
zondag 31 augustus 2014


Red Ice Radio - Jon Rappoport - Hour 1 -
 The Surveillance State & War on the Individual
Could Al Qaeda hack into your car and crash it? http://youtu.be/JdVuSXSWExY

donderdag 18 juli 2013


I believe in the existence of unicorns, (and in many more entities and “tendencies to exist”). But most of all, I believe in unicorns.

Why? I never saw a real one, but a long, long time ago, I was about 12 years old, I had gotten permission to visit and use the “Big Library”, for adults only, when I first was confronted by this mystery animal. The building is gone now and so are the many books that were kept there, too.

In the dusty and narrow alleyways one could wander for hours. And this is what I did. History, Geography, exotic locations and the wonders of nature, were my favorite subjects.

One Wednesday afternoon I layed my hands on a big book, richly illustrated , which told the story of the unicorn, who was still alive and kicking. Where? In Kenya!

The book, with a picture of a unicorn on the cover, told the story of an old book, that was recently discovered, which described a strategy to find the mysterious white horse. Or better, the animal would find YOU, if you were worthy.

As a novice, the daring had to undergo a kind of initiation-rite. Quite dangerous, because it meant a close confrontation with lions and elephant. The book described the journey of a German antropologist, who had made it all the way. The book was full of pictures of elephants and a lion-pack. The author got realy close to these wild animals. He was helped by a anoyting oil, the recipee was in the book.

But the last part of the book was the most impressive. Lots of pictures of unicorns in their natural habitat, wearing small blue flowers on their head. There even was a picture of a unicorn charg a lion.

The book was gone, when I searched for it, a couple of years later. But I still am convinced, that the pictures were authentic. No way, that it was faked and manipulated .

Do unicorns exist? Yes!


SiTU MONKEY MEMO: daily update

Take good care of yourself.

Irrationality is in the air.

People get distracted or extremely focussed. Especially in trafic and large crowds.

Brainmasters create the reality we have dreamed of. The word will become flesh.

Be aware, that you see “things”, other people don't see. Most humans are blinded and kept that way. Still these things (anomalies, voices/music, shadows, ufos and angelic entities), interfere with our life.

We are ruled by aliens.

What do I mean by that.

Cruelty, torture, abuse, murder, wars and rumours of wars, polluting, medical and social experiments (Jonestown) are unknown in the animal kingdom, we are part of (Noah's Ark).

These attitudes are alien to us and leed to suffering and death.

No animal kills itself. They do.


Control suggests automatic, robot-like behavior directed by an outside source. This is operational within all the military forces on this planet, for ages. The result is (groups of)people, who do exactly as told. Human norms are redefined (to kill for the cause) and possitively rewarded (medals, money, status). Technology and drugs are used to imprint the behavioral responses.

Extreme, but effective. A global phenomena.

But mindcontrol is much more than this.

To control the masses and target certain individuals “multi-wave systems” are used. They beam all kinds of frequencies and radiation, to interfere and get into the mindframe of human beings. The result is pessimism, hearing voices, burning sensations, stupid behavior, apathy, feelings of helplessness and loss of hope and joy. All of these systems are running 24/7. Mainly in the USA, but the imposing (communication)metal-towers are appearing everywhere. I can see one from my window.

We have to realise, that when these “Brain Invaders” have global coverage; mankind is doomed to slavery.
Second Coming [Sheik Imran Hossein]
The Rise Of The Anti-christ And The Second Coming [Sheik Imran Hossein] [Video]
Verarmd uranium: weinig bekend gevaar in Irak
Verarmd uranium: weinig bekend gevaar in Irak - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory
 - Brain Invaders -
Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Brain Invaders - Season 3 Episode 7 [Video]

Prince Harry: I've killed Taliban insurgents

The Yakuza in Japan has links that extend as far back as 400 years to Edo era. But their days of protecting the weak against the strong are long gone. Today, the Yakuza is a mighty and entrenched criminal network with nearly 80,000 members operating in 22 crime syndicates, and raking in billions of dollars a year. And Japan's law enforcement wants to wipe them out once and for all.
101 East: Battling the Yakuza http://youtu.be/ZWrSqQ4lvjw

jan. 2013: US military lifts ban on women in combat:
US defense secretary Leon Panetta has decided to lift a ban on women serving in combat, a senior...

