
vrijdag 30 september 2016

history, mythology and anomalies
The Mystery Of Easter Island
The BBC Horizon's 2003 take on the story of Easter Island, fifteen years after their original two part series. Who were the original islanders and where did they come from? How did they make the statues, carry them across the land and raise them into position? What is the story behind the mysterious bird cult? And ultimately, what happened to the thousands of people that lived there? http://youtu.be/P-bVu_FiJ50

















'Wat verkoopt Rabban voor praatjes in de sinks en de dorpen?', vroeg Paul.
'Ze zeggen dat ze de dorpen in de graben zozeer versterkt hebben dat jullie ze geen schade meer kunnen berokkenen. Ze zeggen dat ze alleen maar hoeven zitten wachten in hun versterkingen, terwijl jullie je afmatten in zinloze aanvallen.”
Met andere woorden,”,zei Paul, “ze zitten vast.”
Terwijl jullie kunnen gaan en staan waar je wilt.” zei Gurney.
Dat is een tactiek die ik van jou heb geleerd,” zei Paul. “Zij hebben het initiatief verloren, en dat betekent dat ze de oorlog verloren hebben.” (pag. 441)

AFGHANISTAN: VS weg uit 'vallei des doods'.
KABUL. De verenigde Staten hebben hun laatste militairen teruggetrokken uit een vallei in het oosten van Afghanistan waar ze de afgelopen jaren zware verliezen hebben geleden. De Amerikanen erkennen daarmee dat het een vergissing was een basis in de geisoleerde, dunbevolkte vallei te vestigen en de Taliban daar te bestrijden. Ook vergelijkbare militaire buitenposten worden nu opgegeven.
De nieuwe strategie van generaal McCrystal, de bevelhebber van alle buitenlandse troepen in het land (!),
geeft voorrang aan het brengen van veiligheid in de steden en andere grote bevolkingscentra. In de Korengal-vallei, die door de vele militairen die er sneuvelden bekend werd als 'de vallei des doods', maakten de Amerikaanse troepen zich gehaat bij de bevolking. (LC)
In 1994 explorers discovered a cave, which had been used by people, living about 35.000 years ago, during the last ice-age, when most of northern Europe and the Alps were covered with ice. The climate in southern France was (and is) much better and nature flourished abundant. Horses, lions, mammut, rhino's and lots of other animals roamed these fertile grounds.
The cave-entrance had been blocked by a landslide and it was not entered for 25.000 years. It turned out to be one of the most beautiful caves ever found. At first it just seemed an ordinary cave, but the first explorers reached an entrance to a sub-cave, marked with ocre-dots. From then on, the cave-walls were beautifully decorated. Groups of horses seem to gallop and rhino's were battling. These paintings were highly expressive and dynamic. The stone walls were used to realise optic illusions and even movement.
The cave is named after its discoverer, monsieur dr. Chauvet, but it is better known as : the cave of the Forgotten Dreams.
Part of being of enormous artistic and cultural importance, the cave gave an insight into the religious beliefs of these ancestors. The cave was littered with skulls and bones of the cave-bear. On big skull of this “gentle, vegetarian giant” was placed on an altar, surrounded with other objects and stones. In time the dripping water had cristalised the skull, frozen in time. The artists, the sjamans and the other visitors to this, important place of worship, used torches. These torches left charcoal on the walls and floor. Carbon-dating indicated, that the material was 26.000 years old. The cave is closed for visitors and only a select group of scientists have entrance. There are plans to build an amusement-parc in the area, with a copy of the cave.
Besides the paintings (sometimes only sketches) whe find dots and especially hand-prints. Scientists have no idea what they mean. They call it “ice-age graffiti”, like “Killroy was here”. Sometimes the hand is incomplete. I heard explanations like self-mutilation. If that's what you do in a dangerous environment. They had to hunt and their pray was bigger in size and numbers. Cave lions, beautifully drawn in the Chauvet-cave, were dangerous and so were rhino's. You don't handicap yourself by mutilating your body. The explanation may be more simple. Handsigns, they are the oldest language in the world. It is universal and still in use. You even offend the police by using certain signs. I don't think handsigns have changed that much over the years.
Or is it, even more simple, ancient graffiti, left behind by ancient visitors. Like you find in the Great Pyramid at Gizeh.

