dinsdag 30 oktober 2012
‘No toilet, no bride’ is old mantra in Tamil Nadu
‘No toilet, no bride’ is old mantra in Tamil Nadu:
Six months ago, when B Loganayaki was seeking a bride for her brother she was baffled by the...
Six months ago, when B Loganayaki was seeking a bride for her brother she was baffled by the...
First auction of Pak art in India goes online on Nov 7
First auction of Pak art in India goes online on Nov 7:
The country's premier art auction house, Saffronart.com is going to host the first ever auction of Pakistani art...

The country's premier art auction house, Saffronart.com is going to host the first ever auction of Pakistani art...
maandag 29 oktober 2012
Why Beauty Matters
In the 20th century, Scruton argues, art, architecture and music turned their backs on beauty, making a cult of ugliness and leading us into a spiritual desert.
Using the thoughts of philosophers from Plato to Kant, and by talking to artists Michael Craig-Martin and Alexander Stoddart, Scruton analyses where art went wrong and presents his own impassioned case for restoring beauty to its traditional position at the centre of our civilisation.
In the 20th century, Scruton argues, art, architecture and music turned their backs on beauty, making a cult of ugliness and leading us into a spiritual desert.
Using the thoughts of philosophers from Plato to Kant, and by talking to artists Michael Craig-Martin and Alexander Stoddart, Scruton analyses where art went wrong and presents his own impassioned case for restoring beauty to its traditional position at the centre of our civilisation.

BBC - Supernatural Science - Open to Suggestion
"Supernatural Science uses a panoply of tools of modern science to illuminate the boundaries of human experience and belief. Dramatic reconstruction is combined with expert interviews and personal testimony to explore phenomena which defy rational explanation.
The power of suggestion can be used to assist medical treatment, or to indoctrinate cult victims. This program examines the consequences of using and abusing this little-understood power."
"Supernatural Science uses a panoply of tools of modern science to illuminate the boundaries of human experience and belief. Dramatic reconstruction is combined with expert interviews and personal testimony to explore phenomena which defy rational explanation.
The power of suggestion can be used to assist medical treatment, or to indoctrinate cult victims. This program examines the consequences of using and abusing this little-understood power."
zondag 28 oktober 2012
Op veel auto's geldt een bijtelling. Dit is een belasting over onze "belasting", d.w.z. de bijdrage, die de uitstoot levert aan het broeikas-effect. Dit zorgt voor een stijging van de lucht(-zeewater)-temperatuur. Dit heeft dramatische klimatologische gevolgen, bijvoorbeeld het effect op de poolkappen. Deze smelten in een dramatisch tempo, waardoor de zeespiegel stijgt. Over honderd jaar wel een meter of zes. West- en Noord-Nederland onbewoonbaar. Dit vraagt om draconische maatregelen, zoals dijkverhoging, en die moeten worden gefinancierd; door de belastingbetaler. Uit lijfsbehoud.
CO2 is een broeikasgas, dat vrij komt bij verbranding van fosiele brandstoffen. De afgelopen jaren is, ondanks alle bijtellingen, de CO2-uitstoot met zo'n 25% gestegen en de stijging zal nog verder toenemen, door de economische veranderingen in Afrika en Azie.
Je zou dus verwachten, dat het globale gemiddelde zal toenemen. Dit is echter niet het geval. De afgelopen 10 jaar is de temperatuur NIET gestegen. Er is zelfs een dalende trend zichtbaar.
Deze data, die overigens niet onverwacht komen, zullen tot beleidsaanpassingen moeten leiden, door een andere visie op ons klimaat en de aarde waarop we leven.
De temperaturen
2001 0.3473
2002 0.4278
2003 0.4245
2004 0.3641
2005 0.4663
2006 0.3930
2007 0.4030
2008 0.2598
2009 0.4022
2010 0.5298
2011 0.3316
Al Gore voorspelde het uitsterven van de ijsbeer. Hun aantal is sinds 1972 verdubbeld. Als soort heeft het al een aantal klimaatschommelingen overleefd.
