
dinsdag 31 december 2013
- Over gematigdheid
- The Story of Wicca
- December 21, 2012
- Uit een oude schoenendoos
- Memo Friese geschiedenis
- The Law of One
- Inside the Torah
- Something to think about
- El Dorado
- Iran TV
- The lost Gospels
- Supernatural Tarot
- The missing secrets of Nikola Tesla
- The alien astronaut photograph
- The Voice of the jungle
The story of wicca
DECEMBER 21, 2012
December 21, 2012. at 11.11 p.m. At Chitzen Itza, Mexico, the earth will align with the centre of our universe, the Milky Way. At that moment the male domination will end and the female side will getc the upper hand. In politics, science, economics and religion.
I favor that. I never understood why politics, the military, economics and religion are 100% male and still could speak and act for all (women, the elderly, the children, our ancestors etc.). And it was accepted, not to be discussed or challenged. I once heard a manager say that it was quite funny: 8 men discussing women underware for next season. Things like that. But instead of mass disobedience, obedience and mental slavery is the rule. For the moment. Everywhere the people are realising how they have been cheated and lied about. Their existence and future is exploding and still they are having to pay the price. The incompetence of the world leaders is a disgrace. They circle around in a global bubble; being important, safe and well looked after. Millions of bureaucrats circle the planet this way. Completely useless and costing billions of euro.
For the Maya and the Hopi indians the above date is very important. They see it as an important shift of consciousness, which will envelope in the next 12.000 years or so. The Age of Aquarius. You can understand, that they want to celebrate this event, perform rituals and mass-ceremonies. The Maya live in Mexico, on the Yucatan peninsula. Strangely enough the Mexican parliament passed a law, which forbid any religious or spiritual event on the 21st december 2012!
It seems that the Vatican heard about the plans of the Maya, to organize a great event at Chitzen Itza. They put pressure on the Mexican government to prevent this. Government is a male province, so the Vatican hade instant support. Still, this won't stop the process of change of which the male/female duality is only an aspect.
Everything is interconnected and has a certain amount of significance. So do you. If you want it or not. It also means that you have a responsibility, you didn't ask for. So you think.
Without knowing people, animals, plants are depending on you.
It manifests itself in the way, you commit yourself to it. If you ignore the weather, the weather will ignore you or will test you to draw your attention. If you ignore animals, you are likely to consume enormous amounts of junkfood and will die young. If you ignore plants, you will not see the beauty of them and the world will become a world of stone.
If you ignore people, thinking that you are Neo, the One, you slip into a so-called repitilian mindframe. The result is an way of life, dominated by immediately satisfaction, domination, hierarchy and violence. This again brings the need of armies, police and secret services to assure, that the Elite lives in the land of plenty.
The world we look at today seems to become overflown by this way of thinking. There are no morals or justice in a reptilian world, just the survival of the fittest and their offspring.
Our disconnectedness with nature, other energy levels and the cosmos keeps you down and makes you a apathic victim for the web woven by these alien forces. Alien meaning, not human. By control, poisoning mind and body and even assasination, they keep the world stabilized. This means for instance that billions are spend on warfare, while at the same time millions are starving to death in Somalia and Ethiopy. The operating armies, navies, airforces and inteligence can easily solve this problem. But they don't. In the eyes of the Elite the Earth is densily overpopulated. In 40 years this number, of about 7 billion people, will have doubled. It seems impossible to feed all those mouths and offer them a decent living.
On the Georgia Guidestones, the Stonehenge of the USA, it simply states, that the worldpopulation must be brought back to
500.000.000 people. The survivors have been selected already.
That last 20 years has just been a playground, including 9/11, and the worst has yet to come. At his moment bacteria and viruses are roaming the world in preparation of a pandemic. All of them produced, like the Aids-virus, in military laboratories all over the planet, The humane immune system is slowly broken down, due to vaccinations, ant-biotics, chemtrails and a bad diet. Terrorist attacks will multiply and the number of natural catastrofies will mount.
