
zondag 20 mei 2018


Djengis Khan was a sjaman and a warrior


Sjamans, druids, spiritual priests and magicians used to play an important role in pre-industrial society and it is still present in traditional societies all over the world.

In our modern world these practises seem to have disappeared.

Seem too, because directly beneath the surface of our Western society it still flourishes. Future-telling, love-predictions and promises of material wealth, obtained by horoscopes, handreading and crystal-balls. are still considered valuable and give guidance in life.

But it is not officially recognised, scientists desperately try to explain away “psychic” phenomena and manifestations from the other side of the fence are ridiculed and ignored.


Because this knowledge and sjamanistic abilities are dangerous to the powers, that rule the earth.

Sjamans tend to speak the truth, which is bad for government. Sjamans and prophets too, see the future as it will be and this is often dark and filled with destruction. Rulers don't like that, because hey know it to be true.

Sjamans know, when you are lying.

Which makes them unwelcome on a global level.

On this level everybody is lying all the time,

to us.

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