gulf and the Red Sea were rivers, than seas.

God fed and guided the Israelites, by day and night. Some see the description in Exodus as depicting Ufo's and extra-terrestrial interference. But there is another interpretation: an active volcano. And yes, during the Exodus a volcano in Northern-Arabia was active, that could have fuctioned as a beaken, at day and by night.

Mount Sinai may be on the other side of the Persian Gulf in present day Saudi-Arabia. “Guerilla-archeology has delivered some evidence, but the government has closed the site and further excavations are forbidden.

The classic Mount Sinai and the traditional interpretation are still presented as the truth and taught at school.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor UFOS IN THE BIBLE

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