On December 17, the Ontario govt. proposed to relax requirements for hunters to purchase a special hunting 'seal' to kill wolves and coyotes and remove the restriction to kill only one wolf per season. The cull is seriously bad news. Please sign the petition demanding an end to this barbaric hunt.
early christians lived in a harsh and brutal world. Rome ruled from
Egypt to England. Their legions marched in Romania and Germania.
Their gods and patrons prospered. Like the pharaoh's in Egypt, Roman
Emperors regarded themselves as gods, to be worshipped home and
refused to do that and were terribly persecuted, throughout the
Empire. Thrown before the lions, literally; the animals were imported
from Northern-Africa and Syria or slaughtered by gladiators. Still
the movement grew and could be found in all ancient cities, including
Jerusalem and Rome.
changed around 300 ad. The Roman general Constantine had a dream in
the night before a decisive battle with a rivalling general. The
winner would be the new Emperor. In his vision Jesus appeared and
showed him a cross. “In this sign, you will be victorious.”
Constantine decided to make flags and banners with the Holy Cross and
the legionaires painted the sign on their faces and shields.
later to be named “the Great, won the battle and the title.
a result of the appearance of Jesus in a battle-field dream of a
Roman general, Christianity became the Roman state-religion. It was
necessary to be baptised if you wanted a career, even in the army.
But Constantine did much more for the kick-off of Roman Catholicism.
He gathered wise men and priests to compose the Holy Scripture (and
persecuted dissidents) and he made Sunday, the day of religious
worship. Monday became the first day of the working-week.
left een immense heritage (Aya Sophia). He too created the spiritual
and organisational construct, called the Church of Rome.
I consider the changing of the sabbath-day from Saturday to Sunday,
the most fundamental. It broke up the “collective and accumulating
effect of prayer and meditation. This energy fed and stabilised the
gods and kept them at peace with the world.
energy is splintered and divided and the world is shaking. I believe,
that connecting and unifying the World Prayer, will bring us peace
and harmony. The best thing to do, is to choose a day of worship
accepted on a global scale.
suggest, to return to the old ways and make Saturday a global and
universal day of rest, peace and meditation.
is one of the most fascinating personalities in human history. The
One with the most spin-off, penetrating history, science and
philosophy, but also manifesting in real life, when government
officials refuse to marry gay-couples. Or feeding the homeless in his
died young, like soldiers die young, dying on the cross, aged 33 or
34. Surprisingly very little is known of his life, except for the
last three years, when he accepted followers and students to be is
his apostles. They, like Maria Magdalen, were eye-witness or spoke to
those who saw Jesus perform miracles, turn water into wine, walk on
water, debate in synagogues and attack the money-lenders and
temporarely destroying a central banking system. Every pilgrim, every
visiting Jew had to pay religious fees or made gifts to the Temple.
Water, used for a cleansing bath before entering, had to be paid for
as well. Deep down and around Jerusalem an age-old irrigation system
is still operative.
came from all around the Roman Empire and beyond.
empire where all types of coins were in use and they stayed in use a
long time. The money-lenders were the intermediairy in exchanging all
kind of Roman and other coins into shekels, the locally used currency
(in modern Israel uses the shekel again.) Imagine the aftermath of
the anger of the Messiah, all the coins, the silver and the gold,
shattered around. It is not strange, that Jesus was not arrested at
this point and simply could walk away. Everybody, Roman guards,
priests, visitors and of course the money-changers were crawling
around on the floor chasing coins.
Bible begins with the Gospels of Matthew, Marc, Luke and John (not
John of Patmos, author of the Book of Revelation). For centuries
these 4 gospels were the basic info about Jesus' life and death.
