
dinsdag 8 mei 2018



Madness is increasing on a global scale. The first banker to earn over a billion a year works at a Rothschild bank. Of course this is ridiculous, but wealth and security will melt away in the coming Age. It is a diversion, something to talk about. Much more dangerous is the continuous infection of the mind-frame of the young.

Recent movies and video-games program children and youngsters, with dramatic effects.

Situations, actions, stunts and atrocities are mimicked and re-played, to be made public and gain some attention. This goes far beyond “a Catcher in the Rye”, this is a global phenomenon, which ends in eschatological drama.

Live fast, die young.

The tactics of Isis are based on computer-wargames.

But there is more.

More future values are promoted. No, I am not talking about smoking, nor about sex in a general sense.

Quite recently, I watch a fantasy-movie, which name I have forgotten. But that does not matter, it is all the same, anyway.

The opening scene: a treeless and mountanous landsape. A village, medieval scenery, awakening, herding cattle and children playing with their pet-goat. Almost idyllic.

A change of music. In the distance a group of riders is approaching.

A sudden change of atmosphere; people start running, goods are collected and cattle is driven out of the village.

When the horsemen arrive, they start killing the villagers.

A moment of Focus: 2 of the looters enter a house. One of them sees a young girl, graps her, nails her to the wall with his sword and rapes her. When he is finished, he withdraws his sword and the live-less girl falls to the ground.

You can have her if you want.”, he says to his comrade.

To all. I am the Last Prophet and I speak the truth.

Those who realise this horror and present it as entertainment, who distribute and earn money from this, in anyway, will be punished accordingly.

They will live in a world according to their imagination.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor THE MONKEY PATH

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