CO2 is een broeikasgas, dat vrij komt bij verbranding van fosiele brandstoffen. De afgelopen jaren is, ondanks alle bijtellingen, de CO2-uitstoot met zo'n 25% gestegen en de stijging zal nog verder toenemen, door de economische veranderingen in Afrika en Azie.
Je zou dus verwachten, dat het globale gemiddelde zal toenemen. Dit is echter niet het geval. De afgelopen 10 jaar is de temperatuur NIET gestegen. Er is zelfs een dalende trend zichtbaar.
Deze data, die overigens niet onverwacht komen, zullen tot beleidsaanpassingen moeten leiden, door een andere visie op ons klimaat en de aarde waarop we leven.
De temperaturen
2001 0.3473
2002 0.4278
2003 0.4245
2004 0.3641
2005 0.4663
2006 0.3930
2007 0.4030
2008 0.2598
2009 0.4022
2010 0.5298
2011 0.3316
Al Gore voorspelde het uitsterven van de ijsbeer. Hun aantal is sinds 1972 verdubbeld. Als soort heeft het al een aantal klimaatschommelingen overleefd.
zaterdag 27 oktober 2012
Zeitgeist Films - Žižek!
Slavoj Žižek (Slovene: [ˈslavoj ˈʒiʒɛk]; born 21 March 1949) is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic who has made major contributions to political theory, film theory, and theoretical psychoanalysis, among other disciplines.[1] He is normally considered to be a Lacanian Hegelian with Marxist influences.
Žižek achieved international recognition as a social theorist after the 1989 publication of his first book in English, The Sublime Object of Ideology. He has continued to develop his status as a confrontational intellectual, and has been called "one of the world's best known public intellectuals,"[2][3] and "the thinker of choice for Europe's young intellectual vanguard."[4]
Slavoj Žižek (Slovene: [ˈslavoj ˈʒiʒɛk]; born 21 March 1949) is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic who has made major contributions to political theory, film theory, and theoretical psychoanalysis, among other disciplines.[1] He is normally considered to be a Lacanian Hegelian with Marxist influences.
Žižek achieved international recognition as a social theorist after the 1989 publication of his first book in English, The Sublime Object of Ideology. He has continued to develop his status as a confrontational intellectual, and has been called "one of the world's best known public intellectuals,"[2][3] and "the thinker of choice for Europe's young intellectual vanguard."[4]
The legendary German filmmaker Werner Herzog traveled to India in 2002 to make a documentary on Kalachakra, the elaborate ordaining ritual for Tibetan Buddhist monks. Every two or three years, nearly a half million pilgrims travel to witness it at Bodh Gaya, India, where the Buddha sat under a tree and found enlightenment. A sand mandala signifying the wheel of time is meticulously created by monks and is meant to stir the seeds of enlightenment in Buddhists of all stripes.
vrijdag 26 oktober 2012
Bees delay departure of Air India Express flight
Bees delay departure of Air India Express flight:
A Dubai-bound Air India Express flight was delayed by more than 30-minutes after ground crew detected presence of...
A Dubai-bound Air India Express flight was delayed by more than 30-minutes after ground crew detected presence of...
The X-Conference: Ancient Exopolitics and the Supernatural - Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock is the author of The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper Of Genesis and Supernatural. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory and offers an increasingly popular challenge to the entrenched views of orthodox scholars.
Graham Hancock is the author of The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper Of Genesis and Supernatural. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory and offers an increasingly popular challenge to the entrenched views of orthodox scholars.
Underwater Pyramid Structures Found Near Western Cuba
September 29, 2012 - Pyramids under the waters of Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient buildings for about a mile below the sea and considered them to be Atlantis.
Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
The two scientists used submarines to found tremendous pyramid structures (that remainds giza in Egypt), built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.
