USE YOUR IMAGINATION: chain of thought 3
Fatima, daughter of Mohammed, is also the name of a Portugese town. How come? The followers of the Prophet conquered the Middle-East, including Jerusalem, Northern Africa and Iberia (Spain and Portugal). It was in 1492 that the last Morish, muslim town fell. Still lots of muslims lived in Iberia. They were all deported to Northern-Africa. Numbers rise up to 300.000 people. Many died in this exodus. In the same year 1492, when the penninsula was united under the Catholic Church, Columbus sailed to America. A discovery, that brought immense richness to the Spanish throne.
Fatima became worldnews in 1917. While war aged over Northern France, three shepperd-children met Mary, the Mother of Jsus. Over several weeks Mary appeared to the children. Villagers, who heard about the miracle, followed them. They did not see the mother of God, but the three children, on their knees, praying in devotion.
Still the number of pilgrims grew and on the day, which would be her last visit to Fatima. Tens of thousands visited the mountain in the rain. When asked by reporters, the eye-witnesses described a miracle in the sky. Dancing suns and a festival of lights.
Except for the apperittions, Mother Mary programmed a message into the children's mind. It contained 3 prophesies, who would be fulfilled if mankind would NOT return to the true faith. She also told the shepperd-kids how and when the prophesies should be published and send to the reigning Pope. All witnesses have died. Two of the shepperd-children died in 1918 due to the Spanish Flu, a worldepedemic shortly after the defeat of Germany in World War One. 60 million casualties, worldwide. The surviving shepperdgirl went into a convent and wrote down the prophesies and send them to the Vatican.
Still the exact texts of the writings is unknown. Especially the third prophesy is debated. Vatican-insiders claim Mary's words are directed to the Pope and the highest clergy are conspiring against Jesus.
Rome is the heart of occult manipulation, even before Islam appeared