Advertising makes you want to believe, that your life sucks and that the only remedy is to go shopping.
India's population to overtake China by 2028: UN

10 toekomstige toepassingen van drones

Drones staan vooral bekend om hun vernietigende karakter maar ze hebben ook vele positieve toepassingen. Zo kunnen deze onbemande vliegtuigjes slachtoffers van natuurrampen zoeken, misdadigers opsporen en op tornado’s jagen.
Drones kunnen niet alleen voor militaire doeleinden ingezet worden. De toepassingen zijn eindeloos. © Reuters
Eten bezorgen

De Britse tak van de pizzaketen Domino’s lanceerde een publiciteitsstunt waarin pizza’s geleverd worden met drones. De Domicopter brengt twee grote pizza’s in een straal van vier mijl op tien minuten bij je thuis. De Britse regering beperkt evenwel het commerciële gebruik van drones. Het is in Groot-Brittannië illegaal om te vliegen met drones binnen een bewoond gebied van 150 meter.

Drinken bezorgen
In Zuid-Afrika kunnen bezoekers van het Oppi Koppi muziekfestival in augustus hun blikje bier laten leveren via drones. U bestelt met uw gsm een fris blikje bier. Daarna brengen de drones via een parachute het pintje bij de juiste bezoeker. De drones vliegen met behulp van een GPS-systeem. Of het systeem echt werkt, zal nog moeten blijken.

Jagen op tornado’s Drones kunnen in het midden van een storm komen zonder dat mensen hun leven op het spel zetten. De NASA begon onlangs met een experiment van drie jaar waarbij drones worden gebruikt om op orkanen te jagen. Het experiment heeft een prijskaartje van dertig miljoen dollar.

De drones van de NASA kunnen dertig uur vliegen en meer dan 17.000 kilometer afleggen. De NASA hoopt door de drones de weersvoorspellingen te verbeteren en daardoor levens te redden.

The 18 most innovative cities on earth

Cities might be humanity's greatest invention — if you listen to Harvard economist Ed Glaeser, author of "Triumph of the City."

"So much of what humankind has achieved over the past three millennia has come out of the remarkable collaborative creations that come out of cities," he said in an interview. "We are a social species. We come out of the womb with the ability to sop up information from people around us. It's almost our defining characteristic as creatures. And cities play to that strength."

Indeed, many modern metros are pushing the limits of industry, design, and urban planning, while rethinking the way people live and work.

With that in mind, we assembled a list of the 18 most innovative cities in the world, using a range of metrics from patents per capita to skyscraper height.

1. Singapore has the best infrastructure in the world, including an airport complete with a butterfly garden, rooftop pool, movie theaters, hotels, spas, showers, and even a four-story slide.

2. Amsterdam is the most bike-friendly city in the world, with a full 38% of all trips in the city made by bicycle.

3. Bangalore, is known as the Silicon Valley of India, with a tech sector that brings in $17 billion in revenue a year. Venture capital has noticed, investing $300 million in venture funding in 2012.

4. London, England, has the most economic opportunity of any city in the world, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. One key is that London is a gateway to the world, with its six international airports.

5. Helsinki, Finland, makes the list for a super innovative transit system — one that will soon have "a real-time marketplace for customers to choose among transport providers and piece together the fastest or cheapest way of getting where they need to go."

6. Hong Kong is easily the most vertically aggressive city in the world. Asia's financial capital has 1,268 skyscrapers, more than twice that of any other city.

7. San Jose, California, might be the most forward-thinking city on the planet, with a staggering 5,066 patents per million residents.

8. Vienna, Austria, makes the list for consistently having the highest quality of life in the world, thanks to excellent public transit, renowned museums, more international congresses than any other city, and inventing filtered coffee. It also enjoy some of the finest urban planning, with substandard housing amounting to less than 9% of the city's total.

