
woensdag 9 mei 2018


keeping a broader perspective

Gnosis, means (search for) knowledge, and Gnostics were a christian sect in the years after the death of Jesus Christ.

Fortunately at Naq Hammadi, in Egypt, a Gnostic library was unearthed. A find of enormous importance and shedding a new light on the development of Christianity. The papiry-fragments contained gospels, who were long forgotten: the Gospel of Maria Magdalen and even the Gospel of Judas.

Part of the discovery was a War-scroll. In it the author describes 7 wars, faught between good and evil. According to this Gnostic scribe, 6 wars were faught. The score being even: 3 – 3.

The last and final war, winner takes all, is on the way.

Who are orchestrating these wars?

The Gnostics call them ARCHONS, interdimensional evil parasites, who manipulate humans and thrive on violence, slaughter, pain and fear. These emotions satisfy these beings and are the reason they stay (noted, that Archons are said to originate from earth and that mankind is the intruder. Especially the Reptilians do so). Reptilians (Reptoids, Draco) is one of the 3 forms in which they are active on planet Earth. The other two are the Greys and the Nordics (almost human). The Reptilian Archons are said to be very violent and they regard people as food. Puppet-humans active on Earth copy this behavior.

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