The solution for this doomscenario is simple.
Reconnect, the world is waiting for your input.”
Without king David and king Salomon, Judaism and Israel would not exist. This is stated in a NGC -production called:
“Judaism; inside the Torah”. Jewish archeologists are, since the birth of Israel after the Second World War, searching for proof. Did these two kings lay the foundation for a Jewish society and the Judaic religious tradition? Commonly accepted, look out for statements like that!, the Exodus took place around 1200 BC. David would have captured Jerusalem around 1000 BC. His son Salomon
built the first Temple and made Jerusalem a place of wonder and worship, with trade routes to Arabia and Africa (the queen of Sheba).
The stories of David are embedded in regional folklore and in the Bible. There is hardly any evidence. David volunteers to fight a Filistine price fighter called Goliath. This was a giant, over 10 feet tall. The scene depicted is an anomaly. Goliath is wearing the armor of a Greek hero of the 7th century BC. The Filistines themselves, arch-enemies of the Hebrews, were probably refugees. After a volcanic eruption, Crete and other Aegean islands, were flooded by a huge tsunami. The Minoan civilization was destroyed and survivors fled to the Holy Land. They were there before the Jews. Both nations were desperately looking and fighting for a new home land.
Excavations for Salomons temple have not been successful. There is no archeological evidence. Jerusalem was habituated, but is was just a small village. No remnants of walls, palaces or the First Temple have been found. Aninscription that referred to “Solomon's temple” proved out to be a fake. This was a elaborate plot to prove the rightfulness of Israel's existence. Of David it is said, that his name is mentioned on a stele of a local king. This kind names his many victories, one of which was over “the House of David”. After the “Solomon-debacle” experts want to do research on this artifact.
There is some good news though. The temple of Solomon has been found. Not in Jerusalem, but in Syria! Recent excavations have unearthed a big temple-complex which many characteristics of the Temple as described in the Bible. Historical after all?
SOMEthing to THINK about
Reality, as we know and experience it, does not exist.
The Missing Secrets - Nikola Tesla - Must SEE! [Video]
THE VOICE OF THE JUNGLE: The protection of Indian cultures, headed by Sidney Pssuelo. This series travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
maandag 30 december 2013
31 DECEMBER 2014
1.Subconscious warfare
- The top organizations, that rule the world.
- Harlinger Stadsverhalen
- Aliens and the Military
- History of the End of the World
- Search for Satan
- The End of History
- Infinity
- In search of the ancient Georgian Kingdom of Colchis
- Ancient cavepaintings
- Theseus en de Minotaurus
- De Friese koning Redbad
- The Ark of the Covenant
- Over de vrije wil
- What happened to that weird object in Greenland?
- Afbreektijden afval
Harlinger Stadsverhalen:
“Of course not all the Atlanteans prepared to go underground. It was an experiment, which could lead to disaster. Which it did. By digging deeper and deeper they met other entities and powers, with older roots. Some Atlanteans decided to go into space and searched for an inhabitable planet. In the process they discovered other ways of space-travel. They used vortexes, black holes, anti-matter and stargates to travel lond distances. And one day, they were gone, not to heard of, unto now. Other, more spiritual, Atlanteans started a process of de-materialisation. Through meditation, drugs and a special diet, they succeeded to reach other dimensions. Dimensions which were also full of life. One by one, or in small groups, these inhabitants of Atlantis, simply disappeared, untill now.
Finally, there were Atlanteans, who choosed to ignore the future or simply thought, that they could survive the cataclysm or thought to be saved by the Gods, they worshipped. We now have proof, that some survived the end of the old world. They too went underground. Through manipulation, bribery and violence, they found their way into the human society and became the powerful people, behind the screens. In that way they planned the revival of Atlantis and their power. Over the milennia a front was created, mainly through aristocratic families and nobility, which did the dirty work, being the destruction of earth and creating a habitable situation for the coming leaders and owners of earth.