9. Copenhagen, Denmark, boasts some of the most efficient nationalized healthcare on Earth, with both maternity and paternity leave.

10. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is leading the way in becoming a "smart city." For instance, it lets residents use smartphones to alert the city to infrastructure issues.

11. Medellin, Colombia, was once one of the world's most violent places, but the South American city is now a case study in urban revival. One example: Clever city planning, including the use of gondolas and escalators, has cut hours-long commute times to minutes.

12. Cape Town, South Africa, makes it easy to get off fossil fuels, like by making solar water heaters available to citizens.

13. Vancouver, Canada, has set a mission to become the greenest city in the world by 2020, which has already lead to a 20% decrease in water consumption. Plus, 41% of people walk or bike to get around.

14. Santiago, Chile, has lower corruption rates than anywhere else in South America and is launching initiatives like Startup Chile, making it one of the most entrepreneur-friendly cities in the world.

15. Dubai, UAE, features strikingly innovative architecture, like the 160-story-tall Burj Khalifa, the tallest building on earth.

16. Tokyo, Japan, launched the world's first cap and trade system in 2010 and now has 1,100 participating facilities.

17. Munich, Germany, set an initiative to become totally energy sustainable by 2025 — and it's 37% of the way there.

18. Seoul, South Korea, has made inroads in becoming one of the world's top "smart" cities. For example, it's introducing GPS to the city's 25,000 taxi cabs — providing real-time traffic information.

zaterdag 30 augustus 2014

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama has said American leadership was never more necessary in the world than now and there is no competition to it from countries like China and Russia.

"The truth of the matter is that the world has always been messy. In part, we're just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through," Obama said at a Democratic Party fund raiser in New York.

"The good news is that American leadership has never been more necessary, and there's really no competition out there for the ideas and the values that can create the sort of order that we need in this world," he said, adding that countries like China and Russia are nowhere near the US.
Dear friends,

As a new round of violence kicks off in Israel-Palestine and more children are killed, it's time to take definitive non-violent action to end this nightmare. Our governments and companies have continued to aid, trade and invest in the violence, but we can help stop it if we call on Dutch pension fund ABP together with other key businesses to pull out their investments aiding injustice and violence -- add your voice now:

As a new round of violence kicks off in Israel-Palestine and more children are killed, it's not enough just to call for another ceasefire. It’s time to take definitive non-violent action to end this decades long nightmare.

Our governments have failed -- while they have talked peace and passed UN resolutions, they and our companies have continued to aid, trade and invest in the violence. The only way to stop this hellish cycle of Israel confiscating Palestinian lands, daily collective punishment of innocent Palestinian families, Hamas firing rockets, and Israel bombing Gaza is to make the economic cost of this conflict too high to bear.

We know it works -- when pension fund PGGM and two other Dutch companies withdrew their investments from initiatives that finance activities in Israel’s illegal settlements, citing legal concerns, it caused a political storm in Israel. But Dutch pension fund ABP is one of the world’s biggest, and it still invests in three of the same Israeli banks that PGGM did. If enough of us raise the alarm we could get ABP to uphold the law and pull out.

This may not feel like a direct way to stop the current killing, but history tells us that raising the financial cost of oppression can pave a path to peace. Click to call on ABP and 5 other key businesses to pull out -- If we all take smart action now and turn up the heat, they could withdraw, the Israeli economy will take a hit, and we can turn the calculation of the extremists politically profiting from this hell upside down:
How Bilderberg Works: An Institutional Analysis http://youtu.be/3HmmsiG_XkY
Red Ice Radio - Felice Vinci & William Mullen - Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales



The huge and complex problems of today's generation often install doubt and fear that everything is futile. Yet by analyzing how the power of our media, schooling and parenting have molded us, we can start to comprehend what we must adjust - our generation and our culture. Studies show that the average family spends around four hours a day in front of the TV... Internet and video games are not included. A huge portion of our lives we spend sitting in front of a screen... and guess what is shaping us?
Targeting an age group of adolescents, their most important sector of the population, corporations propel themselves exclusively on the desire of our generation for material goods, resulting in creation of a never-ending pile of products which will be advertised, consumed and eventually disposed of. What about the consequences this may have on our planet? But with this ever-expanding consumption of goods, how too can this influence the integrity of our generation?