Several major archeological finds have delivered (parts of) scrolls
and codexes, that contained proto- or early christian writings. Some
texts were exactly identical with the Torah and the Bible. What also
came to light were (parts of) several, unknown, gospels. Sensational
was the finding of the Gospel of Mary Magdalen, Thomas and even
Judas. Shock-waves, where theologians and clergy, still have to deal
are even non-biblical accounts of Jesus. The Jewish/Roman historian
Josephus mentions Jesus' crucifixtion.
all the documents have in common, that they speak mostly of his
reigning years, when the Spirit got hold of him the way. Jesus could
have walked away any moment, but he did not. Was it his choise? The
Qu'ran gives a complete different picture of the punishment of the
Sun of God. Some-one else took his place at the Cross. It may be
heresy, but I don't feel this to be Jesus-like. Walking away from the
scene, smiling.
hardly know anything of the first 30 years of his life. We suppose,
that he was born in Bethlehem and fled to Egypt, because Herod
ordered the “Slaughter of the Innocent.”
newborns up to 2 years, Herodes' soldiers killed. A desperate attempt
by a desperate King, who wanted to kill his, prophesied, successor.
Joseph and Mary were warned and fled, to Egypt. Here they stayed for
several years. We may assume that Jesus came into contact the
Egiptian mystery-religion and sunworship. There are some stories of
his youth in Nazareth, where his father worked as a carpenter.
one of those tales, a friend of Jesus falls of a roof and is killed.
The parents accuse Jesus and claim that he pushed their child to his
young Jesus brings his friend back from death. The boy assures his
parents, that Jesus had nothing to do with his death. He performs
“small” and innocent miracles. He transforms mud-birds into real
ones. “Remember me.”, Jesus shouts, when they fly away.
must have been considered a prodigy but he disappears about 12 years
of age, to return when he was thrirty and baptised by John.
has he been during these “lost years”?
Maybe even Tibet?
Bible-scolars think to have proven resemblances between the Lord
Buddha's teachings and those of Jesus. In the folklore of Kasjmir and
the Punjab stories circulate about the visits of Isa, Jesus. Even his
grave is supposed to be in Srinagar.
I am trying to see, that twice, in his short life, the Messiah
disappeared out of sight. He was influenced, so I presume, by
Egyptian's mystery religions and probably Hinduism and (Tibetan)
Buddhism. Jesus may have tried to produce a synthesis, between the
most dominant religions of his age. It was too far-reached, to
revolutionary. Like the attempt of Akhenaton to introduce monotheisme
in Egypt.
message of Jesus is still a revolutionary one. Maybe, in this time of
religious fundamentalism, tensions and violence, his pledge for love,
humility and understanding will be heard, understood and transformed
into reality.
Delicate coral reefs are being destroyed, aquatic wildlife species are endangered, and now a diver has died all due to the deadly practice of using dynamite to kill massive numbers of fish. Ban the sale of fish caught with dynamite now.
A new plan could grant authority to kill protected wolves and strip wolves of state Endangered Species Act protections when they reach just 50-75 animals.
ALERT: Inter-Korean point-man dies in car crash, state media says
Kim Yang Gon, director of North Korea’s United Front Department, has died in a road accident, North Korean state media outlet the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) has reported on Wednesday morning.
and religious experiences are often related to caves and other
undergroundplaces. So are evil and death located underground. The
whole process of reincarnation and the weighing of the soul are
underground experiences. Hell is depicted deep underground, with,
according to Dante's description, up to 9 levels of torture and
inflicted pain.
of Patmos was visited by otherworldly entities, in a cave, so was the
prophet Mohammed. They were inspired by God to give a message to
mankind. Some say inspired by the Holy Ghost or, as other proclaim,
by drugs and hallucinations. In classical times the (female) Oracle
of Delphi resided in an underground cavern, where she inhaled
volcanic gasses and used hassisch as well. There is nothing knew,
when, nowadays, oracles, magicians, prophets or sjamans use drugs,
to reach other levels of information.
were fought and marriages decided over what the Oracle of Delphi
answered to the pilgrim's question. Bu it was necessary to study the
outcome carefully. The story goes that a Greek king asked the Oracle,
if he should wage war with his neighbour. The Oracle answered, that
if it came to war, a kingdom would fall. The king went to war, and
that reach us from below, from a cave and inspired by
multi-dimensional entities, like the Book of Revelation or the
Qu'ran, should be studied with this aspect in mind.