They found sphinxes, stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones.
Why it was not discovered before?
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects,in order that it will not come to Russians hands.
A whistleblower from the army,that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recover objects and instruments (including those who still work) since the 60s.
This area in Cuba could not be over waterfront less than 10,000 years ago…
A very well preserved site. Our guess is that if the area of the Azores Platform were better explored, we would see more of these. There is an unconfirmed report of a city structure like this 250 miles south of the Azores according to Berlitz.
Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
The two scientists used submarines to found tremendous pyramid structures (that remainds giza in Egypt), built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.
They found sphinxes, stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones.
Why it was not discovered before?
The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects,in order that it will not come to Russians hands.
A whistleblower from the army,that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recover objects and instruments (including those who still work) since the 60s.
This area in Cuba could not be over waterfront less than 10,000 years ago…
A very well preserved site. Our guess is that if the area of the Azores Platform were better explored, we would see more of these. There is an unconfirmed report of a city structure like this 250 miles south of the Azores according to Berlitz.
Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Underwater_Pyramid_Structures_Found_Near_Western_Cuba/86076#ixzz2AT9IoRwZ
Beluga whale 'makes human-like sounds'
Taught to mimic the pattern and durations of sounds in human speech, no animal has spontaneously tried such mimicry.
But researchers heard a nine-year-old whale named NOC make sounds octaves below normal, in clipped bursts.
The researchers outline in Current Biology just how NOC did it.
The first mystery, though, was figuring out where the sound was coming from.
When a diver at the National Marine Mammal Foundation in California surfaced saying, "Who told me to get out?" the researchers there knew they had another example on their hands.
The whales are known as "canaries of the sea" for their high-pitched chirps, but while a number of anecdotal reports have described whales making human-like speech, none had ever been recorded.
Once they identified NOC as the culprit, they caught it on tape (view video below).
But researchers heard a nine-year-old whale named NOC make sounds octaves below normal, in clipped bursts.
The researchers outline in Current Biology just how NOC did it.
The first mystery, though, was figuring out where the sound was coming from.
When a diver at the National Marine Mammal Foundation in California surfaced saying, "Who told me to get out?" the researchers there knew they had another example on their hands.
The whales are known as "canaries of the sea" for their high-pitched chirps, but while a number of anecdotal reports have described whales making human-like speech, none had ever been recorded.
Once they identified NOC as the culprit, they caught it on tape (view video below).
Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Beluga_whale_makes_humanlike_sounds/86216#ixzz2AT8PvM8k
donderdag 25 oktober 2012
resurrection and the following ascension of Jesus Christ, is
fundamental for the Christians. He not only left them his teachings,
but also a miracle. In his brutal death and resurrection, Jesus
washed away our sins and opened the road to Heaven for his followers.
The crucified Messiah appeared 6 times, after his death. The first
one Jesus appeared to, was Maria Magdalen, whom he asked to inform
his disciples. Theologians comment, that this is highly unlikely. A
woman was held in low esteem (does that ever change) and a testimony
in court, made by a woman, was not valid. Maybe they met, because
they loved each other and knew that their days together were counted?
was Jesus dead, when he was taken of the cross? Was he drugged or had
he the power of a yogi? They are capable of performing seemingly
impossible deeds: to die (stop all body functions), stay “dead”
for days, before they awake out of what they call a “trance-state”.
Drugs derived from plants can have the same effect. Some say, that
Jesus stayed in India and Nepal, during the lost years. If so, was he
influenced by Buddhist teachings? He would surely have seen and met
yogi's and saddhu's (wandering holy men). He even might have visited
yoga lessons!
the Gospels Jesus appeared and presented himself after his death a
total of 6 times, before he disappears into Heaven on the Mount of
certainly were decisive days. The apostles got inspired after the
desillusion of Jesus' death and often found a violent death. Peter
was crucified (up-side down) f.i. and the Romans threw his followers
to the lions. Still the miracle of the resurrection and ascension
became a central dogma after the Counsil of Nicea. The official
doctrines were formulated and the content of the Bible was decided.