Professor Alice Roberts joins the team excavating a 3,000 year-old Bronze Age village in the Cambridgeshire Fens that's been called the 'British Pompeii'. The village earned its nickname because, 3,000 years ago, it burned to the ground - as it burned, it fell into the peat, preserving both the houses and their contents. Until its discovery, we had little real idea of what life was like in Bronze Age Britain. Now we can peek inside our Bronze Age ancestors' homes as archaeologists discover perfectly preserved roundhouses, and the contents inside them - right down to the utensils of their kitchens

Harlingen verkreeg stadsrechten in het jaar 1234 (!). De Nederlanden, inclusief Friesland behoorde tot het Heilige Roomse Rijk en de Keizer of een van zijn afgezanten waren de enigen, die deze konden verlenen. Stadsrechten betekenden niet alleen een mate van zelfbestuur, maar ook het recht om markten te houden (Michaelsmark), tolgelden te heffen en recht te spreken en munten te slaan. Stadsrechten werden gekocht en Harlingen (en Almenum) zaten... voldoende goed bij kas om het gestelde (onbekende) bedrag op tafel te leggen. Harlingen is de oudste stad van Frieslannd en is zelfs, als stad, ouder dan Amsterdam. Robbert Velt heeft onlangs een muntibula gevonden, een munt gebruikt als mantelspeld. Het was een vergulde zilveren munt, qua omvang iets groter dan een 2-euromunt. Ze was "versierd" met twee symbolen: een franse lelie en een Tempelierenkruis. Is het te chauvinistisch gedacht als ik zeg: Dit moet een munt uit Harlingen zijn.,


foto van Hans van Es.

donderdag 29 september 2016

Templars New Lost Knights Treasure Gold..

Wat maakt Harlingen zo bijzonder?

 Vandaag is St. Michaelsdag, gewijd aan de meest belangrijke aartsengel. Hij zal als leider van Gods heerscharen op de dag des Oordeels het kwaad verdelgen.
Michael staat afgebeeld op het raadhuis, terwijl hij de draak verslaat. Imponerend, zo'n schutspatroon.
De eerste christelijke kerk in Noord-Friesland werd aan hem gewijd, de Michael-kerk op de “berg” van Almenum. Gebouwd in 777 toen Gustaaf Forteman, op last van Karel de Grote de heilige ...
eiken van Almenum kapte en de heilige runderen slachtte.
Almenum is beduidend ouder dan Harlingen en heeft voor 777 als Fries heiligdom en cult-centrum gefunctioneerd. In die zin overwon Michael het kwaad. Van het hout van de heilige bomen werd de kerk gebouwd.
Toen de protestanten het heft in handen namen, werd de Michaelkerk onteigend en werd de naam veranderd in de Hervormde, of wel Grote Kerk.
De katholieken moesten ondergrond en kerkten eeuwen in schuilkerken, tot katholieken werd toegestaan een nieuwe kerk te bouwen.
Dit is de Michael-kerk aan de Zuiderhaven. Een prachtige kerk, maar die eigenlijk niet zo mag heten. Michaelkerken worden altijd op een heuvel of berg gebouwd. Mont Saint-Michel in Frankrijk is ook in de 8e eeuw gebouwd, maar aan deze aartsengel gewijde kerken zijn schaars.
Dat is bijzonder in Harlingen. Ze bezit twee Michaelkerken, een officieuze aan de Zuiderhaven en een officiële Dom van Almenum, die we neutraal “de Grote Kerk” noemen en waar de protestanten ter kerke gaan.

In this edition of History Documentaries, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn about the secrets of the Catholic Church i.e., the Vatican secrets.

Geld lenen kost geld.

Bomen planten kost bomen.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor bomen planten


Aan de overzijde van de vaart,

rijen zerken, grijze graven

van de Begraafplaats Algemeen.