The same weather system that spawned devastating storms across a large swath of the country over the weekend is expected to “explode” into a monstrous storm over Iceland by Wednesday. The Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang notes that although big storms are common in the winter, this particular storm will bring a surge of heat with it pushing temperatures at the North Pole up to 50 degrees above normal. The storm will contribute more misery to recently flooded areas in the United Kingdom as well.
Dear Verenigd Links,
The Animal Legal Defense Fund had our busiest and most successful year to date -- and it’s all thanks to your support. We’ve been able to achieve so many great victories for animals through the legal system, and it’s all because of the generosity of animal lovers like you. Watch our video overview of 2015, and join me in reflecting on an amazing year.
If you are an Animal Legal Defense Fund supporter, thank you
"Het huidige corrupte systeem" komt voort uit een samenwerking van "een sekte" ( rooms katholike kerk ) en "DICTATORS annex SLAVENHOUDERS" ( het Romeinse rijk) !
Het Vaticaan is nu een kerk, voorheen was het een secte!
Het Vaticaan (een TRUST) en de Romeinse Staat (een TRUST) van Julius Caesar werden in 1302 opgericht met de pauselijke acte Unam Sanctum In die acte beweert het Vaticaan de executeur te zijn van het testament van Jezus Christus (de bijbel) , en claimt namens deze het eigendom van de planeet aarde met alles wat er los en vast op zit.
In 1455 maakt Nicholas V de pauselijke acte Romanus Pontifex op. Deze acte claimt alle zielen op aarde en stelt elke ziel veilig in een TRUST. Voor het gemak noem ik die de ZIEL. Deze trust word tot op de dag van vandaag “voor ons” door het Vaticaan beheerd.
In 1481 maakt Sixtus IV de pauselijke acte Aeterni Regis op. Deze acte claimt alle mensen op aarde in TRUSTs die ik LICHAAM zal noemen.
In 1537 maakt Paul III de pauselijke acte Convocation op ; http://one- Deze acte claimt alle aardse bezittingen in TRUST,s , die ik BEZITTINGEN zal noemen. Hierin wordt door het Vaticaan een bedrag gestort , en belegd als vergoeding voor jouw aandeel in de grondstoffen van de aarde. Als we geboren worden richt de Rooms-Katholieke kerk 3 TRUSTS voor je op ;
ZIEL, LICHAAM en BEZITTINGEN . ZIEL blijft in de kluis van het Vaticaan . LICHAAM en BEZITTINGEN worden doorgegeven aan de Staat der Nederlanden NV , die deze inbrengt in een Cestui Que TRUST
Zelf oliebollen bakken? Hier vind je een superrecept!
Goedemorgen Jan!
Ik had het je misschien al verteld, maar ik ben een online magazine gestart over (natuurlijk) opvoeden, gezond en lekker eten en buitenspelen. Mogelijk kun jij als ouder er iets mee of ken je iemand met opgroeiende kinderen voor wie dit interessant is.
Stuur deze mail dan vooral door!
(Je zou er mij ook een groot plezier mee doen.)
En verder...
Wat zijn jouw beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar?
Ik hoop dat we met z’n allen de wijsheid hebben om te werken aan een liefdevolle, duurzame wereld. Dat is mijn persoonlijke wens voor 2016.
Mijn steentje draag ik bij door tekst en duurzame content vanuit Woordlicht, door NME en met mijn nieuwe online magazine Oudersvannature.nl.
Oudersvannature.nl is mijn paradepaardje van het afgelopen jaar dat ik in 2016 wil laten groeien. Ik blog er over (natuurlijk) opvoeden, lekker en gezond eten en buitenspelen. Mocht je interesse hebben, dan kun je je abonneren op mijn nieuwsbrief. Je kunt me ook vinden (ĆØn liken!) op Facebook en volgen op Twitter.