In short Atlantis is manifesting itself in many different ways. Of course through the monuments and artifacts, which are found. Some being older, predating even Atlantis. We live in an age of information and a tsunami of anomalies is forming, which will crush, the classical vision on earth and human development. The time-line, we all learned at school, is fake and limits your vision on reality. The remnants of the survivors are still there, but through inbreeding and genetic deformation, their power is dwindling and some are completely insane. But due to a long periode of propaganda and brainwashing, they are still seen as precious to a country and being immensely popular.
The spacefaring Atlanteans discovered many other planets and levels of existence. They got completely lost in time and space and desperately try to reach their home-planet. Some are getting close and keep a channeling kind of contact with devotees. But they too want to re-conquer, what is, so they think, is rightfully theirs.
The interdimensional Atlanteans are mostly benevolent and present themselves as teachers, angels, demons or avatars. They are not to be trusted.”
By our third year, most of us will have learned to count. Once we know how, it seems as if there would be nothing to stop us counting forever. But, while infinity might seem like an perfectly innocent idea, keep counting and you enter a paradoxical world where nothing is as it seems.
Mathematicians have discovered there are infinitely many infinities, each one infinitely bigger than the last. And if the universe goes on forever, the consequences are even more bizarre. In an infinite universe, there are infinitely many copies of the Earth and infinitely many copies of you. Older than time, bigger than the universe and stranger than fiction. This is the story of infinity.
Mathematicians have discovered there are infinitely many infinities, each one infinitely bigger than the last. And if the universe goes on forever, the consequences are even more bizarre. In an infinite universe, there are infinitely many copies of the Earth and infinitely many copies of you. Older than time, bigger than the universe and stranger than fiction. This is the story of infinity.
The ancient Georgian Kingdom of Colchis
Ancient Cave Paintings
THESEUS EN DE MINOTAURUS (Griekse mythologie)
Koning Redbad (Radboud); symbool van Friese standvastigheid
The Ark of the Covenant is described in the Bible as a sacred container, wherein rested the Tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments as well as Aaron's rod and manna. According to the Biblical account, the Ark was built at the command of God, in accord with Moses' prophetic vision on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:10-16). God communicated with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover (Exodus 25:22). The Ark and its sanctuary were "the beauty of Israel" (Lamentations 2:1). Rashi and some Midrashim suggest that there were two arks - a temporary one made by Moses, and a later one made by Bezalel.
The Biblical account relates that during the exodus of the Israelites, the Ark was carried by the priests ~2,000 cubits (Numbers 35:5; Joshua 4:5) in advance of the people and their army or host (Num. 4:5-6; 10:33-36; Psalms 68:1; 132:8). When the Ark was borne by priests into the bed of the Jordan, the river was separated, opening a pathway for the whole of the host to pass over (Josh. 3:15-16; 4:7-18). The Ark was borne in a seven-day procession around the wall of Jericho by seven priests sounding seven trumpets of rams' horns, the city taken with a shout (Josh. 6:4-20). When carried, the Ark was always wrapped in a veil, in tachash skins (the identity of this animal is uncertain), and a blue cloth, and was carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the Levites who carried it.
Papier en karton max. een half jaar
Klokhuis en schillen 14 dagen/ 2 maanden
WC-papier en tissues 2 tot 4 weken
Sigarettenpeuk 1,5 tot 10 jaar
Plastic tas 1 tot 20 jaar
Kauwgum 20 tot 25 jaar
IJzeren blikje 50 jaar
Plastic blikjes houder 400 jaar
Luiers 400 – 450 jaar
Plastic flesje 450 jaar
Nylon vislijn 600 jaar
Aluminium blikje 1 miljoen jaar
Glazen fles 1 miljoen jaar
Piepschuim eeuwig
De gigantische afvalstroom, die door de mensheid wordt geproduceerd, wordt slechts voor een klein gedeelte hergebruikt. In geïndustrialiseerde landen wordt het massaal verbrand, opgeslagen of gedumpt. Uiteindelijk komt alles in het water terecht en uiteindelijk de zee. Op de oceanen ontstaan drijvende vuilnisbelten, bestaande uit visnetten, plastic verpakkingen en overig drijfvuil. Het aantal van deze concentratie-punten, elke oceaan heeft er een aantal!) en de omvang ervan neemt gestaag toe.