The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness


The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness
Part of what Andrew Faust does is teaching how to apply permaculture in the urban landscape and part of what he'll be presenting in this video is a lot of information he's accumulated over the last 20 years as an educator and 8 years of living off the grid. Permaculture is a way of thinking, it's a way of seeing, and what Andrew is going to present is the way of seeing ourselves as biological organisms who are deeply rooted in the life-matrix of the planet Earth.
According to astrophysicists the oldest stars and the age of our universe is about 14.5 billion years old. The galaxy is something that there are many of, as we know, in the universe... and we are in an outer arm of the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of many galaxies. We are spinning with the Earth, spiraling with the galaxy and expanding with the universe.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014
World History
They REFUSE To Teach In Schools
VN: stropers gebruiken zware wapens bij olifantenjacht
VN: zware wapens gebruikt bij olifantenjacht - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Wist U dit? Over verarmd uranium

Wanneer er in Iraq een kind wordt geboren, is de eerste vraag van de ouders niet “Is het een jongetje of een meisje?”, maar “Is het kind gezond, is het kind normaal?”

In de laatste jaren komen er steeds meer kinderen ter wereld met (extreme) lichamelijke afwijkingen. Kinderen met maar 1 oog en kinderen zonder hoofd of ledematen. Dit zijn de meest extreme gevallen, maar ook lichtere afwijkingen (een waterhoofd bijvoorbeeld) komen vaak voor.

Deze “trend” zal voorlopig aanhouden en zich naar verwachting verergeren. Oorzaak? Het gebruik van munitie tijdens de recente oorlogen, die versterkt was met “verarmd uranium”. Patronen en granaten werden daardoor nog effectiever, robuuster en explosiever. Door de ontploffingen en inslagen kwam het verarmde uranium in de lucht, het stof en het water van Iraq terecht. Eenmaal opgenomen in het eco-systeem hoopte het zich op in voedsel: groente, vis en vlees, om vervolgens in het menselijke lichaam terecht te komen. Met de bovenbeschreven effecten als gevolg.

Nederland heeft er ook op los geknald en is daardoor mede-verantwoordelijk voor dit drama. Daarom moet er op korte termijn steun naar de Iraqese gezondheidszorg en moet dit type munitie, ook in gebruik bij onze strijdkrachten, verdwijnen.
LONDON: One of China's most wanted has sounded a note of caution for New Delhi about Beijing, despite "Hindi-Chinibhaibhai" being the flavour of the season in the Indian capital after Chinese premier Li Keqiang recent visit to the country.

"The Chinese government can't be trusted," Chen Guangcheng, a blind activist who last year became the first person to escape house arrest in Beijing, told TOI in a rare interview. "Chinese people aren't like that, but the government's word can never be trusted. It is an authoritarian regime." 

 Expressing the desire to visit India to talk about his story, Chen urged the Manmohan Singh-led government to be more vocal about China's human-rights situation. "It is in favour of all democracies in the world that India must play a part in voicing support for activists working in China for more transparency," said Chen. "If the international community does not speak up, it will permit the Chinese government to continue with the attitude of impunity towards its people."

'De mens zal hoe dan ook de prijs betalen voor zijn gedrag'