Zij die vertrouwen kunnen geven,

nergens vind je meer over het leven,

dan op de Begraafplaats Algemeen.

Hier rijgen zich namen en getallen,

een simpele spreuk of een gedicht.

Het zijn even veel signalen,

dat het leven zich op de toekomst richt.

Vele levenden zouden hier moeten rusten,

om bij zichzelf te rade te gaan.

Is dit de toekomst, die zij wensten.

Is dit het doel van ons bestaan.

Maar we zoeken elders de verlossing,

weinigen zie ik om me heen.

Er is zelfs geen hond,

dat is verboden.

Op de Begraafplaats Algemeen.
Vandaag, 29 september, is het de dag van Sint Michael, de schutspatroon van Harlingen. Hij wordt afgebeeld met een weegschaal en een zwaard waarmee hij een draak (het kwaad) doodt, naast hem het stadswapen van Harlingen. Tegenwoordig wordt op de dag van Sint Michael door sommigen het oogstfeest gevierd. Op deze dag kan je een Sint Michaelsbrood bakken recept op http://www.beleven.org/feest/sint_michael)

woensdag 28 september 2016

Knights Templar,Illuminati,Freemason

She Survived Hitler And Wants To Warn America
She Survived Hitler And Wants To Warn America

DARK MIRROR, used by occultist and alchemist John Dee, for scrying purposes.

Knights Templar On trial

Donald Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton 51 times during the presidential debate, prompting critics to lambast his attitide as sexist and misogynist.
Trump used the debate Monday night to launch a tirade against Clinton, who only cut him short 17 times, according to Vox


dinsdag 27 september 2016



during the tens-of-thousand years, when man existed on earth is this “form”, there is a hughe variaty in see-levels and in the path of rivers and streams. Mayan temples are found, deep under water. in sinkholes and caves. It did not mean, like I heard explorers say, that sjamanic divers did build the temples and dug the graves, by holding their breath. It simply means, that the water-level was 30 to 40 meters lower and made life possible deep under ground. And there are many more of these examples.


There was a time, that the Sahara was a lush and green environment. People lived there herding cattle and wild animals 0f many kind.

We know this, because cave-paintings were found in Algeria, showing this scenery. The cave-art was dated about 10.000 years bc.

The Sphinx, the monument which part of the Gizeh-monument, shows signs of weathering by rain and not by sandstorms. It seems to indicate, that the Sphinx is at least 14.000 years old. Climate and the changing of it, was and is a continuous process.


At least 4 times our planet was struck with a dramatic fall of temperatures, resulting in an Ice-age.

Our last Ice-age laid a layer of ice, from North-America, Northern-Europe to -Siberia. It accumulated lot's of water. Life on the rest of the world was possible and some locations were excellent. In this period, 25.000 years ago, the worldmap looked different and monuments like Yonaguni, at the moment 30 – 60 meters deep in the ocean, were humans dwelled.


There was a time, let's say around the birth of Jersus Christ, that is was possible for a monkey to travel from Kiev to Amsterdam. Without touching the ground. Nothern Europe was covered bij woods and affluent pastures.

This is almost completely gone. The last primal forest, not touched by man, can be found in Poland. And this eco-cathedral is under threat; roads are planned and bulldozers fell the last remnants of our primal, natural habitat

2012: Rare 1792 penny sells for $1.15 million

Coin was auctioned off in Chicago

The front and back of a copper and silver 1792 experimental penny that sold at auction in Schaumburg, Ill. on Thursday, April 19, 2012. Officials with Heritage Auctions say Kevin Lipton of Beverly Hills, Calif., bought the penny on behalf of a group of unnamed investors for $1 million and must also pay the auction house's 15 percent commission. It was never actually put into circulation and only 14 examples of the coin are known to exist.

Heritage Auctions/AP

The front and back of a copper and silver 1792 experimental penny that sold at auction in Schaumburg, Ill. on Thursday, April 19, 2012. Officials with Heritage Auctions say Kevin Lipton of Beverly Hills, Calif., bought the penny on behalf of a group of unnamed investors for $1 million and must also pay the auction house's 15 percent commission. It was never actually put into circulation and only 14 examples of the coin are known to exist.

