maandag 25 februari 2013
Horizon: Infinity (BBC)
Mathematicians have discovered there are infinitely many infinities, each one infinitely bigger than the last. And if the universe goes on forever, the consequences are even more bizarre. In an infinite universe, there are infinitely many copies of the Earth and infinitely many copies of you. Older than time, bigger than the universe and stranger than fiction. This is the story of infinity.
1of3 - The Dark Secret of Hendrik Schon
Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh. Sounds like science fiction? It certainly did until a brilliant young scientist called Hendrik Schön seemed to bring it a step closer. Schön's great breakthrough was to make a computer transistor out of a single organic molecule. It was an achievement of almost incalculable brilliance. Some speculated this technology could spell the end of the entire silicon chip industry. Crucially, Schön's transistor was organic!

Manipulating shape and size at nanometre scale, nanotechnologists are producing a wide variety of applications that take profit of the properties that this scale offers. Nowadays, thousands of researchers around the world are investigating the new contributions that NT can bring us by designing, characterizing and producing new structures, devices and systems.
zondag 24 februari 2013
Horizon: Death Of The Oceans? (BBC)
Horizon travels from the cold waters of
the North Atlantic to the tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef to meet the
scientists who are transforming our understanding of this unique habitat.
Attenborough explores some of the ways in which we are affecting marine life -
from over-fishing to the acidification of sea water.
Pope promises 'spiritual proximity' after resignation
Pope promises 'spiritual proximity' after resignation: Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday promised top Vatican officials he would remain in "spiritual proximity" with them even...
zaterdag 23 februari 2013
THE FORBIDDEN BOOK (the Voynich Manuscript)
The Book That Can't Be Read
The mysterious and centuries-old Voynich Manuscript was written by an unknown author, illustrated with bizarre, puzzling pictures and composed in a language that even the best cryptographers can't decode. Now, Naked Science follows new leads in the hunt for the author's identity.
The mysterious and centuries-old Voynich Manuscript was written by an unknown author, illustrated with bizarre, puzzling pictures and composed in a language that even the best cryptographers can't decode. Now, Naked Science follows new leads in the hunt for the author's identity.
vrijdag 22 februari 2013
donderdag 21 februari 2013
Smallest planet discovered orbiting another star
Smallest planet discovered orbiting another star: NASA scientists have discovered the smallest planet yet found going around a star similar to our Sun.
dinsdag 19 februari 2013
maandag 18 februari 2013
The Holographic Universe (Part Two)
The Holographic universe suggests that the physical world we believe to be real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world.
zondag 17 februari 2013
zaterdag 16 februari 2013
With the help of a hammer-wielding scientist, Jennifer Aniston and a general anaesthetic, Professor Marcus du Sautoy goes in search of answers to one of science's greatest mysteries: how do we know who we are? While the thoughts that make us feel as though we know ourselves are easy to experience, they are notoriously difficult to explain. So, in order to find out where they come from, Marcus subjects himself to a series of probing experiments.
vrijdag 15 februari 2013
Witness Green Death of The Forests
Green Death of The Forests is an unusual film. It is both a hard hitting portrayal of the causes and consequences of deforestation in Indonesia, and a film which captures the tranquility and calm of wild nature. It contains no narrative or dialogue and yet helps us understand complex commodity chains.
It was made with a small camera by a single person on a tourist visa, and has beaten much larger production teams, and healthily funded groups to the most prestigious prizes in environmental film-making.
Green Death of The Forests is an unusual film. It is both a hard hitting portrayal of the causes and consequences of deforestation in Indonesia, and a film which captures the tranquility and calm of wild nature. It contains no narrative or dialogue and yet helps us understand complex commodity chains.
It was made with a small camera by a single person on a tourist visa, and has beaten much larger production teams, and healthily funded groups to the most prestigious prizes in environmental film-making.
Honderden gewonden door inslag meteoriet in Oeral
Meer dan vierhonderd mensen zijn vrijdag in de Oeral in Rusland gewond geraakt toen een meteoriet door de dampkring scheerde. Dit ging gepaard met luide knallen, waardoor ruiten sprongen. De reeks explosies heeft in zes Russische steden in de regio Tsjeljabinsk voor flink wat paniek gezorgd.
Fragmenten van de meteoriet kwamen terecht in een dunbevolkt gebied in de regio Tsjeljabinsk, meldt het ministerie voor noodsituaties. Volgens woordvoerder Vadim Kolesnikov hebben meer dan vierhonderd mensen om medische hulp gevraagd. Van drie van hen was de toestand ernstig. De meesten waren gewond geraakt door rondvliegend glas nadat ruiten door de knallen waren gesprongen.
Verder was volgens Kolesnikov het dak van een fabriek ingestort.