© Reuters
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft de reacties van tien van haar topwetenschappers gepubliceerd op het nieuws dat de atmosfeer voor het eerst in de geschiedenis 400 deeltjes per miljoen (ppm) CO2 bevat. De toon is alarmerend: het nieuws moet een alarmsignaal zijn om eindelijk ingrijpende actie te ondernemen.
Met het vertrek van James Hansen is de NASA een uitgesproken voorvechter van de strijd tegen de klimaatverandering kwijt. Maar ook andere wetenschappers binnen de organisatie laten van zich horen. "De drempel van 400 ppm overschrijden is een teken dat we hard op weg zijn naar de 450 ppm en nog veel hoger", zegt Michael Gunson, programmadirecteur van het Global Change & Energy Program. "Dit waren de doelstellingen voor "stabilisatie" die niet lang geleden werden voorgesteld. Het nieuws zou een psychologische alarmdrempel moeten zijn voor iedereen."
Zijn collega Erika Podest, expert in CO2- en watercycli, is het daarmee eens. "De CO2-concentratie is miljoenen jaren niet zo hoog geweest. Nog alarmerender is de snelle stijging in de voorbije vijf jaar, en het feit dat CO2 honderdduizenden jaren in de atmosfeer blijft. Deze mijlpaal is een alarmsignaal: onze acties in de strijd tegen de klimaatverandering moeten de snelle stijging van CO2 volgen. De klimaatcrisis is een bedreiging voor het leven op aarde, en we kunnen niet langer gewoon toekijken."
Nephilim: TRUE STORY
 of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls 
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force Chemtrails
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force Chemtrails [Video]

 Like many politicians around the world, including Barack Obama, Russian government regulations require that President Vladimir Putin list his official salary and net worth once a year. Earlier this week Putin released this information and something just isn't adding up. Many experts of Russian government and politics agree that Putin has used his last decade of absolute power to stash away a vast personal fortune estimated at $70 billion, for himself and his closest friends. This fortune that simply does not jibe with the humble financial portrait Putin paints of himself.
Vladimir Putin Glasses and Watch
Vladimir Putin – $70 Billion Fortune
Vladimir Putin is currently serving his second term as the President of Russia. His first Presidential term lasted from 2000 – 2008. Putin was also Prime Minister of Russia from 1999 – 2000 and again from 2008 – 2012. Earlier this week, Putin listed his "official" Presidential salary at $187,000 (5.8 million rubles). And while this salary has gone up more than 50% since last year, it's still significantly lower than the $400,000 that Barack Obama earns annually to run America. Putin further claims to have a relatively meager net worth. His paltry personal assets include a bank account with $180,000, three Russian made cars, an apartment in Moscow with a garage and a 16,000 square foot plot of land in the Moscow suburbs. Putin also revealed that his wife Lyudmila controls bank accounts totaling $260,000 and pulled in a 2013 income of just $3900. By comparison, Obama's reported net worth has increased from $200,000 to nearly $12 million between 2000 and 2013 (the same time Putin has been in Power).
Dr. Paul Connett is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College. Since 1983 he taught chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he specialized in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology but retired in 2006. Paul Connett has researched the literature on fluoride's toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 17 years. He helped found the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and has given presentations on the dangers of fluoridation to legislative and research bodies around the world. This has included invited presentations to both the US EPA and the US National Research Council. With two other authors he published the book, "The Case Against Fluoride" in 2010.

The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space
The Archons - Alien Invaders From Space [Video]
Monsanto: Extinction
Monsanto: Extinction [Video]
Ban The Killer Robots Before It's Too Late

DPRK: The Land of Whispers
North Korea lies somewhere between a 1930′s Soviet Union frozen in time and a dark, futuristic vision of society… as imagined back in the 70′s.
Land of Whispers invites you to visit arguably the most unique and isolated travel destination in the world – not to criticize, but to observe and listen.
Aside from usual highlights such as Pyongyang or Arirang, this unique one-man documentary brings you to areas such as Chongjin or Wonson, still virtually unknown to even Google or Wikipedia.
There, the author attempts to pierce through the ever-present ‘national mythology’ and as much as possible, he tries to connect with people – such as the waitress mesmerized by tablet computers, or a tour guide cautiously fascinated by modern pop culture.