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. — When is a penny worth $1.15 million? When it is a rare experimental penny minted in 1792.
The unusual coin was auctioned off Thursday at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in suburban Chicago.


In 360 BC, the famous Greek philosopher Plato wrote about a battle between his city Athens and a great empire named Atlantis. In two of his books, 'Timaeus' and 'Critias', Plato describes this war that ended when Atlantis disappeared in the ocean, due to "violent earthquakes and floods". According to Plato, all this happened 9.000 years before his time which would be at least 9.400 BC, some 12.400 years ago.

Sea monsters are sea-dwelling mythical or legendary creatures, often believed to be of immense size. Marine monsters can take many forms, including sea dragons, sea serpents, or multi-armed beasts. They can be slimy or scaly and are often pictured threatening ships or spouting jets of water. The definition of a "monster" is subjective, and some sea monsters may have been based on scientifically accepted creatures such as whales and types of giant and colossal squid.

In days, a crucial global summit could call for an end to all ivory sales everywhere, helping to save our elephants from extinction.

African countries are pushing hard to close a giant loophole that lets ivory be sold domestically, even though the international trade is banned! They’ve got powerful supporters - the US is on board, and China is ready to crack down on ivory sales at home. But, outrageously, the EU could derail the whole plan.

The EU position isn’t final yet and, if we're fast, we can get the European Commission to turn this round. Join a massive public call for Environment Commissioner Vella to use his influence in Europe to win this for the elephants!                                        

donderdag 22 september 2016

woensdag 21 september 2016


Foto Reuters

Trophy Hunting In South Africa

Stop Trophy Hunting In South Africa


Are “Reptilians” real? Are they our overlords, who are connected by a reptilian bloodline (royalty). Whose aim it is to reduce the human population by 80% and enslave the rest, ruled by reptilians in a (New) world order. Worldleaders, who are partly Reptilian, are the front for a future Reptilian World Order (like in the days of the Dinosaurs, so to say). Humans descending from these ancient bloodlines have hugh mental powers (hypnotizing, paralyzing) and they can (or have to) shapeshift between a human and a reptilian form.

There is a theory, that our first brain, was called “reptilian”. Flight or fight; agressive, opportunistic and ruthless, even towards their own kind or ofspring; ruling or submissive. In the first stages of human programming, you learned to kill first and ask questions later. This is one side of the Reptilian mind, the other is “dynastic”. In the bitter circumstances mankind grew up in, it was extremely important to make sure that the tribe, the clan or dynasty survived. This asked for careful planning, based on cultivated history and a reserved place in the Elite, that was rightfully theirs (for ever).

A reptilian (primal) mind arrives at reptilian decisions. Like I mentioned: shoot first, ask questions later. But reptilian thinking takes this several steps further. When you are threatened or about to be attacked, you have to be the first one strike. When you are hit, you hit back harder etc. Reptilian thinking is about making tough decisions. When disaster strikes, there are decisions to be made about life and death. Triage this is called; like in the Titanic, who will get into the life-boats and who don't. But it doesn't stop there. When the Germans bombed Coventry, this could have been prevented. But by doing so, the British had to reveal the latest radar-equipment, which they wanted to keep secret for a while. Churchill made the decision and Coventry burned. That's what I call a “Reptilian-decision”. Alexander the Great was a “reptilian”; (world) domination, promiscious, agressive, beloved leader and always on the frontline. He is connected to the murder of his father, he murdered his younger stepbrother and stepmother and killed his friend and lover with a spear. He was a born leader and anxious to please the Gods. With this in mind, you'll find a lot of Reptilians in history and even now.


He was called “the sleeping prophet”. “Sleeping” referred to the state of self-hypnosis” and “profeth”. Because he diagnosed sick people from a distance, with a remarkable accuracy. A question, written down in a letter, was enough for him to reach out to the sick person, diagnose and prescribe medicine. Thousands of these consultations were made and written down. His name was “Edgar Cayce”, he lived in the USA, from 1877 to 1945. Some say he died from exhaustion, because many visitors wanted to know in those dark years, how there loved-ones fared and if they were still alive.