Het is nog onduidelijk wat zich rond 09.20 uur (04.20 uur Nederlandse tijd) precies heeft afgespeeld. Een woordvoerster van het ministerie voor noodsituaties zei tegen AP dat het ging om een meteorietenregen, een andere woordvoerster zei tegen Interfax dat het een enkele meteoriet betrof.
De Russische televisie toonde amateurvideobeelden van een voorwerp dat door de heldere hemel scheerde, met een condensspoor en een felle flits.
Volgens nog onbevestigde berichten zou het Russische leger raketten hebben afgeschoten op een grotere meteoriet op twintig kilometer hoogte. De meteoriet zou aan flarden zijn geschoten door raketten van de luchtverdediging die gestationeerd is in Oerzjoem
Meer dan vierhonderd mensen zijn vrijdag in de Oeral in Rusland gewond geraakt toen een meteoriet door de dampkring scheerde. Dit ging gepaard met luide knallen, waardoor ruiten sprongen. De reeks explosies heeft in zes Russische steden in de regio Tsjeljabinsk voor flink wat paniek gezorgd.
Verder was volgens Kolesnikov het dak van een fabriek ingestort.
Het is nog onduidelijk wat zich rond 09.20 uur (04.20 uur Nederlandse tijd) precies heeft afgespeeld. Een woordvoerster van het ministerie voor noodsituaties zei tegen AP dat het ging om een meteorietenregen, een andere woordvoerster zei tegen Interfax dat het een enkele meteoriet betrof.
De Russische televisie toonde amateurvideobeelden van een voorwerp dat door de heldere hemel scheerde, met een condensspoor en een felle flits.
Volgens nog onbevestigde berichten zou het Russische leger raketten hebben afgeschoten op een grotere meteoriet op twintig kilometer hoogte. De meteoriet zou aan flarden zijn geschoten door raketten van de luchtverdediging die gestationeerd is in Oerzjoem
Examines claims that the paintings, sketches, and writings of Leonardo Da Vinci may predict a great apocalyptic flood, even though the sketches are of the biblical Flood and the writings are merely a humorous exercise in making everyday processes seem 'apocalyptic'
Examines claims that the paintings, sketches, and writings of Leonardo Da Vinci may predict a great apocalyptic flood, even though the sketches are of the biblical Flood and the writings are merely a humorous exercise in making everyday processes seem 'apocalyptic'
donderdag 14 februari 2013
woensdag 13 februari 2013
CERN scientists prepare for next quantum leap
CERN scientists prepare for next quantum leap: Seven months after its scientists made a landmark discovery that may explain the mysteries of mass, Europe's top...
who know, do not speak, instead they exploit hidden secrets to manipulate and
indoctrinate our basic needs and instincts; just to keep “our” world a colony,
ruled by alien powers. Those, who speak, do not know, yet. But the “Halls of
Knowledge” will be available to all, soon and we are nearing disclosure on all
levels. The walls are tumbling down. You are seeing it all around you. Banks are
de-masked and their anti-social doctrines and mentality. The collective greed of
the super-rich is going to be exposed in full.
element of fair-play in sports is crushed, when all major competitions and
events are dominated, on a global scale, by gambling and drug-kartels. A
playground for the wealthy to fight boredom and to launder huge sums of money.
Wanna bet? Descendents of the Nazi warcriminal, dr. Mengele, are doping and
drugging athletes to improve human performance and create the “Übermensch”.
Nothing is, what we were told it was. That goes for science and history too, but
on more fundamental level.
Try to
imagine, what you would say to a dying child, about the food you wasted, while
it was starving. If you have, as a member of “those who know”, to tell the
people the truth, you better make them laugh. Otherwise they will kill you
Coca-Cola habit a 'factor in New Zealander's death'
Coca-Cola habit a 'factor in New Zealander's death': A New Zealand woman's 10-litre a day Coca-Cola habit was a major factor in her death, a coroner...
dinsdag 12 februari 2013
The Most Extreme: Jumpers
From desert rats to Mexican jumping beans, this program brings together the most extreme jumping feats of the animal world, then compares them to human abilities via state of the art computer animation.
maandag 11 februari 2013
zondag 10 februari 2013
zaterdag 9 februari 2013
Scientists fix date for dinosaurs' extinction
Scientists fix date for dinosaurs' extinction: Scientists have moved another step towards clearing up one of the world's most mysterious events — the death...
vrijdag 8 februari 2013
donderdag 7 februari 2013
Inside Story Americas - What fuels the love for guns in the US?
woensdag 6 februari 2013
dinsdag 5 februari 2013
Supercomputer Recreates Universe From Big Bang to Today
Large-scale structures in the universe form over time in these stills from a supercomputer simulation of the evolution of the universe. CREDIT: Habib et al./Argonne National Lab |
Now researchers are planning the most detailed, largest-scale simulation of this kind to date. One of the main mysteries they hope to solve with it is the origin of the dark energy that's causing the universe to accelerate in its expansion.
