
zondag 24 augustus 2014


The most famous hole in the ground is found on Oak Island (Canada) and it is a complete mystery. Since its discovery in 1795 by three farmboys , who were attracted by mysterious green lights, they saw at night on the unhabited Canadian island. From the start of the treasure hunt, about a dozen attempts were made by professional companies and adventiorous entrepeneurs. They reached deep down, about 200 feet, but were struck by disaster. 6 people died untill now. Because of the lack of success, the place is called “the money pit”, that swallowed the money of investors like Errol Flynn and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

At about ten feet the Nova Scotia farmboys discovered a platform, made out of oak. This was not the first one the miners encountered. About every 10 feet a new platform was discovered. In between stone ramps, not indigionous to the island, coconut fiber, not indigionous to Canada and a stone with mysterious inscriptions were found. The people who had constructed this pit, had gone to enormous effort to bury something. Could it be a giant pirate treasure or the wealth of a looting colonial French Army or Viking hordes. Probably the creators of the pit had no intention to come back. When excavators thought to have found a way down, the money pit was flooded. The construction had build in booby-traps. Drilling deep down had activated man-made gateways to the sea. The water made the bottom inaccessible and further digging impossible.

The architects of the underground monument had only one thing in mind. The objects or object buried there were never to be found again. The reason could be that the “treasure” was too dangerous, too destructive, too tempting and/or too evil to be tolerated on the surface (and the heavens) of our world.

Some suggest, that the “Arc of the Covenant” is buried there, probably by the Knights Templar, but the site could be older. The “Arc” is a formidable, dangerous and mysterious weapon, used by the Jews against their enemies. It is a box, designed by God and dictated to Moses, containing the Tablets he got at Mount Sinai, a bowl filled with mannah out of the dessert and the magic stick of Aaron, Moses' brother. When Goliath captured this holy object and opened it; the Philistines were struck with disaster and mysterious diseases. In the end, they returned their trophy to the Israelites.

Strangely enough the “Arc” disappeared out of written history, lonmg before Jesus was born. The Temple in Jerusalem, where it was placed by Salomon, was looted by the Babylonians. The content of the Arc probably destroyed and the gold robbed by ignorant soldiers. A Roman general was very disappointed, when he entered “the Holy of Holiest” and found it empty.

Speculative historians suggest that the Arc was brought to Ethiopia, but most likely is that the Temple-priests hid the temple-treasures in one of the many caves and ancient tunnels; in, outside and under the Holy City. On the famous “Copper Scroll” over twenty places are named and placed, where treasure was hidden. Untill now archeologists searching for the hidden gold and silver, were unsuccesfull.

Better chances had the Knights Templar. A order of warrior-monks, who protected Christian pilgrims on their journey to Jerusalem. It started out with a group of nine warriors, who settled down in Jerusalem after the first Crusade. They made the remains of the Temple, the 2nd one, build during the reign of king Herod the Great, to be their headquarters.

Most of the time was spend digging in and around the Temple complex. And it was during this digging, that they discovered an important artifact, possibly the “Arc of the Covenant”. The power of the Ark made the Knights rich and famous. Many kings lend money from them; most of the time to start a war against a king, who in his case had to lend money from the same Templars. The start of modern banking.

To obtain their wealth the King of France wanted to destroy the Order and many Knights Templar were arrested, trialed and burned at the stake. The order was forbidden by the Pope and accused of blasfemy, cooperation and adoration of dark forces (devil-worship) and trampling on a crucifix.

But the mysterious treasures of the Knights Templar were never found because some knights escaped, bringing it to Canada, to be found in the Endtimes.

On the bottom of the pit man-made objects are seen and radio-active anomalies are measured. The search for the “Treasure of Oak Island”is nearing its end, but the hidden "treasure" still seems far out of reach.

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