
maandag 21 mei 2018


current accomplishments


The best trick the Devil played on us, is making reasonable people believe, that he does not exist.

Narrowing the denial down to one entity, the Dark Lord, makes it sound plausible and reasonable to many. But comparing it to the whirlpool of Gods and Goddesses and the intensity of our endless adoration and human worship.

Saton is a title, which can be herited or bought, like nobility, but on a higher level. Here, call it a Heaven, there are 7 of them, he dwells among other powerfull interdimensional entities and bound forces.

Devillish is living according to your reptilian brain. Fighting, without remorse, a battle of survival in a controlled environment. Accepting this, everything is tolerated and even forgiven.

Demonic phenomena. Players on higher levels use obsession and possession of humans as part of their global-powergame. Hidden, deep inside the Dark Web, these mighty man of old, can be found.

Though created benevolent and helpful to humans, aeons of isolation, turned some completely nuts. Still, they are open to conversation, distraction and suggestions. Even so, your communication can end up terribly wrong.

They don't care.

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