The new simulation is a project led by physicists Salman Habib and Katrin Heitmann of Illinois' Argonne National Laboratory, and will run on the lab's Mira supercomputer, the third-fastest computer in the world, starting in the next month or two. The program will use trillions of "particles" — elements in the simulation that stand in for small bits of matter. The computer will let time run, and watch as the particles move through space in response to the forces acting on them.
maandag 4 februari 2013
zondag 3 februari 2013
The most famous hole in the ground is found on Oak Island (Canada) and it is a complete mystery. Since its discovery in 1795 by three farmboys , who were attracted by mysterious green lights, they saw at night on the unhabited Canadian island. From the start of the treasure hunt, about a dozen attempts were made by professional companies and adventiorous entrepeneurs. They reached deep down, about 200 feet, but were struck by disaster. 6 people died untill now. Because of the lack of success, the place is called “the money pit”, that swallowed the money of investors like Errol Flynn and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
At about ten feet the Nova Scotia farmboys discovered a platform, made out of oak. This was not the first one the miners encountered. About every 10 feet a new platform was discovered. In between stone ramps, not indigionous to the island, coconut fiber, not indigionous to Canada and a stone with mysterious inscriptions were found. The people who had constructed this pit, had gone to enormous effort to bury something. Could it be a giant pirate treasure or the wealth of a looting colonial French Army or Viking hordes. Probably the creators of the pit had no intention to come back. When excavators thought to have found a way down, the money pit was flooded. The construction had build in booby-traps. Drilling deep down had activated man-made gateways to the sea. The water made the bottom inaccessible and further digging impossible.
The architects of the underground monument had only one thing in mind. The objects or object buried there were never to be found again. The reason could be that the “treasure” was too dangerous, too destructive, too tempting and/or too evil to be tolerated on the surface (and the heavens) of our world.
Some suggest, that the “Arc of the Covenant” is buried there, probably by the Knights Templar, but the site could be older. The “Arc” is a formidable, dangerous and mysterious weapon, used by the Jews against their enemies. It is a box, designed by God and dictated to Moses, containing the Tablets he got at Mount Sinai, a bowl filled with mannah out of the dessert and the magic stick of Aaron, Moses' brother. When Goliath captured this holy object and opened it; the Philistines were struck with disaster and mysterious diseases. In the end, they returned their trophy to the Israelites.
Strangely enough the “Arc” disappeared out of written history, lonmg before Jesus was born. The Temple in Jerusalem, where it was placed by Salomon, was looted by the Babylonians. The content of the Arc probably destroyed and the gold robbed by ignorant soldiers. A Roman general was very disappointed, when he entered “the Holy of Holiest” and found it empty.
Speculative historians suggest that the Arc was brought to Ethiopia, but most likely is that the Temple-priests hid the temple-treasures in one of the many caves and ancient tunnels; in, outside and under the Holy City. On the famous “Copper Scroll” over twenty places are named and placed, where treasure was hidden. Untill now archeologists searching for the hidden gold and silver, were unsuccesfull.
Better chances had the Knights Templar. A order of warrior-monks, who protected Christian pilgrims on their journey to Jerusalem. It started out with a group of nine warriors, who settled down in Jerusalem after the first Crusade. They made the remains of the Temple, the 2nd one, build during the reign of king Herod the Great, to be their headquarters.
Most of the time was spend digging in and around the Temple complex. And it was during this digging, that they discovered an important artifact, possibly the “Arc of the Covenant”. The power of the Ark made the Knights rich and famous. Many kings lend money from them; most of the time to start a war against a king, who in his case had to lend money from the same Templars. The start of modern banking.
To obtain their wealth the King of France wanted to destroy the Order and many Knights Templar were arrested, trialed and burned at the stake. The order was forbidden by the Pope and accused of blasfemy, cooperation and adoration of dark forces (devil-worship) and trampling on a crucifix.
But the mysterious treasures of the Knights Templar were never found because some knights escaped, bringing it to Canada, to be found in the Endtimes.
On the bottom of the pit man-made objects are seen and radio-active anomalies are measured. The search for the “Treasure of Oak Island”is nearing its end, but the hidden "treasure" still seems far out of reach.
zaterdag 2 februari 2013
Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview
*Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview* is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out.
Weeks before the almost unfathomable mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, VICE editor-in-chief Rocco Castoro visited Florida to dive headfirst into its byzantine firearms laws and discover why his home state was the first in the nation to issue over one million concealed weapons permits.
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