The Drugging Of Our Children
The Drugging Of Our Children (Full Length) [Video]
 US Violates International Law
SHUT DOWN GITMO! 'US Violates International Law' [The Debate @ PressTV] [Video]
A hunger strike by inmates at the notorious US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay has raised fears about the condition of inmates who've been held without charge or trial...the US is being slammed for violating international law and committing gross human rights abuses...on this Debate we ask why President Obama has failed to live up to his promise to close Gitmo.
Secret Nazi Base On Antarctica
Secret Nazi Base On Antarctica - Full Russian Documentary With English Subtitle [Video]
Buddhist Monk Levitation
Buddhist Monk Levitation - Full Movie - YouTube [Video]
Mysterious Swaying Plant [Video]
Of Chaos And Confusion: The Modern Church (Full Film) [Video]

vrijdag 29 augustus 2014

Profit from the study, insights and presentations of others.
History of the world analyzed from a higher level/dimension.
 from the SiTU Library: hidden section
 After Armageddon http://youtu.be/F-dzfnXVM1w 

2028 END


The first time I recognized a pattern in the landscape, happened in Wiltshire (England). Somebody showed me the fact, that a straight line could be drawn, starting at Salisbury Cathedral, passing Old Sarum (a Norman-ford) and then crossing the neo-lithic monuments of Stonehenge, Avebury and beyond. That's how far my map went, but this “leyline” could be traced across the English country-side.

Nowadays you can trace these leylines by connecting the churches. Most of the time they were build on ancient sites, of religious, pagan character. Often, Christian missionairies cut down holy oaks, to proof, the pagan Gods didn't interfere and started building a (wooden) church on this “unholy” ground.

But what if you draw a line from Easter Island to Gizeh and back to Easter Island again. It will shock you, how many important ancient sites are connected in this way.

Starting at Easter Island, the most isolated ancient, archeological site, we pass Nazca, Ollantay Tambo, Machu Pichu, Guzco, Mali (the Dogon Lands; a tribe which knew of the Sirius-constellation long before it was officially discovered; Tassili N'jaher (the famous cave-paintings of space-visitors), Siwa (the Amon-oracle, that was visited by Alexander the Great); GIZEH, Petra, the “hidden city” and mentioned in the Bible as a place where giants dwelled; Ur, one of the first cities in Mesopatamia; Persepolis, the core of Persian art and religion (burnt down by Alexander's troops),

Mohendje Daro in Pakistan, where writings are unearthed that resemble those of Easter Island, next, 3 places where the Gods reside: Khajuraho (India), Pyay (Birma) and Sukothai (Thailand). The last monument we meet on our trip around the world, is the famous templecomplex of Aqngkor Wat in Cambodia.

Do you think, that this is all a coincidence? I don't. Even though the monuments date from different periods, they were all built on the remains and ruins of older cultures. It gives our idea of global connections deeper meaning and it stretches the human history back to the Ice Age and possibly beyond.

Of all the particles, science discovered, there is one common factor: they are for over 99% empty. Their mass is nothing and is built up by sub-particles, who hardly have any mass at all. So why cannot we walk through a wall or explain gravity. In their search for truth, scientific theorists came up with the “Higgs-boson”, also called the “God-particle”. This elusive particle would give “mass” to his and her fellow-particles. If they find it, and billions of dollars are spend to discover it, one will learn, that it has no mass, worth mentioning.

This kind of research is a dead-end street. Leftbrain dominance and the arrongance, that you gain insight in our reality by throwing matter to pieces. And the problems for the “particle-physicists” are not over yet. Research of the kosmos, resulted in the discovery of “dark matter”, a founding force of our universe, previously unknown. Dark matter has bizarre characteristics and forms 85% of all matter around us. You may conclude, that we know nothing of 15% of our environment, which is only 15% of All.

Scientists have come to the conclusion, that “dark matter” gets its characteristics from a particle! Now the hunt for “whimps” has begun, a particle, that only exists in mathematical formula.

Imagine, you find a small feather and pick it up. When you want to weigh the feather, you must conclude, that is has no weight it all. Now you can choose two paths. You can develop a highly developed technologic device, that can weigh everything. This way your feather turns into cushion-filling and into (measurable) matter.

But there is another way. When you realize that the feather is telling you a story: “This is not the way, you will get to know me. My essence is not matter and weight; but it is about flying in the air and touch the earth, where the wind brings me. That's what matters.”

