
donderdag 19 juni 2014

Like I said, the anti-terrorist surveillance tactics are here to stay. After the Olympics Big Brother takes its place. Total costs: 1.6 billion dollars. These are official figures, so you can double it. Thousands of military are diploid in the streets, anti-aircraft missiles on civilian roofs and 500 FBI-agents, who join the fun. They are here to stay too.
The security is based on possibilities, not on a real life scenario. It is possible to high jack a commercial plane and fly it into Buckingham Palace. You cannot dispute that, because it happened before (at least, that is what they want us to believe). But like I said. The officials and representatives are quite safe, in that respect. Biological warfare and the start of a pandemic are possibilities as well. Civilians, military and civil servants are trained for the future. A future after the collapse and destruction of the "Tribulation" and "Apocalyps", in which biological warfare is a strategic and genocidal tool. But this process is going on for many centuries now. Our food, our beverages, our drinking water and the air we breath, are deliberately poisoned. In the USA an ingredient used in fast-food makes you feel hungry; hungry for more. Fluoride was added to our drinking, because it was better for your teeth. Research has recently shown, that fluoride is a mind-altering drug. It makes you depressive and passive. That's exactly what the government wants.
But your mind is poisoned as well. The proclamation of global unity through sports, while on all continents, people suffer and die. The Olympics and other global events, are a distraction from the coming economic and financial collapse, that is showing itself and will result in a global meltdown and disintegration. Then a heavily armed police, army and special forces come in handy for crowd-control and surveillance and data-storage makes it easy to point the future enemies of the New World Order.
Free yourself from mental slavery; like Bob Marley said. Look at the events, tournaments and games for what they are; the last of this sort of mass manifestations. One way or another.

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