
woensdag 6 november 2013


by Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

What would you choose to eat from. The tree of Life or the tree of Good and Evil. God forbade us the second, thereby condemning Adam and Eve to a state of happy infancy. It could be God, himself, that tempted Eve to commit the first “sin”. But why was the insight between good and evil forbidden for mankind?

A second interference happens at Babel, where a unified mankind was building a tower, aiming at heaven. A rocket? Whatever the tower was, it was made possible by the fact that humans spoke one language. God was afraid, that mankind succeeded, and therefore confused the unity by introducing different languages. The project “Heaven” was abandonned and mankind dispersed across the planet. The domain of God was (permanently?) out of reach.

We may be created according to God's image; ethics, striving for the stars and (linguistic) unity, are not part of it.

But what about Satan?


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