Maar behalve met deze herkenbare objecten, komt er heel veel KLEIN afval in de goot (letterlijk) terecht (wegwerpaanstekers, stukjes van plastic verpakkingen (snoepgoed, drankjes, stukjes van verpakkingen etc.) Door regen en reiniging komt dit allemaal in het riool, het binnenwater en vervolgens de Waddenzee terecht.
Hier dient dit als VOEDSEL voor vogels, vissen en zee-zoogdieren. Zeevogels bijvoorbeeld hebben de neiging om alles wat op voedsel lijkt naar binnen te schrokken. Vissen doen dit ook en deze worden weer door zeehonden en bruinvissen bejaagd.
Dit foerageergedrag wordt hen allen fataal. De maag vult zich met afval en het slachtoffer sterft de hongerdood.
De aantallen nemen exponentieel toe en sommige habitats raken volledig verstoord.
Het wordt tijd om op de kleintjes te gaan letten. De kleine stukjes afval, die onze straten, bermen en goten vullen, zullen uiteindelijk in rivier en zee belanden, om daar hun dodelijke werk te doen.
Gelukkig is dit een “man-made problem” en liggen de oplossingen voor de hand.
De mens is aangesteld als rentmeester van de aarde en de natuur. Het wordt tijd dat we die rol serieus nemen, in plaats van het nonchalant en onwetend dumpen van sluipmoordenaars, die een ellendige dood veroorzaken bij meeuw, kabeljauw en zeehond.
zondag 29 december 2013
- de “BLOOMBERGS” Miljardairs index.
- Hitler's escape to Argentina
- His Master's Choice
- the Rosetta Stone
Alaska maakte vroeger deel uit van tsaristisch Rusland en werd “Russisch Amerika” genoemd. Alaska was de naam van een kleiner eiland voor de kust van het vasteland In 1867 werd het gehele gebied door de Amerikaanse regering aangekocht. De Verenigde Staten betaalden er 7.200.000 dollar voor.
Dit bedrag betaalden de Amerikanen niet aan de tsaar of aan de Russische autoriteiten, maar aan de “American-Russian Furtrading Company”, die het kolossale gebied in zijn bezit had. De 26.500 eskimo's, die in de nieuwe staat al duizenden jaren woonden, ontvingen niets.
Professor Richard Holmes revisits the bridges over the Rhine which the Western Allies seized in September 1944 in their daring airborne bid to shorten the Second World War.
"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity." - Total Film
"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."
- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)
"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."
- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)
de Bloombergs miljardairs-index
Op de vierde plaats van de Bloombergs miljardairs-index staat de Spanjaard Amancio Ortega, goed voor 56 miljard dollars. Hij is eigenaar van het kledingimperium Inditex. Bekend van Zara, en sinds eind april 2013 ook van de ingestorte textielfabriek in Bangladesh (1000+ doden). Zijn plaats op de ranglijst illustreert dat uitbuiting een lucratief businessmodel is. Een rijke man trouwen, werkt ook nog steeds. Geen van de 12 vrouwen op de ranglijst heeft haar fortuin zelf vergaard. Vier van hen zijn weduwe. De Heineken erfgename neemt de 99ste plaats in met een vermogen van 10,9 miljard dollar. Ter vergelijking van de 88 mannen, hebben er 72 hun geld zelf verdiend. Bill Gates zag zijn fortuin het afgelopen jaar met 10 miljard groeien tot 72,7 miljard dollar en hij nam de eerste plaats over van de Mexicaan Carlos Slim, o.a. groot-aandeelhouder van onze KPN. Hij moest in 2012 3 miljard inleveren (tot 72,1 miljard). Een ware nek-aan-nek race. Verreweg de jongste miljardair is Mark Zuckerberg (12,8 miljard dollar, plaats 77). Maar rijkdom vergaren is een zaak van de lange adem. Slechts negen van de honderd mensen op de lijst zijn jonger dan zestig.