Now the Christian church started persecuting and even killing
dissidents, while alternative texts were left out and disappeared.
Jesus proved to be the son of God, by ascending into Heaven, to await
his return at the End of Time.
there more evidence, except the stories from the Bible. Little is
said about Jesus in other, Jewish, sources.
Catholic Church had, from the start, an insatiable appetite for
relics. These varied from tiny bones of Saints to parts of the
Cross, on which Jesus was crucified. Artifacts, that had touched
Jesus during his life and especially during his suffering, had immens
spiritual powers. Pilgrims came from all around and this garanteed
hugh profits for clergy and church. Many of these artifacts are still
worshipped and are an accepted “factum” in religious practices.
Emperor Constantine's wife went treasure hunting in Jerusalem and dug
up the real Cross, complete. This gave an enormous boost to the new
state-religion Christianity. The real cross disappeared during the
fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine empire. The “Aya Sophia”
was turned into a mosque.
important artifact was “The Spear of Destiny”, als called the
“Spear of Longistus”. With this spear, the Roman soldier
Longistus pierced Jesus' side,to make sure he was dead.
are four of them. One in the Vatican, one in Spain, one in Armenia
and the most famous one is in Vienna. It was one of the first things,
Adolf Hitler laid his hands on, when he annexed Austria. It would
make him win the war. In Israel an ossuary (stone box, with the bones
of the diseased), was found. An inscription said: Jesus, brother of
James, son of Josef. If this box was authentic, it could mean that
Jesus was a historical figure and the Bible correct. It also meant,
that Jesus had not risen from the death. The box was authentic, but
the inscription was a forgery.
is one more important Roman Catholic relic, that is linked to the
death of Jesus: the Shroud of Turin.
shroud appeared during the Middle Ages, but some trace it back to
Constantinople and/or Spain and was always acknowledged to be a Holy
Relic. It became “hot”, when it was photographed for the first
time. The negative show an image of Jesus. This piece of linnen had
covered his dead body. The imprint of his body, his face, his bloody
scars and his pierced hand and feet, could clearly been seen. How
this image appeared on the cloth, remained a mystery. If it was a
forgery, how could this been done? Was it produced by Leonardo da
Vinci? New photographic research has produced perfect 3-dimensional
images. The resemblance to the biblical tale is striking. The
headwounds, the effect of the whip on his back and he looks like
Jesus! His face is the face we know from churches, cathedrals, art
and bibles.
is only one problem. Pieces of the cloth have been carbon dated by
several scientists. The outcome? The piece of cloth dated back to
the first half of the 11th century! You can understand,
that these data are disputed as is the method of carbon dating.
Russian mathematician Anatoli Fomenko could see this as a support for
his theory, that our history is a fraud and a Medieval construct. In
his “New Chronology” he concludes that Jesus lived and died on
the cross in that period. If true, it explains the unity between the
face on the Shroud and the face of Jesus, appearing everywhere in
Europe. European Artists may have seen him “at work”
woensdag 24 oktober 2012
Called by Wired Magazine an "authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions," and "erudite conspiracy hunter," Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a "modern-day Indiana Jones" for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind's spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis.
maandag 22 oktober 2012
the opinions of your competitors and opponents is often presented as
scientific research. In Biblical archeology and research the
competition is fierce and the battleground is limited and big parts
of the Holy land are restricted. Archeological diggings are forbidden
in and around the socalled “Temple mound” in Jerusalem. It could
trigger the next “intifada”. Why? Because on the Templemound
stands “the Dome of the Rock”, that was build in the 7th
century by the Islamic conquerors of the Holy City. The open
structure protects “The Rock”. The place where God created the
world, Abraham almost sacrificed his son and from which Mohammed
departed for a visit to Heaven. Third holiest place of Islam! Are the
Palestinians paranoid? I don't think so. They know, that the Jews
want to build a Third Temple. Jerusalem is a hotspot, also for the
Muslims. Jerusalem will become the capital of the (soon to come) 12th
research and proof is very important for Christians and Jews. Not
only to strengthen their faith, but als for (geo-)political reasons.
