
woensdag 22 februari 2017



The Ark of the Covenant is described in the Bible as a sacred container, wherein rested the Tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments as well as Aaron's rod and manna. According to the Biblical account, the Ark was built at the command of God, in accord with Moses' prophetic vision on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:10-16). God communicated with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover (Exodus 25:22). The Ark and its sanctuary were "the beauty of Israel" (Lamentations 2:1). Rashi and some Midrashim suggest that there were two arks - a temporary one made by Moses, and a later one made by Bezalel.
The Biblical account relates that during the exodus of the Israelites, the Ark was carried by the priests ~2,000 cubits (Numbers 35:5; Joshua 4:5) in advance of the people and their army or host (Num. 4:5-6; 10:33-36; Psalms 68:1; 132:8). When the Ark was borne by priests into the bed of the Jordan, the river was separated, opening a pathway for the whole of the host to pass over (Josh. 3:15-16; 4:7-18). The Ark was borne in a seven-day procession around the wall of Jericho accompanied by seven priests sounding seven trumpets of rams' horns, the city was taken with a shout (Josh. 6:4-20). When carried, the Ark was always wrapped in a veil, in tachash skins (the identity of this animal is uncertain), and a blue cloth, and was carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the Levites who carried it.


Everything is interconnected. Connections consisting of several layers, dimensions and levels of existence. Every root in a forest is connected. They protect and maintain each other, even on an emotional level. Plants that are worshipped during growth, talked to and treated well (like ganja f.i.), perform excellent. Even the water, the plants we use, reflect emotions and even react to music. You can imagine, what happens in a forest (emotionally, spiritual and physical), when the chainsaw-gang arrives. Trees are connected, by means of their height and canopy. Watching life in the treetops, opened up a completely new worlds to botanists and biologists. Completely unknown plants and species of butterflies, frogs and even monkeys, were seen for the first time. Seen from above, by satellite, scientists discovered the diversity and harmony of the trees and plant life. This world is destroyed too, because of our insatiable hunger for wood. This ends up in our houses as souvenirs and decoration.
In Africa certain trees warned each other. When an elephant arrived, that started eating, all the trees changed the chemicals in the leaves. They became less edible. The number of birds do not show you, how “natural” an area is. It's the diversity that counts. All the insects, birds and mammals interact with each other. Is there enough to eat, the number of owls grow, because many mice survive. But butterflies harvest on different flowers and mammals eat different plants. When diversity disappears, decline begins.
That's what happened in “Lake Victoria”. This African lake was famous for its divers and colorful fishes. They were liked by fans of tropical fish, all over the world. This type of fish is completely gone and because this eco-system was unique, probably forever. This eco-disaster is completely man-made. To boost the local fishing-industry, the “nile-perch” was introduced. This alien took completely over. Being a predator, unknown to the “locals”, this was heaven. The perches grew bigger and bigger. Now they are eating each other. But the lake has changed too. All the fish had a well defined place in the eco-system. Some ate plankton, some ate plants, some ate insects. This is Darwin's nightmare. The perches don't do things like that. “Lake Victoria” is a place of death.


De namen van de dagen van de week, zoals wij die gebruiken, verwijzen naar Germaanse en Romeinse goden en oerkrachten.

De zon en de maan hebben hun oorsprong in de Romeinse aanbidding van de zon en de maan. Dinsdag verwijst naar de Germaanse oorlogsgod Tyr (Tiu). Woensdag is vernoemd naar de Germaanse oppergod Wodan, net als donderdag, waarin de naam van Donar (de dondergod) doorklinkt. Vrijdag is de dag van Freya, de Germaanse godin van liefde en wellust. Zaterdag tenslotte was de dag van Saturnus, de Romeinse god van de landbouw en de vruchtbaarheid.

Door op de onderscheiden dagen extra aandacht aan de naamgever te schenken, hoopten de Romeinen en de Germanen onheil te voorkomen en voorspoed aan te roepen. De Christelijke kerk heeft deze heidense namen, net als veel andere zaken, zonder problemen over genomen.