If I was bound in a nutshell, I could call myself King of infinite space.” Written down by Shakespeare and therefore treated with respect. Is he hinting at the paradox we live in, a world of infinity, within boundaries? I think, therefore I am, part of an infinite universe, This universe, we have to learn to understand within the limits of time (death) and space (dust). Though in these glorious words, William is referring to a linear and infinite world. You are stuck inside that nut for eternity and ever.

Like little Nemo, you have to make a choise. King of an illusion or direct your path in the search for the truth. Then your potential will grow, you will gradually fill up your nut (your prison) and, when a critical moment is reached, your “grotto” will explode and you will stand in the sun(moon)light for the first time and see the firmament (our cosmos).

You may get blinded, disoriented, angry or robbed. This moment can be deadly (in a spiritual way), if you are not prepared. You have to realize that you are NOT the first one (or the last one), who will achieve enlightenment in this or a parallel lifetime. So what is new to you, is ancient knowledge to other humans or other entities. The knowledge you have gained so far, is filtered and rewritten, by ancient powers. Some of them are benevolent, others are extremely evil (Mother Theresa versus Ivan, the Terrible). They all walk among us and are trying to get a foothold in this reality. A reality, where it is ALL happening.

Development can be discribed as cycles within cycles, which potentially go on for ever. Human development will go faster and faster, untill “the singularity” is reached, the moment when the incoming stream of data cannot be processed anymore and our lifestyle is at stake. If mankind will choose (or forced to choose out of orchestrated fear) for continuation of their material wealth under a top-down world-government, then, at that moment mankind is definitively a “slave of the Machine”. Out of their own choise! That is necessary to ligitimize this alien coupe-d'etat.

I remember an old sf-story, in which a future worldleader of the United Nations, connects, in a worldwide televized broadcast, all computers on the planet. The big moment is there and the “most important question” is asked: “Does God exist?” The moment the UN-leader pushes the return-bottom, a lightning strikes down and destroys the terminal. A loud, metallic voice, sounds all over the world: “Now He does!”


He was called “the sleeping prophet”. “Sleeping” referred to the state of self-hypnosis” and “profeth”. Because he diagnosed sick people from a distance, with a remarkable accuracy. A question, written down in a letter, was enough for him to reach out to the sick person, diagnose and prescribe medicine. Thousands of these consultations were made and written down. His name was “Edgar Cayce”, he lived in the USA, from 1877 to 1945. Some say he died from exhaustion, because many visitors wanted to know in those dark years, how there loved-ones fared and if they were still alive.

Casey's monumental achievement was unique, even though he himself could not fully explain, “how it worked”. By putting himself into a trance, he opened a gateway to unknown knowledge. He could talk about subjects he knew hardly anything about and used medical terms, you would expect from a physian, not from some-one who tried to earn a living as a photographer.

Apart from the personal “readings”, Edgar Cayce also made some global “prophesies”. In 1968, he predicted, Atlantis would rise in the Caribbean. In exactly that year the “Bimini Road” was discovered. A kind of underwater road, made of man-made stones. It was the start of an intensive search in this area and with success. Other roads are discovered, as are the remnants of monuments and stone circles. Of the coast of Cuba an underwater city was discovered, supposedly 15.000 years old. Evidence, that ancient cities, harbours and fortresses, had disappeared because of the rising seawater-levels after the last Ice Age. The Flood was a, global, reality. Near the North-West of India, the famous city of Krishna, Dworka, has been located at a depth of 120 meters. Atlantis is rising, like Edgar Cayce predicted. What other prohesies did he utter in his trance? Casey said that the pyramids and the Sphinx were much older, than was assumed in the 1940's. Recently a theory, was published, that Gizeh was about 10.000 years old. The Sphinx, so archeologists discovered, was weathered by water (rain); which placed this intriguing monument back in time, to a period when plenty of rain did fall in Egypt. Cayce also talked about the “Chamber of Wisdom”, which was dug out, between the two pawns of the Sphinx. In this “Chamber of Wisdom”, the Atlanteans stored their knowledge underground for future generations. They knew, that planet Earth would be hit by disaster. Some archeologists cannot wait to start digging, but the Egyptian government forbids all activity, even now that ground-penetrating radar, suggests that caves exist under the Sphinx (this is hardly a surprise. The whole Gizeh-complex, including the pyramids, is connected by underground tunnels.

