The London Olympics - a huge blood sacrifice in the making? HD (Full Length):
Like I said, the anti-terrorist surveillance tactics are here to stay. After the Olympics Big Brother takes its place. Total costs: 0.6 billion dollars. These are official figures, so you can double it. Thousands of military are diploid in the streets, anti-aircraft missiles on civilian roofs and 500 FBI-agents, who join the fun. They are here to stay too.
The security is based on possibilities, not on a real life scenario. It is possible to high jack a commercial plane and fly it into Buckingham Palace. You cannot dispute that, because it happened before. But like I said. The officials and representatives are quite safe, in that respect. Biological warfare and the start of a pandemic are possibilities as well. Civilians, military and civil servants are trained for the future. A future after the collapse and destruction, in which biological warfare is a strategic tool. But this process is going on for centuries. Our food, our beverages, our drinking water and the air we breath, are deliberately poisoned. In the USA an ingredient used in fast-food makes you feel hungry; hungry for more. Fluoride was added to our drinking, because it was better for your teeth. Research has recently shown, that fluoride is a mind-altering drug. It makes you depressive and passive. That's exactly what the government wants.
But your mind is poisoned as well. The proclamation of global unity through sports, while on all continents, people suffer and die. The Olympics are a distraction from the economic and financial collapse, that is showing itself and will result in a global meltdown.
Free yourself from mental slavery; Like Bob Marley said. Look at the games for what they are; the last of this sort of mass manifestations.
NAVO-militairen Afghanistan gedood
KABUL - Een aanslag in het westen van Afghanistan heeft zondag aan twee NAVO-militairen het leven gekost. Dat heeft het bondgenootschap bekendgemaakt.De verdragsorganisatie maakte geen verdere details bekend. Met de aanslag van zondag komt het dodental onder NAVO-militairen deze maand vooralsnog uit 44.
Eerder op de dag kwam een Afghaanse regeringsfunctionaris om. Het hoofd van het district Chak, in de provincie Wardak, was onderweg naar zijn kantoor toen gewapende mannen hem in een auto inhaalden. Ze openden het vuur op de auto van de gouverneur, die omkwam. Zijn zoon raakte gewond.
Mitt Romney: Jeruzalem ongedeelde hoofdstad van Israël
30-07-2012 07:36 | Redactie digitale media
JERUZALEM – Openbare meningsverschillen tussen de Verenigde Staten en Israël zijn een aanmoediging voor de vijanden van deze twee landen. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Mitt Romney zondag gezegd tijdens zijn bezoek aan Israël. De Republikein noemde Jeruzalem aan het begin van zijn toespraak de „ongedeelde hoofdstad van Israël”.
Het onderwerp Jeruzalem ligt gevoelig, aangezien de Palestijnen het oostelijke deel van de stad als onderdeel van hun toekomstige staat zien. Israël wil heel Jeruzalem als zijn „eeuwige en ongedeelde hoofdstad” houden.
De Amerikaanse ambassade, die in Tel Aviv staat, zou volgens Romney naar Jeruzalem moeten, als Israël daar om zou vragen. Israël wil dit al langer, maar de VS hebben hun ambassade tot op heden in Tel Aviv gehouden.
De Amerikaanse ambassade, die in Tel Aviv staat, zou volgens Romney naar Jeruzalem moeten, als Israël daar om zou vragen. Israël wil dit al langer, maar de VS hebben hun ambassade tot op heden in Tel Aviv gehouden.
Noorden India plat door grootschalige stroomstoring
© Thinkstock.
Een enorme stroomstoring heeft in de nacht van zondag op maandag het noorden van India getroffen. Dat meldden Indiase media. Inmiddels is in delen van de hoofdstad New Delhi en de deelstaat Uttar Pradesh de stroomvoorziening hervat. De autoriteiten verwachten dat iedereen pas tegen het middaguur weer elektriciteit heeft.
Naar schatting meer dan 300 miljoen mensen hadden last van de storing. In veel grote steden vielen verkeerslichten uit, waardoor de ochtendspits chaotisch verliep. Ook het openbaar vervoer in het noorden werd hardgetroffen. viel de metro in de hoofdstad New Delhi deels stil, waardoor mensen moeite hadden om op hun werk te komen .Supersonic missile BrahMos test-fired
Supersonic missile BrahMos test-fired:
India on Sunday successfully tested the supersonic cruise missile 'BrahMos' from a defence base in Odisha, an official said.
India on Sunday successfully tested the supersonic cruise missile 'BrahMos' from a defence base in Odisha, an official said.
Romney will support Israel strike on Iran: Aide
Romney will support Israel strike on Iran: Aide:
This puts Romney at odds with Obama's efforts to press Israel to avoid any preemptive strike before Western economic sanctions against Iran run their course.
This puts Romney at odds with Obama's efforts to press Israel to avoid any preemptive strike before Western economic sanctions against Iran run their course.
king KONG
You think, where is this heading. Well so do I. I could go on for ever and ever, so it is better to stop.
I have created enough fata morgana's and distraction, so I can give my directions more directly. Our network is world-wide now and is the next step to connect with global flow of consciousness, that is in the air. This means more overt action and taking positions. Change comes from deep down and it will change you in that way. Start living in a “survival”-mode. Try to buy local and live simple. RESERVE ONE HOUR A DAY FOR STUDY/MEDITATION.
Start asking questions, write letters and make compliments for a change. Be critical when deluded. Everything is connected and that may seem confusing. Which it is not. You have to level your thoughts and transform them in to data-levels. Statistics cannot be compared to poetry. Try to operate on 4 levels, not on 4 screens. Live cannot be expressed in numbers, without destroying it. We build enormous costly machines (several) manned with dozens of crazy professors, to collide positrons to find the “God-particle”. They now called it “the Higgs Boson for p.r.-reasons (Vatican!). This elusive boson is responsible for our material universe. The strange thing happened, that while researching matter, it seemed to consist of almost nothing. But a wall was massive. The Higgs-boson gives energy mass. What happens hen the succeed, will the predictability in our cosmos slowly disappear. Like the Big Bang, the Higg's boson are just necessary parts of our cosmology. Without it, we would not exist. These are “dead-end streets”. There was no Big Bang, black holes don't exist, the stars are just tendencies to exist and there was a Flood (several to be precise). Mass, space and time will be part of our lives in a different way. Mass, when treated well flourishes. I treat my plants well and feed the birds. Mass: flowers, plants, butterflies, birds and insects start interacting, growing and spreading. This process you can start with only two square feet. Start today and it will be a blessing for you into eternity.
Start communicating (there are many sympathizers, the hour is coming near) and spread this site. There is more to come.
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