In de beeldende kunst wordt de sleutel gebruikt als symbool van goddelijke macht. Zowel heidense goden als kerkheiligen beeldde men af als sleutelhouder.

Op een mozaïek te Ravenna in het mausoleum van Galla Placida, dat uit 480 dateert, zien we de apostel Petrus als sleutelbewaarder van de hemel afgebeeld. Petrus had de macht om de poort naar de Hemel te openen of te sluiten. Openen van de hemelpoort en toegang tot de Hemel, stonden synoniem voor de vergeving van alle zonden.

See full size imagePetrus geschilderd door
Peter Paul Rubens


foto van Maurice van Miltenburg.

dinsdag 21 februari 2017

foto van Else Kruls.

Het heeft 80 jaar geduurd, voordat we de tirannie van Spanje hadden overwonnen. Met de strijd tegen de moderne tirannen zijn we nog maar net begonnen.

WIST U DIT? door master Klaas
Sinds 1932 is het WILHELMUS het Nederlandse volkslied, en de meeste mensen weten niet beter of Filips van Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde schreef de tekst ervan. Maar onderzoek in grote hoeveelheden liedteksten laat zien, dat hij het vrijwel zeker NIET was - en dat Petrus Datheen (1531 - 1588) een veel waarschijnlijker kandidaat is. Het onderzoek is geplubiceerd middels een fraai vormgegeven boekje: Van wie is het Wilhelmus.

The Flying Dutchman


foto van Berend Pol Fotografie.
foto van Berend Pol Fotografie.
foto van Berend Pol Fotografie.


foto van Maurice van Miltenburg.
Ik wil U vragen om op enig moment het Raadhuis aan de noordzijde eens goed te bekijken. eens goed te bekijken.
Het is een prachtig monumentaal pand, maar het is bleek en vaal. Daardoor heeft dit historische pand, niet de aandacht en uitstraling, die het verdient.
De bedoelingen van de oorspronkelijke architect komen volstrekt niet tot hun recht. De ornamentuur en het hoogwaardige houtsnijwerk blijven onzichtbaar. Diverse ramen zijn dichtgemetseld. Dit zou door een grondige restauratie moeten gebeuren; met oog voor detail, maar vooral voor kleur.
Hetzelfde geldt voor het ijzerwerk van de brug over de Noorderhaven. Hiervan worden het vakmanschap en de details met de witkwast weggepoetst.
Goed voorbeeld, doet goed volgen.
Meerdere panden aan de Noorderhaven lijden aan vertroostelozing, verwitting en verschraling. Het opknappen van ons Raadhuis zou stimulerend kunnen werken.
Het leven lijkt vaak vaal en grauw, daarom moeten we kleur aanbrengen waar het mogelijk is. Daar worden mensen vrolijk van.


Everything is going according to plan, Madam.” The spokesman, obvious a member of operational services, looked up at the tall, blondhaired woman, who was overlooking the surroundings from het commandpost in the cspaceship. She was almost one feet taller, than the engineer. Slim, blue-eyes and extremely young for the position she held over this delicate operation from Cosmic Rescue. That was not the official name, but its goal was to rescue endangered species or lifeforms.

Life was a priceless and a special commodity in this universe, though the opposite was mostly true. This planet was full of life. It even contained intelligent humanoid species, unique to this universe. But even though there was room enough for everybody and their adaptability to natural circumstances was formidable, the humanoid species clashed and the decisive fight over territory, huntinggrounds and habitable places drove one type of humans almost to extinction. Nothing could stop this process, becaue the winning side strongly believed, that, although they looked quite similar, that their fellow human beings were animals, who should be hunted down, because they represented a danger for the growth and blossoming of their way of life. The latter meaning continuous battles over territory or women. This inherent aggression was now focused on this, shrinking, population.

We did a good job, even though it took a couple of years to convince them, that leaving the planet was their best option.”

The engineer nodded. “I was hear from the beginning and worked mainley on holographic projection and imaging.” The woman laughed. “In the end they even accepted holographic images of me and my team as entities and part of their collective spirit. During mass-ceremonies held in their underground cathedrals we succeeded in getting this message across. It were their sjamans, that made the difference. They were mostly curious after our techniques and, on a new, suitable planet, this would enhance their power manyfold. Even now their insights, rituals and inprinting techniues completely supported their way of life. They only took from the land, what they needed and were, in contrast to their enemies, mostly vegetarian.

