
maandag 31 maart 2014
In een ver verleden trok de koning van Macedonië, Alexander, later de Grote genoemd, over de Bosporus met als doel het machtiger Perzische rijk, ten val ter brengen. Gedurende de veldtocht, die tot in India reikte werden zijn ambities groter: goddelijkheid en de (bekende) wereld te veroveren en te overheersen.
In het begin van zijn campagne ondervond zijn leger, zo'n veertigduizend man sterk, weinig tegenstand. Het gaf Alexander de tijd om klassieke locaties te bezoeken, waarover Aristoteles hem had onderwezen. Tijdens zijn bezoek aan Troje confisqueerde hij het schild van Achilles, een Griekse held, die voor de stad van Priamus gevallen en begraven was. In Gordium werd Alexander geconfronteerd met een legende: de Gordiaanse knoop. In de stad werd een enorme kluwen bewaard. Degene, die de knoop van Gordium kon ontwarren, zou over de hele wereld heersen. Onze held loste dit probleem op door de kluwen met zijn zwaard door midden te hakken.
We weten allen, wat er daarna gebeurde. Alexander en zijn “vrienden” en goed-georganiseerde leger versloeg tot drie maal toe de Perzen. In Egypte werd hij tot farao gekroond en in Babylon tot heerser over het Perzische rijk. Zonder op het slagveld te worden verslagen, overleed hij in Babylon, nog geen 33 jaar oud. Zijn rijk viel aan scherven, zijn lichaam werd gestolen en naar zijn graf wordt nog steeds gezocht.
Wij staan met zijn allen voor een hele grote kluwen. Onze werkelijkheid is zo geproblemamtiseerd en geïndividualiseerd, dat voor elke oplossing ontelbare problemen opdoemen. We zijn het overzicht kwijt. Financieel dreigt alles uit de hand te lopen, de natuur verpietert, scholen en jeugdzorg staan onder grote druk, ontslag en werkloosheid dreigen. De overheid trekt zich, onmachtig, terug en met name de kansarmen worden uitgeleverd aan de vrije markt-economie. Een Gordiaanse knoop.
De verleiding om de kluwen in 1 klap door te slaan neemt toe. In de te verwachten maatschappelijke chaos dient een strenge, doch rechtvaardige Europese dictatuur te worden ingevoerd om de problemen het hoofd te bieden.
Wie van de geschiedenis niets leert, is gedwongen om die te herhalen. De huidige problemen zijn niet onoplosbaar en zelfs de grootste kluwen kan worden ontward. Wat er gevraagd wordt is geduld, toewijding en doorzettings vermogen. Menselijke vaardigheden, die in overdaad aanwezig zijn.
Laten we beginnen met ontwarren van de knopen in onszelf.
dM, SiTU
De lengte van de marathon
De marathon werd voor het eerst verlopen tijdens de Olympische Spelen van 1896 in Athene. De herstart van de klassieke Olympische Spelen.
De marathon herinnert aan de Griekse lange afstandloper/koerier Pheidippides. Deze bracht hardlopend het bericht van de overwinning van de Grieken op de Perzen bij Marathon naar de bevolking en magistraten van Athene. Het lukte hem nog om de boodschap over te brengen, maar toen stierf Pheidippides van uitputting.
De afstand van Marathon naar Athene is 36 kilometer en 75 meter. Bij de eerste Spelen was de marathon 40 kilometer lang. Bij de Olympische Spelen van Londen was men van plan om een parcours van exact 26 mijlen aan te leggen. Dit liep tussen Buckingham Palace en het Olympisch Stadion. Onder druk van het koninklijk huis werd de afstand verlengd met 385 yards. Hierdoor kwam de finish precies voor de Koninklijke Loge te liggen. In 1924, tijdens de Olympische Spelen van Parijs, werd de afstand die in Londen was gelopen, als de officiële afstand voor de marathon vastgelegd.
Terugkomend op de eerste marathonloper Pheidippides. Hij werkte als koerier en boodschapper voor de Griekse legerleiding. Hij was voor de slag al naar Sparta gerend om steun te vragen. De Spartanen weigerden, ze zaten midden in een belangrijk religieus festival en Pheidippides maakte direct rechtsomkeert om deze boodschap over te brengen. Toen hij terugkeerde in het Griekse kamp, was de slag al gestreden. Pheidippides werd direct doorgestuurd naar Athene, waar hij op de trappen van de Acropolis, de laatste adem uitblies.
Bear cubs rescued in Kosovo
International Animal Welfare Organisation FOUR PAWS has rescued three young bear cubs that were being kept illegally in Peja, Kosovo.