In recent years a number of important archeological finds have been
debunked as frauds. A ossuary of Jesus or an inscription, with a
reference to “Salomon's Temple”, were carefully manufactured and
politically motivated scams, who were often already accepted as
important evidence. Sceptics state that there is no such thing as
archeological and historical Biblical evidence. They don't form the
mainstream and don't get any funding; certainly when they say, that
around the year 1200 – 1000 BC, the time of David and the building
of the Temple of Salomon, Jerusalem was a tiny village, a couple of
acres big, and that there were no signs of palaces and a big Temple
(the one the orthodox Jews want to rebuild and the trucks are loaded
with trucks, the Temple attributes are ready, Levites trained etc.).
If there ever was a Temple, it was not very big, small enough, I
think, to find a place on the Mount, next to the Dome.
there are other ways to descredit you opponents as Biblical fools.
And that is by studying the scripture! Many scientists, from all kind
of denominations, studied and study the Bible. Some claim, that the
Bible is inspired by God and therefore true and should be taken by
the letter. The Bible (Old and New Testament)is the only document in
that timeframe, with a lot of references to historical figures
(Nebudkadnezar, Cyrus the Great and Herod), cities(Babylon,
Bethlehem, Damascus) and countries (Rome, Egypt). The 4 gospels
describe the birth, life and death of Jesus, the Messiah and son of
God. In recent years the number of, unofficial gospels, has exploded,
due to “Death Sea scrolls”, the “Nag Hamady-library” and
other finds. Next to Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, the gospels of
Thomas, Peter, Judas, Simon and Mary Magdalene are available. How the
Bible is composed and on which criteria, is still a mystery. The
first complete New Testament dates from around 400 AD and was found
in a Balkan monastery. The Bible is a product of a society without a
printing press. Every gospel had to be copied, by hand. And because
scribes or monks are people, they make mistakes (which are being
copied etc.)
Ehrman, an American professor, estimates, that, some 6 to 7000
manuscripts, have been discovered. The oldest one dated from the
second half of the first century, to the elaborate medieval codexes.
Many errors have been found. Many are not substantial, but some are.
Mark's gospel f.i. was extended with some twelve lines, at the end of
this gospel. Except through copying the Holy Bible, differences are
due to translation. The Bible was written in Greek, translated into
Latin and finally in all current languages. Indirectly Bart Ehrman
proves the superiority of the Torah (Old Testament) over the New
Testament. The Torah (as is the Qu'ran) has not changed over the
centuries. A select and well-trained group of scribes carefully
copied Gods word and there were several tests, to see if there are
errors been made. If so, the scroll is burned. This is still common
practice among Jews. Compared to this tradition, the New Testament is
product of endless copying and translating, which might even have
contaminated the message of Jesus.
Knolh had studied the period of the Roman occupation of Israel.
Focussing on Jesus, he concludes, that the Messiah is one of several
Jewish rebels, revered by his followers and fighting the Roman
occupation. He suggest Jesus to be a copycat, who planned his own
execution, to fit historic predesessors, who were supposed to be the
expected Messiah.
to the Jews, Jesus was not the Messiah. They await the real Messiah
to come, but they have to rebuild Salomon's Temple first and start
the necessary offerings. Knolh is a Jew. He turns Jesus into one of
several Jewish rebels.
a way, it is a battle of ghosts. Jezus was not a historic figure, but
a spiritual messenger. The Temple, necessary for the return of the
real Jewish Messiah, never existed and functioned as described in the
Old Testament. Archeologically, there is no proof of its existence,
as there is no evidence of king David and the wise king Salomon.
zondag 21 oktober 2012
How the bible got changed. Misquoting Jesus Speech at Stanford by Bart Ehrman.
