
dinsdag 5 november 2013

SiTU Memo: On ghosts, other entities and tendencies to exist

By Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

There is a hierarchy in our world. It starts with us humans, dwelling in a material world, but there are also seriphim, cupids, angels and arch-angels, 9 levels in total. On top, there is the almighty God. Let's call this the light sight. It mirrors the dark sight. Here we see a hierarchy of ghosts, demons, fallen angels and, as their dark ruler, Satan, Shaitan, Daggal or Devil.

This dark side has the urge and the power to infterfere in our material world and influence human beings. Talking about the dark forces, attracts demons. They want to experience life in a human body, because they exist in an other dimension.
There has been written that everybody receives at birth an angel, as a defender and protector and at the same time, the angel's dark counterpart. That is why some people are lucky and some are not. It has nothing to do with luck or malfortune; but with a disbalance between the two angelic powers.

So far so good. But what if you start manipulating the dark side, the conditions change. Now your are on their turf and all you will meet is deception. Ghosts lust on human suffering and demons use human death, rituals or sacrifice as an energy source.
As long as man dwelled in groups or lived in cities, there have been daredevils, who thought they could outwit and manipulate these entities. There still consists a huge library of ancient manuscripts, with magical formula, rituals and incantations. Some said they succeeded, some were eaten alive by something they could not see.
In our society our children are tempted and stimulated to direct their attention to this terrain. Ouiji-boards are used by 10-year olds. You can imagine, that they are easily deceived. An imaginary friend is a quite accepted phenomenon. Possession is the next step and this asks for special ceremonies. You can get them every-where, even performed by the official “Church of Satan”, Wiccans or witches. Heavy metalmusic is actually devilworship (Kali Yuga Music) and it creates an atmosphere in which demons can manifest themselves. Many singers and musicians claim that they are possessed when they enter the stage. Combined with drugs and alcohol it's a devils playground. But in my view, it's a playground I don't want my children or my students to play on.
Without guidance I mean.

SiTU gives you the tools to experience and manipulate these forces, because they are part of our existence. Our acknowledgement, attention and devotion; brings them to life.

I want to warn you. Don't try occult or magical experiments alone or at home. We might never see you again.

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