Casey's monumental achievement was unique, even though he himself could not fully explain, “how it worked”. By putting himself into a trance, he opened a gateway to unknown knowledge. He could talk about subjects he knew hardly anything about and used medical terms, you would expect from a physian, not from some-one who tried to earn a living as a photographer.

Apart from the personal “readings”, Edgar Cayce also made some global “prophesies”. In 1968, he predicted, Atlantis would rise in the Caribbean. In exactly that year the “Bimini Road” was discovered. A kind of underwater road, made of man-made stones. It was the start of an intensive search in this area and with success. Other roads are discovered, as are the remnants of monuments and stone circles. Of the coast of Cuba an underwater city was discovered, supposedly 15.000 years old. Evidence, that ancient cities, harbours and fortresses, had disappeared because of the rising seawater-levels after the last Ice Age. The Flood was a, global, reality. Near the North-West of India, the famous city of Krishna, Dworka, has been located at a depth of 120 meters. Atlantis is rising, like Edgar Cayce predicted. What other prohesies did he utter in his trance? Casey said that the pyramids and the Sphinx were much older, than was assumed in the 1940's. Recently a theory, was published, that Gizeh was about 10.000 years old. The Sphinx, so archeologists discovered, was weathered by water (rain); which placed this intriguing monument back in time, to a period when plenty of rain did fall in Egypt. Cayce also talked about the “Chamber of Wisdom”, which was dug out, between the two pawns of the Sphinx. In this “Chamber of Wisdom”, the Atlanteans stored their knowledge underground for future generations. They knew, that planet Earth would be hit by disaster. Some archeologists cannot wait to start digging, but the Egyptian government forbids all activity, even now that ground-penetrating radar, suggests that caves exist under the Sphinx (this is hardly a surprise. The whole Gizeh-complex, including the pyramids, is connected by underground tunnels.

So far, Casey's predictions are quite accurate, but there are more (horrifying) events to come. He predicted that the island of Japan, will sink into the sea. This is happening at this moment! All over Japan, water is bursting out of the ground.

The nuclear reactor at Fukusjima is slowly sinking. A collapse is possible, which would leed to a melt-down. We will possibly see another Tsjernobyl, in the nearby future. At this moment the situation in the Ukraine is not safe at all, as well. The nuclear reactor is surrounded and sealed of by an construct, about to collapse. The local government does not have the money (2 billion dollar), to do the necessary work. Overall Edgar Casey seems to be right at this prediction.

His last “prophesies” were about the destruction of North-East of the USA. Casey predicted hugh flooding and the down-fall of New York, which would be swallowed by the sea. A month ago, exactly this happened. It won't be the last one. The coastal regions are not protected enough and the frequency and intensity of these “renegade-storms” will rise. Both catastrophies (in the making) will leed to a refugee-problem of unprecedented scale. To make matterrs worse; “the sleeping prophet”, very accurate so far, mentions a coming economic collapse and the definite crash of the stockmarket. I get the strange feeling, that this mysterious American, was right all-the-way.


Volunteers, who state, that they have no “ alien abduction-memories”, produce, under hypnosis the same experiences, images and emotions as participants, who said to have abduction memories and are sure to have been abducted (some many times and from childhood). Does this mean, that the number of abductees is even larger, than supposed (in the USA, the number of abductees counts in the millions!), or does it suggest, that we are programmed from childhood, to see the world and organize our experiences, according to certain archetypes and paradigms? Abductee-experiences are reality, that everybody reconizes. Because we share something (as humans).

The same is with ufo-sightings. Actually those sightings and the reports about the experiences of human beings, are, over the last 35.000 years, quite similar. Cave-paintings in Algeria are supposed to have been made by hunter-gatherers, when the Sahara was still fertile ground, look like people in a space-suit. “Cargo-cult”, this is called; religious beliefs and rituals, that the locals continue when the visitors from outer space, had long gone. This happened on New-Guinea during World War II, when Stone Age met the American warmachine.