A speech by Bart Ehrman at Stanford about the story behind who changed the bible and why and the history of the bible and how they got tainted. He is a former Christian bible scholar who studied the bible and found the mistakes and became an atheist. He also has another book called Jesus Interrupted.
What The Bible Got Wrong: A Flat Earth Part 1
An examination of the ancient Hebrew cosmology of a flat earth as found in the Bible and the apologetic defenses some Christians use to argue that the Bible, under divine inspiration, did not get this particular observation wrong.
Flat-earthism in the English-speaking world is and always has been entirely based upon the Bible. Except among Biblical inerrantists, it is generally agreed that the Bible describes an immovable earth.
The Genesis creation story provides the first key to the Hebrew cosmology. The order of creation makes no sense from a conventional perspective but is perfectly logical from a flat-earth viewpoint.
Also, the Hebrews considered the celestial bodies relatively small. The Genesis creation story indicates the size and importance of the earth relative to the celestial bodies in two ways, first by their order of creation, and second by their positional relationships.
An examination of the ancient Hebrew cosmology of a flat earth as found in the Bible and the apologetic defenses some Christians use to argue that the Bible, under divine inspiration, did not get this particular observation wrong.
Flat-earthism in the English-speaking world is and always has been entirely based upon the Bible. Except among Biblical inerrantists, it is generally agreed that the Bible describes an immovable earth.
The Genesis creation story provides the first key to the Hebrew cosmology. The order of creation makes no sense from a conventional perspective but is perfectly logical from a flat-earth viewpoint.
Also, the Hebrews considered the celestial bodies relatively small. The Genesis creation story indicates the size and importance of the earth relative to the celestial bodies in two ways, first by their order of creation, and second by their positional relationships.

our inner earth, was quite accessible. Sometimes it was seen as a
dark place, the underworld; sometimes people got into a (fairy) tale
and lived for a while in the inner earth. A completely different
world is found there, under our feet, a world of different levels,
powers, scale and dimensions. Aygartha and Shambala are the names for
two underground cities, deep under the Himalayas and the
Gobi-dessert. Cities of old, filled with knowledge and treasure. It's
here were the Ascended Masters live, who sometimes visit the
“surface” to observe and sometimes intervene. Another hidden
place is “Paradise” or the Garden of Eden. It is covered by sand
and entrances are on places, nobody dares to look. When disaster
would strike pleople living on higher levels would flee or hide the
entrances and make them completely waterproof. Flooding was only one
of the possible disasters inhabitants of the surface had to fear in
those early years. Volcanic eruptions distroyed whole civilizations
and erosion depopulated entire continents. Earthquakes toppled
zigguraths and caused mighty tsunamis. This combined with warfare,
looting and plunder, meant that human kind had to start all over,
again and again. For the entities living inside this meant, that
they restricted contact with the surface to the minimum. All
entrances were sealed off and hardly any “surfacer” entered their
realm. Up to recently. The turmoil on the Earth's surface has woken
them up and they are coming out again. But they don't recognize us
anymore and fear the often violent reactions they encounter. This
goes both ways. We don't recognize them, because we don't see them.
Even those who materialize on earth, are often arrested by police or
hunted down by farmers. That why they keep their distance and start
communicating by channeling, visions and dreams. These are not alien
contacts, but messages from down below.
zaterdag 20 oktober 2012
scientists have performed a miracle. They succeeded in landing a
probe, called Falcon, on an asteroid, took some samples and got off.
