memo 6:
What can we aspect
We have sort of proven, that there once was a Templar Treasure. Enormous wealth accumulated over 150 years and hidden/lost in the year 1307. Ancient chronicles describe the transport of the colossal fortune, of gold, silver, coins and jewellery to the harbour of La Rochelle, where the load was boarded, on a number of ships, Templar-sea-going vessels, left the port and disappeared.
Except this unimaginable treasure, this is just part of the Knights heritage. Supposedly while digging on the Temple Mount, the Knights Templar discovered the Ark of the Covenant. Hidden and kept hidden from the Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman and Islamic occupying armies and rulers.
Having the Ark in possession, the Order could communicate with God. The space between the wings of the protecting cherubin the “Presence of God” was felt. One of the accusations during the Templar-trials, was the accusation by the Inquisition, that the Knights worshipped the Devil, by worshipping (and talking to) a artificial metal Head. This could be the Ark. If still complete the golden casquet will contain the tablets with the 10 commandments, Aaron's staff, which could transform into a snake and a vase filled with manna. The heavenly gift, provided the Isrealites with food during their wanderings through the dessert.
Part of the Templar Treasure is said to be the magic jewellery of King Salomon, builder of the First Temple, around 1000 BC. Among it, the magical ring of the second king of the Isrealites, who owned several goldmines.
The ring of Salomon could be used to order demons (djinn). King Salomon used it to let these entities build the First Temple,
in one night.
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