The first acount about unidentified flying objects, was written at the court of Pharaoh Tutmosis in Egypt. The text says:
"In the year 22, of the third month of the winter, sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life found that there was a circle of fire coming from the sky. It had no head. From its mouth came a breath that stank. One rod long was its body and one rod wide and it was noiseless. And the hearts of the scribes became terrified and confused, and they laid themselves flat on their bellies.

They reported to the Pharaoh. Now, after some days had gone by, behold these things became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shone with the brightness of the sun, and extended to the four supports of the heaven. Dominated in the sky was the station of these five circles. The army of the Pharaoh looked on with him in their midst. It was after supper. These five circles ascended higher in the sky towards the south. Fishes and winged animals and birds fell down from the sky. A marvel never before known since the foundation of this land. And Pharaoh caused insence to be burned to make peace on the earth. And what happened was ordered by the Pharaoh to be written in the annals of the House of Life so that it be remembered forever."

(Royal Records of Tuthmosis III, 1480 B.C.)

Especilly interesting is the statement about the fish and the birds, that fell down from the sky. Except from the place in time, a report like this would make a massive impact, when it would happen in the 21st century.

More than a thousand years later, Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, has two encounters with alien spacecraft. This time the flying discs actually interfered, once in favour of Alexander. In 322 BC. Five ufo's (flying shields appeared, that crushed the walls of Tyre, so that Alexander's army could enter and conquer the city at the Mediterranean coast.

Alberto Fenoglio wrote in 1966 in the Italian ufological periodical Clypeus :
One day suddenly there appeared over the Macedonian camp these "flying shields", as they had been called, which flew in triangular formation led by an exceedingly large one, the others were smaller by almost a half. In all there were five. The unknown chronicler narrates that they circled slowly over Tyre while thousands of warriors on both sides stood and watched them in astonishment. Suddenly from the largest "shield" came a lightning-flash that struck the walls, these crumbled, other flashes followed and walls and towers dissolved, as if they had been built of mud, leaving the way open for the besiegers who poured like an avalanche through the breeches. The "flying shields" hovered over the city.”

The other incident, was during his Indian campaign. Using laser-guns, flying discs frightened his army. Was this a sign to Alexander, that he has reached his destiny? In Hindu-documents and literature, flying machines, mysterious strangers, visitors from space and monstrous weapons, are not uncommon.

Even Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passig gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained."

Except for these “eyewitnesses”, ufo's appear in all kinds of paintings, woodcarvings and altar-shrines, during the Middle Ages.

Ufo-sighting over Hamburg

An acceptional ufo-sighting happened in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Thousands of pilgrims and people living in the area, saw a spectacle in the sky. The sun performed a lightshow, that dazzled the eye-witnesses.

"As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendor. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multicolored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes.”


Believers say it was an apparition of the Virgin Mary, but it looks like a classic ufo-sighting. The most widely cited descriptions of the events reported at Fatima are taken from the writings of John De Marchi, an Italian Catholic priest and researcher. De Marchi spent seven years in Fátima,from 1943 to 1950, conducting original research and interviewing the principals at undisturbed length.

During World War II, Allied pilots reported “Foo Fighters”, “orbs” of colourful energy, that accompanied the bombers. They thaught it was a secret German weapon, but the “Foo (from French: feu, fire) Fighters did do no harm and disappeared after a while. Without a trace.

After the war the Americans invited many German scientists to work for them, especially the rocketprogram. These experts were firm believers in extraterrestial life and even claimed to have had alien help (Werner von Braun, Hans Obertsz). This was maybe thec necessary imput for the UFO-phenomenon in the US. Shortly after their emigration, ufo's started to show up, around the locations the Germans worked in New Mexico. Roswell was the beginning of a mindflipping period of sightings, crashes, abductions and encounters of several kind. Many, but not all, ufo-excperiences were staged to hide government black-projects. Many, but not all. These are the interesting ones. More to come.