By re-arranging the letters of a word or by reading it backwards, hidden meaning can be discovered and you can follow the way down to the first sounds of astonishment the first humans uttered, describing the paradise they lived in. Names were not important, than.
I hope you did you homework, because I did mine. The question is: is the name HARRY POTTER some sort of anagram and does it contain hidden messages.
The fitst one is easy to find: terra, meaning world. The following characters remain: H, A, Y, P, O, T and R. You have to remember, that “Harry” is an aristocratic name and yes, you can lay out ROY. This is an interesting link. Once the English Empire ruled the world, by ruling the waves and still the Dutch-Anglo cooperations are active world-wide.
We have four letters left: P, T, H and A.
We have to dig deeper now and arrive in Egypt. In the Egyptian creationmyth, we find the name PTAH, the Creator-God.
Analysing Harry's first and last name we must conclude that his name also means: CREATION OF A ROYAL WORLD. Royals meaning wizzards of course.
For next time: analyze your own names in the above way and discover your roots and your place in the battle to come.
Patrick Henningsen interviews Gerrard Williams, the former Duty Editor at Reuters Television and Foreign Duty Editor at The BBC, Sky News and APTN and author of the book Grey Wolf. Patrick and Gerrard take a deeper look into one of the greatest the untold stories of World War II, where Adolf Hitler and many other top Nazis including Martin Bormann, escaped to Argentina after the Fall of Berlin in 1945.
Growth is an aspect of change and we, human beings are depended on growth, for instance for our food. Growth can be measured linear. As a child I was measured once in a while. Small markings on the wall resembling my growth. Linear measuring is used for distances and time. You have to realize, that this one way to analyze growth. There are many other ways. I already told you about the exponential aspect of growth, where after a while, the figures explode through the roof. In 2011 the world population was estimated to be about 7 billion people. Every year there is a growth of almost 2 percent. This means, that in 30 – 40 years the world population will have doubled! This means a giant claim on our food resources. But nobody seems to care. In my own country we are flooding precious farming land for leisure or nature. Instead we should prepare for the future. But instead all countries on this planet are planning for war. A trillion dollars year are spend, world wide. Half of the budget is American, a country which is near to a social collapse and has an immense debt, which is still growing.
The third way to measure growth is an aspect of “sacred gerometry”, called the “Fibonacci-sequence”. It is a sequence, which is found in nature. It is found in artichokes, in sun-flowers and in sea-shells. The pattern (sequence) is visible in trees and even in the human body. How is the sequence constructed, made visible? According to Leonardo Pisano nature manifests imminent laws in their growth-patters as follows: 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13 etc. Just check a flower. The famous temples of Karnak in Egypt,are dedicated to Nature and is constructed conform the “Fibonacci-sequence”. It was a way to guide the initiation of the visitors. An initiation into the secrets of nature. This famous sequence can also be expressed in geometrical forms and is found in famous paintings like Leonardo's “Mona Lisa”. This I call secret knowledge. Not forbidden or dangerous, but it makes 4-dimensional growth possible. It is an invisible science, a tool.
Why I am not satisfied? Because, when you use them as tools, you have to admit that they are insufficient to conquer suffering. For me, it has to do with the number 0. The symbol for nothing and making it possible to divide it. Less than nothing. 0 is just a tool and a symbol for astonishment and wonder. But here it stops. Phi drives you mad! Growth is natural way of expression for an organism, but when does something new start. Not when we add 0 and 1, to put a step forward, following the other Leonardo. I like to start counting with one. One plus one is nothing new, I prefer change. One plus one is 3!