So far, Casey's predictions are quite accurate, but there are more (horrifying) events to come. He predicted that the island of Japan, will sink into the sea. This is happening at this moment! All over Japan, water is bursting out of the ground.

The nuclear reactor at Fukusjima is slowly sinking. A collapse is possible, which would leed to a melt-down. We will possibly see another Tsjernobyl, in the nearby future. At this moment the situation in the Ukraine is not safe at all, as well. The nuclear reactor is surrounded and sealed of by an construct, about to collapse. The local government does not have the money (2 billion dollar), to do the necessary work. Overall Edgar Casey seems to be right at this prediction.

His last “prophesies” were about the destruction of North-East of the USA. Casey predicted hugh flooding and the down-fall of New York, which would be swallowed by the sea. A month ago, exactly this happened. It won't be the last one. The coastal regions are not protected enough and the frequency and intensity of these “renegade-storms” will rise. Both catastrophies (in the making) will leed to a refugee-problem of unprecedented scale. To make matterrs worse; “the sleeping prophet”, very accurate so far, mentions a coming economic collapse and the definite crash of the stockmarket. I get the strange feeling, that this mysterious American, was right all-the-way.

Aspartame Damages Your Brain At Any Dose
Aspartame Damages Your Brain at Any Dose

The Story of Your Enslavement
We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world.

If you read the Bible carefully, you'll notice, that Genesis contains two creation-stories. In the first one God creates man and woman (equally, simultaniously), from the earth. In Genesis 2, God first creates Adam, who gets bored and frustrated in the Garden of Eden. God hypnotizes him and while Adam is in a deep sleep, he takes a rib and from it creates Eve. This story is one of the biblical archetypes, that led to a, religiously legitimized, lifetime of obedience, submission and possible torture or even death, for women, all through history and all around the world, alhough it is not the only “haunting from the past”.

Judaism and early Christianity were a “literate” society and both produced a lot of scrolls, codexis and books. When finally the content and order of Bible were formalized, many books, gospels and apocalypses were left out. Some circulating books were called heretic and burned. In the last century many of those missing “sources” have been discovered. (Dead sea scrolls, Nag-Hamadi and recently discovered “sources”, hidden in monasteries from the Balkan, the Kaukasus to Ethiopia (the Book of Enoch).

Interesting details about Genesis can be discovered in this material. Eve was Adam's 2nd wife!

Adam's first wife was called Lilith, a woman created equal and with a mind of her own. Adam claims sexual dominance, but Lilith refuses to submit. Adam wants to force hinself unto his wife and she “calls God's secret and forbidden name” and disappeares into thin air. She does not leave paradise immediately. God sends three angels, to seduce her to return to Adam, but the 1st woman on earth, keeps saying no. God threatens to punish Lilith for her stubbordness. “Every day 100 children will die, because of you.” Lilith does not return to Adam.

Christian and Judaism “propaganda” have turned Adam's first wife in to a demonic and horrific entity. From the Middle Ages untill now, people wear amulets against her evil powers and intent. She tortures women during pregnancy and is kept responsable for the sudden death of a baby or child. Lilith also preys on young man, sleeping alone. By possessing his body and thoughts, she procurates with them. The name Lilith may sound unfamiliar to you, but you have used it many times during your lifetime. Lullaby literally stems from “Lilith abide”.
The Crisis Of Civilization
The Crisis Of Civilization - Full Length Documentary Movie HD [Video]

Like the book on which it is based, the film consists of seven parts which explore the interconnected dynamic of global crises of Climate Catastrophe; Peak Energy; Peak Food; Economic Instability; International Terrorism; and the Militarization Tendency -- with a final section on The Post-Peak World.