
maandag 7 mei 2018


Viking kings and queens were buried in a boat. Sometimes the boat was set asail on a Western course and it glid away into the darkness. Archers shot burning arrows and the ship, and its contents, turned into a fiery beaken disappearing into the night. Family and friends praying and waving good-bye on the beach. An impressive scene. Egyptian pharaohs were buried with a “sun-”ship too.

Before the Flood, mankind was not the only “intelligence” on earth. According to the Bible several competitors were present. First of all, the Nephilim, the fallen angels, and their human hybrid offspring (giants, supernatural powers, rulers, men od reknown). Also mentioned in texts are Watchers, angels, Nephilim, Gods, demi-gods and Heroes. In folklore and mythology we find snakes, that can talk and dragons that fly, the Babylonians and Egyptians accepted animal/human hybrids. Christians accepted the devil as a real person, roaming the Earth to win a soul and believed in mythological creatures like the Unicorn and thecountry Phoenix, the burning bird.

Before the Flood the waterlevels on earth were much lower, extending the landmass considerably. Europe and America were much “closer” and contact or trade (cocaine,tabacco)


Giants started an uprising and an internal powerstruggle developed, that lead to a war between the Titans and the Olympians, a bloody war of annihilation, the Olympians won.

During their reign, mankind was formed, recreated so to say. Specifick dna-sequences were blocked and male-superiority, animosity, greed and jealousy introduced.

Although the life-span of the earthly beings, giants, animals and (demi-)gods much longer, all of them died or disappeared, some promised to return. And humans started building enormous monuments in their honour.

I expect, that the dead giants and (demi-)gods were ceremonally buried, possibly with their weapons (technology) and richness, and then brought to the west, towards the setting sun, to be buried in North-America, which was closer to Europe before the Flood.

Chtulhu, an Old One, an Babylonian Deity, was slain by Marduk. Legends say it is dead, but dreaming.

If my line of thinking is correct, the North-American pre-Flood graves still emmit energy, radiation and dreams, that influences the American people. Re-activated ancient technology is a possibility too. Maybe these graves function as beakens and are strong enough to attract extraterrestrial entities. It would explain the ufo-phenomenon, that though global, is in its essence an American phenomenon.

North-America a grave-yard, haunted by ancient spirits and ghosts?

It would expllain the history of the USA and the current state it is in. The country is, deliberately, being torn apart and an answer is not in sight. Therefore violence erupts on all levels, random shootings and deaths on a daily basis, police-violence, environmental destruction. The USA is drifting towards a civil war and its population and police is armed for to teeth.

If Chtulhu lures you in her dream, you are lost. It leads to a life, that does not start, but ends with a big Bang.

American archeologists are slowly discovering their roots. The USA is covered with megalitic monuments, tunnels and mystery-stones. Graves with giant human-skulls have been unearthed. On the bottom of lakes (waterlevel!) stone-circles have been located. But the finds are not taking serious.


Because official archeology and other fields have to be totally rewritten. We have been wrong all the time.

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