
zondag 13 januari 2019


The missile-attack on Mars, the Moon and Earth was just part of the strategy to kill off the reptiles, including the dinosaurs, was ruthless and effective. The Draco-race was cornered and decided to fight till the End.

They had ruled the solar-system for millions of years (or so they said). So to say, they claim to have ancient rights, older even than humans.

The Draco had developed space-travel and had explored the solar system and nearby starsystems. They plundered and conquered this part of the Milkey Way and even dared to challenge the Empire, the collective of the ancient races of the Universe. And it was this instution that brought the Draco's down.

They disappeared from the face of the Earth and the reign of Mankind started; bringing us up to where we are now.

And again the Impirial Army is about to intervene. Men has the possibility to destroy the planet and kill all life on it.

Universal laws are broken and mankind is to blame. The rulers of the Empire cannot let this happen. Earth is too precious. Not only is it Gaya, the mother of the Gods, Earth contains the DNA, in all his varieties, of all the living material in the Milky Way. From giant whales to microscopic flies. But extinction levels are rising steeply and the Point of No Return, is near.

The Empire will intervene and their forces are closing in and the sightings and first encounters have begun.

Many people believe that we are in the End-Times. The wars described in the Bible are reality. The battle of Armageddon is not the only war fought. Totally 9 wars are waged and one of them is called “the War in Heaven”. Soon to come and it will be worse than the one before.

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