First discovered was a young female aged six weeks. The bear was bought by a family at the age of just three weeks and was being illegally kept in their flat.
The family were busted by local police after they posted information up on Facebook detailing how they got the bear, and how it was being kept. The cub was confiscated soon after by the Kosovo Environment Ministry and police officers. However, just days later on 19 March, two more bear cubs were discovered in the same area. As the cubs were the same age as the female cub, it is thought likely that the three are siblings.
FOUR PAWS relocated the three cubs – which they have named Ema, Oska, and Ron – to their bear sanctuary in Prishtina, where they are being cared for. But as bear cubs in the wild spend at least two years with their mother, the condition of the young cubs remains serious. FOUR PAWS bear expert Carsten Hertwig explains that the cubs are stressed, fearful, and very weak. “Ema doesn’t even weigh three kilos,” he describes. “We hope that the rescue was in time and that with our expert care the cubs can pull through and recover.”
The private keeping of brown bears has been illegal in Kosovo since 2010, and FOUR PAWS is calling for the animal dealers who sold the cubs to be found and brought to justice. “There should also be legal action against the family, which bought and kept the bear illegally,” says Hertwig.
You have to realise that this is hell. The world we live in is hell. Even if there is a Inner-earth, it has to be admitted: this world is as low as you can get. You were dumped here. Not out of your own choise, but as punishment. Punishment for sins, crimes and spiritual wickedness in former lives. You have only one chance, that is to become immortal and conquer death. It is your last chance to get back to the real world. But the curse of your penalty is that you forgot this. So you think that you are the centre of the universe and that you have the God-potential.
This is true.
But you have forgotten, what that means. The Gods and Goddess you encounter in this world are here for the same reason as you. Out of punismment. They are either crazy, violent and narcistic or all and more. This incrowd plays with you like you were a toy and you even seem to enjoy it. They are totally immoral and beyond saving. They know that they are stuck here forever and that makes them desperate, violent and unpredictable. But you accept it and even worship it.
Ignorance is the cause of all suffering, the Buddha said and he was right. But he neglected the fact that ignorance is a tool in the hands of the Elite, to maintain their power over us. And we are massaged in believing, that this is the best world to live in.
Which of cause it is not. This world is coming to an end and tremendous changes are coming. Why? Because prisonguards, our alien guardians, get tired of all the mess and all the noise, we people make and start cleaning the place. A kind of ethnic and ecological cleansing. The first signs of it are to be seen.
What's the essence of hell? It the abstenence of time. We live in an endless world, while thinking to be mortal. We are even programmed to believe, that this is the way things go. Which it is not. After dying you might wake up in a cage, which also contains three hungry Comodo-dragons.
Yesterday. Julian Assange dramatically sought refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Now he has broken his “bail” and will be arrested. He overplayed his hand several times. He will have to hang as an example for all those, who want to expose the world we live in. He underestimated his vulnerability. The law, their law. Justice; their justice. In the Middle Ages a noble man did have to keep his promise towards a farmer. In court royalty always won, in the end.
Julian provoked a system, that is more decadent, destructive and inhuman, than you can imagine. We are cattle to them. Welcome to the reptilian world of power, face and destruction. Knowing and believing, that you are far superior to the life around you. A license to kill at will. Government, like the USA, that they can kill any-one, that forms a threat to the country. Home and abroad.
Julian Assange was framed in Sweden. Due to feminism, there are strict laws against sexual harassment and rape in that country (read Millennium!). Julian was having a big time. He was at the height of his career, though he would rise even more, and slept and had sex with two different women. Everybody was happy, they took him to a private place and had sex. Sex without a condom. I think, everybody still seemed happy. But having sex without a condom is a crime in Sweden. It's rape. The next morning, both women went to police to accuse our hero of raping them. I am sure that there is all kind of evidence, on tape even, and that the women were prostitutes working for the CIA or MI5. Julian will have to pay the price and maybe he is willing to. Everybody will see, that this is just a shadow of our future society.
History, at least the history were are presented as factual, is a political and ideological construct. Its main purpose is to keep persons/classes/nations indoctrinated and brainwash about their roots and possibilities. Historians still preach, that civilization as we know it, started in Iraq about 6000 years ago. Babylon, Egypt, Persia, the Greek and Romans followed (compare with Daniel: Nebukadnezhar's dream). This history shows the immense constructs, they build and the cities, which they decorated and painted and made it a pleasure to live in (hot/cold water, flushing toilets, restaurants and libraries). Many people say and believe, that the pyramids, Angkor Wat and Chitzen Itza were build with the help of alien gods and under divine guidance.