Bak je graag zelf? Dan heb ik hier voor jou een ouderwets lekker oliebollenrecept!
(Ik verving de dierlijke ingrediƫnten voor plantaardige.)
Volgens mij wordt 2016 het jaar van verandering, van op z'n kop en binnenste buiten. Jan ,ik wens je een hele gezellige jaarwisseling! En natuurlijk een fantastisch nieuwjaar! Hopelijk zien of spreken we elkaar weer in 2016.
Experts reconstruct 3D face ofJesus. Forgetwhat you think you know about what Jesus looked like because, in all probability you’re wrong.A group of medical experts have got together to recreate what they actually think he looked like by studying Semite skulls.
Mysterious ice river discovered in Saudi Arabia's biggest desertFrozen water and pebbles have been found flowing through Saudi Arabia’s deserted Rub’ al Khali – or “Empty Quarter”. Earlier the video was claim to have from Iraq.Hadith: “The last Hour will not come unless the land of the Arabs once again becomes meadows and rivers.” Reported by Muslim, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Al Hakim from Suhayl ibn Abu Salih, from his father, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, as much as a person will take Zakat (charity)out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia once again becomes meadows and rivers.”The viral video appears to be a months old shows that Saudis reach down and pick up ice balls from the fast-flowing stream.The extremely rare – and eerie – natural phenomenon appears to go on for miles through the largely unexplored desert, which is 250,000sq miles in size.Theorists warn it is a sign of the end of the world
Since 1954, the center has had the goal of protecting America's livestock from animal diseases. During the Cold War a secret biological weapons program targeting livestock was conducted at the site, although it had slowly declined through the end of the century. After the September 11 attacks in 2001, Plum Island renewed its research into biological weapons. This program has been for many years the subject of controversy.
Forced to fight for space in cramped and dirty tanks. Picked up out of the water and handled by oblivious tourists every day. Slaughtered for human consumption.
If you look closely at advertisements aimed at Millennials – people who came of age after the year 2000 – certain trends quickly become apparent. They tend to focus on the glories of youth and freedom: partying, dancing, chilling out, and stress-free times.
can be very personal and connecting. Collective prayer has the same
effect, but is enhanced by the number of people praying, the
location, very important and the time of this ritual.
held during the hadj not only sends vibrations to the moon and stars,
spirits (djinn) are attracted as well. I saw videos of the image of
of a warrior, carrying a banner, in the skies over Mecca. Dramatic
holographic projections? Could be. They have the money and
transformed thttps://youtu.be/kUyGqkZDL6Ehis ancient holy place into
a metropole with skyscrapers watching over the pilgrims. Every
believer has to undergo this mind changing ritual once in a lifetime.
It is one of the pillars of Islam.
Catholic believers Lourdes in southern France is a holy place.
Mother Mary appeared here and gave the local spring healing powers.
Pilgrims take cannisters filled with blessed water home. So do the
visitors of Mecca, which has a holy spring as well.
place and number of worshippers matter a lot. time and date matter a
lot too.
the Torah Jahweh orders his people to keep the sabbath-day as a holy
day. A day of rest and worship. Jahweh meant Saturday, making Sunday
the first workingday of the week. The Jews still celabrate
sabbath-day on Saturday. So do the Muslims, though they pray five
times, every day. First with their head towards Jerusalem, later
towards Mecca.
Constantine made Christianity the state religion, organised the
church and made the Sunday the sabbathday. This broke up the
collective power, a global mass-prayer was split up and over the
centuries the power of Love diminished and its effects and
inspiration smaller and smaller.
New World Order-enthousiasts want a one world-religion. The Vatican
has organised several meetings among religious leaders, sjamans and
even snake-worshippers. One of the ideas is a global sabbathday. Not
on Saturday, but on Sunday, hereby totally ignoring, Jahweh's
commandments to his people.