The rise of Napoleon parallels the decline of the French monarchy. His father and mother (Laetitia) had fought against the French, when they conquered Corsica in the 18th century. His father switched sides and became a solid supporter of the French regime, became a member of parliament and visited Paris and Versailles, with all its royal splendor. He realized that the future of his son was on the continent. He managed to obtain a scholarship for his son Maximillian. At the military academy he studied several years and his teachers saw him as promising. But not being an aristocrat made his chances for a military career small. In 1789 Paris erupted. In a wave of violence, revolutionary masses and terror, the monarchy was toppled. Louis the 16th and his wife Marie-Antoinette, and with them tens of thousands of aristocrats were beheaded. The preferred way was the guillotine, designed by a French doctor to humanize the death penalty. French was in a state of civil war and many aristocrats, who served in the army, left the country. Napoleon was promoted and his first task was to drive out the English, who had conquered Toulon. He did this by charging a hill-fort and blowing the British fleet out of the water. Napoleon Bonaparte was an instant success and he was promoted to brigade-general. The French army had not been payed for several years and France was at war with England, Austria and Spain. He motivated his troops by looting Italy and pushing back the Austrians. After that he moved an army of 35.000 to Egypt. Napoleon wanted to break the naval power of England by occupying the land of the Pharaohs. Napoleon was accompanied by archeologists, historians and artists. The treasure and archeological richness of Egypt made them make this journey.
Napoleon crashed the “Mammalucs”, the elite-troops of the Ottoman Empire. His archeologists were busy like children in a candy-shop. One of them was named Champollion. He was specially interested in the hieroglyphics. A pictorial language nobody understood. But he got lucky. At Rosetta a stone was dug. On it were hieroglyphs, but also a translation in Aramaic, a form of writing he knew. This made it possible to make a start with the translation of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. But why is this stone in London?
The ship, Napoleon used to transport his treasures to France, was captured by the famous English admiral Nelson, later Lord Nelson.
Napoleon was stuck in Egypt because the French fleet was destroyed or captured. But drinking tea and watching the camels go by, was not Napoleon's style. He left his troops behind, managed to escape from Nelson's fleet and landed in France as a victorious general. Heading for Empire.
zaterdag 28 december 2013
PROGRAM 29 december 2013
- PETRUS ROMANUS (the last Pope)
- The Roswell UFO-CRASH
- de ondergang van Rome
- De laatste Inca
- History of the End of the World
- Jonathan Cahn – Harbinger
- The true history of Alexander the Great
- Landslide Canary Islands
- The Phoenicians
- His Master's Choice
- The Grey Wolves (Battle of the Atlantic)
St. Malachy was an Irish mystic and catholic priest (canonized in 1109), whose name probably would have been long forgotton, did not he have a elaborate vision, during a pilgrimage to Rome. God presented him with a list of 111 popes, who would lead the Roman Catholic church till the final “Day of Judgment”.
Each pope is described by a small latin frase, a kind of “motto” for his person and reign.
When we use Malachy's list, who became popular with the invention of the printing-press, our current Pope, Benedictus XVI, is this last Pope! After nr. 111, the Seat of Peter, will, be occupied by “Peter, the Roman”, who will lead his flock through many tribulations. Finally the City on the 7 Hills (Rome) will be destroyed and the last Pope and the believers will be brought for a Terrible Judge. THE END!
According to some scolars Malachy's list is remarkably accurate. Some prophesies are even stunning.
Jean Paul II, who died in 2005, is described by St. Malachy as “solar eclipse” or “work of the sun”. Jean Paul II visited more countries around the world (100+), than any Pope before him, to spread the Word, revive Catholicism and seek a dialogue with all the major world-religions (including the Jews). But our Medieval visionary was extremely accurate this time. Jean Paul II was born during a solar eclipse and he was entombed during one.
When the cardinals gathered to elect his successor, the cardinals were advised to choose an older Pope (Jean Paul II had reigned very long), who would appeal to the young and was an eminent scholar. But the cardinals got one final advice: don't choose any-one, that could be associated with an olive. Why? Because the 111th pope, would rule “from the glory of the olive”, that's how St. Malachy had described him, a thousand years ago. Some wanted to “break” Malachy's prophesy.