Outside a long row of humans, man, woman and children, were climbing towards an entrance of the ship. They were dressed in furs and were carrying pottery, jars and all kind of tools. They seemed in a kind of trance, hardly making a sound.

Madam, does this place have a name?” She nodded. “In the future this will be called “das Neanderthal”.

I believe in the existence of unicorns, (and in many more entities and “tendencies to exist”). But most of all, I believe in unicorns.

Why? I never saw a real one, but a long, long time ago, I was about 12 years old, I had gotten permission to visit and use the “Big Library”, for adults only, when I first was confronted by this mystery animal. The building is gone now and so are the many books that were kept there, too.

In the dusty and narrow alleyways one could wander for hours. And this is what I did. History, Geography, exotic locations and the wonders of nature, were my favorite subjects.

One Wednesday afternoon I layed my hands on a big book, richly illustrated , which told the story of the unicorn, who was still alive and kicking. Where? In Kenya!

The book, with a picture of a unicorn on the cover, told the story of an old book, that was recently discovered, which described a strategy to find the mysterious white horse. Or better, the animal would find YOU, if you were worthy.

As a novice, the daring had to undergo a kind of initiation-rite. Quite dangerous, because it meant a close confrontation with lions and elephant. The book described the journey of a German antropologist, who had made it all the way. The book was full of pictures of elephants and a lion-pack. The author got realy close to these wild animals. He was helped by a anoyting oil, the recipee was in the book.

But the last part of the book was the most impressive. Lots of pictures of unicorns in their natural habitat, wearing small blue flowers on their head. There even was a picture of a unicorn charging a lion.

The book was gone, when I searched for it, a couple of years later. But I still am convinced, that the pictures were authentic. No way, that it was faked and manipulated .

Do unicorns exist? Yes!
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor unicorn

maandag 20 februari 2017


foto van Sebastiaan Margo Posthuma.


25 -


LIBYA WAR: what they don't want you to know

America's Planned War on Britain: Revealed

Hidden deep inside the American National Archives there's a highly classified document once considered as the most sensitive on Earth. In 1930 America crafted an elaborate plan for war with the "Red Empire" - the most deadly enemy. But America's enemy in this conflict was not the Soviet Union, or Japan... it was not even Nazi Germany. Plan "Red" was a code word for a massive war with Britain and all her colonies.
The plan came up during the great depression, amid expansion of evil regimes around the world, and at turbulent times when even some in America have been deluded by dark forces. This documentary will reveal how such an astonishing document came to be written and who would have won if it had been put into practice. It will show how America's greatest ally almost became their deadliest enemy.

Best Ghost Cases Ever Caught on Tape

Ghosts - are they real or not? From the invention of the earliest photographic devices to the latest home video cameras, believers have pointed to images like these as proof. Could they be haunting spirits, phantoms, the dead reaching out to the living, or are some simply the result of camera tricks by clever hoaxers eager to convince millions hoping for evidence of life after death.

In this documentary you will see the most compelling cases ever presented of what many say are ghosts caught on video. You will hear from scientists, computer imaging experts, and the eyewitnesses who shot this chilling footage. Are we seeing spirits from beyond the grave, psychic projections, or something much more explainable? You decide for yourself as we examine the best ghost cases ever caught on tape.

Bad Borders

North Korea is one of the most totalitarian countries on Earth. Its people suffer from political despotism, severe underdevelopment and starvation so it's not surprising that every year thousands of people try to defect the country. Now, escaping is difficult enough, but arriving to a secure place, as the documentary shows, is even more arduous.

To desert North Korea, you can't just jump over the fence into South Korea. That is, except if you're eager to cross fields of landmines, predators, and North Korean military with pretty loose rules of engagement. So most of the renegades head for China, but they're not quite welcoming. The Chinese authorities deny giving North Koreans exile status, partly because they see North Korea as a safeguard between them and the "capitalist" South Korea.