This is a mind frame, that ignores the possibilities of mankind. The pyramids were build by people, supported by human architects and masons. Their interaction with the world was completely different, then ours. They still were connected with Gaya and could use the different levels of existence/energy to create an amazing world. These cultures generated architects, philosophers, artists, prophets, musicians, astronomers, writers, theologian and poets.
In the course of the millennia we see a process of decline. Modern scientists blow up and destroy things to find something new or just rearrange numbers and statistics, completely alienated from reality. Our capabilities fade away or are deliberately marginalized. “History is written by the victors.”, Napoleon said. Anomalies in historical research are driven into anonymity. The first official human settlements date from around 6/7000 years BC. There is considerable doubt about this timeline. My teacher told me, that history is connected with water levels. “Much of our past is hidden beneath the waters.” And he was true. Near the Eastern Coast of India, two submerged cities are found. One of which is supposedly the city of Krishna, Dwarka. Many artifacts, houses, palaces and harbors are found. When carbon dated, the findings stunned the scientists. Dwarka was 30.000 years old. The same happened in Mexico. The mainstream archeology accepts, that America was colonized from Russia, over the 'Bering strait” to Alaska. This happened relatively late (10/15.000 years ago; the end of the last ice-age). The proto-Indians moved southward and reached Mexico and South-America. Here they started a series of phenomenal cultures and civilizations (Olmec, Mayan, Anastasi, Aztec, Inca), that started about 8000 years ago. The whole of Meso- and South-America is littered with pyramids, temples and monuments. The Spaniards were surprised about the level of organization and technology these “barbarians” possessed. They lived in model and most of all, clean cities. Artists used platinum in their products, a level the Spaniards had not reached.
In the last century an American university-professor was digging in Mexico. She thought to have found an very early settlement of Indian-settlers. When the carbon-dating results arrived, everybody was startled. The artifacts were 250.000 years old. The find of a lifetime. When she published her findings, something strange happened. Her paper was ignored, the site was closed and she lost her job at the universities. Official science is a construct, just a tool. A tool, that is contaminated and distorted There are many more. Thinking f.i. Educating your self and start to use your potential (not necessarily your brain). Do you want to live like a mushroom? It's predictable, nice and warm.You will always have enough to eat, but will be kept completely in the dark (for ever).
to 100 MONKEYS
- Number of hours Adam & Eve spent in the Garden of Eden.
- Number of sins which carry Kareth
- The Tzadikim Nistarim (Hebrew: צַדִיקִים נִסתָּרים, hidden righteous ones) or Lamed Vav Tzadikim (Hebrew: ל"ו צַדִיקִים, 36 righteous ones), often abbreviated to Lamed Vav(niks)[a], refers to 36 Righteous people, a notion rooted within the more mystical dimensions of Judaism. The singular form is Tzadik Nistar (Hebrew: צַדִיק נִסתָר). The source is the Talmud itself, explained as follows:
As a mystical concept, the number 36 is even more intriguing. It is said that at all times there are 36 special people in the world, and that were it not for them, all of them, if even one of them was missing, the world would come to an end. The two Hebrew letters for 36 are the lamed, which is 30, and the vav, which is 6. Therefore, these 36 are referred to as the Lamed-Vav Tzadikim. This widely held belief, this most unusual Jewish concept is based on a Talmudic statement to the effect that in every generation 36 righteous "greet the Shechinah," the Divine Presence (Tractate Sanhedrin 97b; Tractate Sukkah 45b).[8]
The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim ("concealed ones"). In our folk tales, they emerge from their self-imposed concealment and, by the mystic powers, which they possess, they succeed in averting the threatened disasters of a people persecuted by the enemies that surround them. They return to their anonymity as soon as their task is accomplished, 'concealing' themselves once again in a Jewish community wherein they are relatively unknown. The lamed-vavniks, scattered as they are throughout the Diaspora, have no acquaintance with one another. On very rare occasions, one of them is 'discovered' by accident, in which case the secret of their identity must not be disclosed. The lamed-vavniks do not themselves know that they are ones of the 36. In fact, tradition has it that should a person claim to be one of the 36, that is proof positive that they are certainly not one. Since the 36 are each exemplars of anavah, ("humility"), having such a virtue would preclude against one’s self-proclamation of being among the special righteous. The 36 are simply too humble to believe that they are one of the 36.[8]It is also said that one of these 36 could potentially be the Jewish Messiah if the world is ready for them to reveal themselves. Otherwise, they live and die as an ordinary person. Whether the person knows they are the potential Messiah is debated.
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graverobber was buried, when the tomb he was working in, collapsed.
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