When white smoke appeared in the Vatican, it became known, that cardinal Ratzinger was chosen. Prophesy-believers were relieved, untill the next morning, when the official (new) name of the Pope was published: Benedictus XVI.
Saint Benedict was the founder of the “Ordre of Saint Benecdict” and of monastrial life (“the Rules”). The Beneditine Congregation was symbolized through the centuries by: an olive!
For many insiders this seemed proof for the accuracy of St. Malachy's list and so proofed that we are living in “the End of Days”. Peter the Roman, the last Pope, is already among us. Pope Benedict is 85 years old now and his health seems to fail, making the appearance of Peter the Roman in the coming decade, according to prophesy-adepts, plausible.
This will be a time of much tribulation, at the end, the Holy City will be destroyed. A remarkable parallel with the Book of Revelation, a book Malachy knew very well. In Revelation 17 “Mystery Babylon”, also built on 7 mountains, will fall.
We don't have to take this literally. The Vatican will not be nuked or attacked by anti-matter. Maybe the destruction of the Church and his dogma's is a necessary step in the liberation of human thinking and its possibilities. Maybe this is the meaning of St. Malachy's list. Classical religion will be replaced by a more fundamental approach. A road, that will bring us to the stars and beyond.
“Don't you think, that the ancient civilisations and even the dinosaurs did not see it coming? Shamanic clair-voyants prophesied the forthcoming disaster and a complete civilization tried to escape their fate. This is a basic impulse of life. Trying to find a way out. Every society develops a complex system of astronomy. It is amazing what the Mayans could see, register and calculate the cosmic patterns and movements of the celestial objects. Officialy without the proper equiment. The same way Egyptians build the piramids with man-power only, creating a powerpoint on a starburst of ley-lines, coming together directly under the plateau. Let's suppose, that the Atlanteans, or any other race or species, discovered the approaching asteroid or comet far in advance. Maybe hundreds of years. What would they do? We, we would do nothing, being the catastrophy too far into the future. Analyses like this will be bagatellized and denial sets in. We will go on satisfying our primate and reptilian instincts untill the disaster strikes. That's the road towards destruction, we are on today. The row of coming disasters gets bigger and bigger. War, epidemics, starvation and death, the four horsemen of the book of Revelation, are roaming the world already.
But there are other possibilities. Solar flares, the use of atomic bombs, pollution, climate change, supervolcanoes and asteroid impacts. But the last threat of them all, will be a alien invasion. Whether they are coming to save or to destroy us, that's up to debate. The question of the existence of alens is never proven, but everybody starts acting that they do. Even the United Nation has a hostess, which will handle the first contact in name of us all. Governments have been investigating year after year all kinds of sightings and encounters, coming to the conclusion that all is but a hoax. In the meantime retired military openly state that aliens and ufo's do exist and there has been contact and exchange of goods or services. But what would the Atlanteans do, to escape annihilation. Common knowledge states, that Atlanteans were spiritual, connected with nature and possessed all kind of mental capacities. They ruled over a wealthy and luxurious empire, together with the human species, they used as slaves. The first conclusion they would draw was, that not all could be saved. Only Atlanteans were considered as survivors. In the millenia to come the Atlanteans built huge underground complexes, stored with food, machinery, data-bases, genetic samples, weapons to defend the place and an hospital, because it would take generations, before the surface would be habitable. Slowly all important realigious and cultural artifacts, were replaced by copies. The real stuff was stored underground.”
The practice of child sacrifice among the Phoenicians has been widely claimed by historians to be false, but can evidence prove that this sophisticated and advanced civilisation actually murdered its own children?
The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest continuous military campaign in World War II, running from 1939 to the defeat of Germany in 1945. At its core was the Allied naval blockade of Germany, announced the day after the declaration of war, and Germany's subsequent counter-blockade. It was at its height from mid-1940 through to the end of 1943
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