The material is still on its way back, but tests of the
“asteroid-dust” can be performed and the results are broadcasted
back to earth. The Japanese came to a stunning conclusion. The
asteroid was supposed to be a massive rock; instead it was
compartementalized (kind of cocoons) and at least 40/50 procent
hollow! If this goes for all the asteroids, and why not, we have to
revize our past and our present-day future.
comes in mind first, are of course the dinosaurs. They were said to
have been extinct by an asteroid, around 65 million years ago. A few
mamals survived miracilously and conquered a new world. I suppose the
scientists have calculated the world-wide effects on the above
mentioned assumption: the asteroid was massive! Now we have to
recalculate. The effects of the impact would be much less and, being
hollow, much of the asteroid would evaporate and burn up in the
atmosphere. Still it would be a disaster and I think most dinosaurs
died, but some may have survived on certain locations, like wolly
mammoths, who lived way beyond their official extinction date, in
Siberia and Antartica. On the other hand it would be much easier for
the mammals to survive and evolve. Man would appear sooner and
dinosaurs crossed their path. This explains the finds in
South-America, like the “Ica stones”, on which human beings are
fighting and even riding dinosaurs. According to legend, fairy tales,
and folklore, mankind did the only natural thing, they killed them,
like they killed the giants and many of the big dragon slainers or
giant-killers, became Saints in the Roman Catholic Church.
live in apocalyptic days, at least that what the “mindpolice”
wants to make us think. One of the big issues is an asteroid impact
as one of the signs of the End Times. Science supported it (as they
will support anything, it pays well enough) and big telescopes were
built to track them down and follow the few (among hundreds ot
thousands rotating rocks), that seem to be on a collision course.
There is no problem anymore. Asteroids have not enough mass to
impact, just a handful of dust. A couple of rockets will do it.
vrijdag 19 oktober 2012
Vrouwen die vaak onbeschermde seks hebben, hebben minder depressieve gevoelens. Dat zou althans moeten blijken uit een (ouder) onderzoek van de State University of New York gepubliceerd in de Archives of Sexual Behaviour.
De wetenschappers bekeken het seksleven en de psychische gezondheid van 293 jonge vrouwen. Volgens dit onderzoek rapporteren vrouwen die onbeschermd seks hebben (dus zonder condoom) minder depressieve symptomen vertonen dan vrouwen die wel een condoom gebruikten. Vrouwen die geen seks hadden, scoorden het slechts op een vragenlijst over depressie.
Volgens de onderzoekers bevat sperma mogelijk bepaalde hormonen zoals cortisol, estron en oxytocine, die zorgen voor gevoelens van affectie en een betere gemoedsgesteldheid. Daarnaast vonden de wetenschappers serotonine en TRH, hormonen die helpen tegen depressie, en de slaapopwekker melatonine.
Volgens de onderzoekers bevat sperma mogelijk bepaalde hormonen zoals cortisol, estron en oxytocine, die zorgen voor gevoelens van affectie en een betere gemoedsgesteldheid. Daarnaast vonden de wetenschappers serotonine en TRH, hormonen die helpen tegen depressie, en de slaapopwekker melatonine.
donderdag 18 oktober 2012
studies of religion have revealed a striking resemblance, between
different mythical and religious movements and their rituals. There
were moments of confrontation (the persecution of the early
Christians, Crusades, Holy War, Jihad and Intifada) and of
assimilation (the Mores in Spain, Alexandria and Ethiopia).
being a relatively new religious movement, was influenced by Judaism,
but also by “pagan cults”, Hinduism and cults of Egypt.
Jesus to comparative “Gods”, a striking similarity appears
between “the Christ” with the Hindu deity, Lord Krishna and
Egyptian Osiris. They are killed and resurrected, said to be of
virgin birth and are promising life after death. The cult of Osiris
knew baptism with holy water (the Nile) and symbolical consuming the
deity, by a ritual of bread and water (beer).
according to some researchers, visited India and Nepal. Some point at
the “missing years”, the period before Jesus started his
teachings. It was possible to travel from Israel to India, by means
of the old trading routes. Here he visited Buddhist monasteries and
teachers. Filled with that spirit, he returned to Jerusalem and
started his teachings. But others believe, that Jesus was not
crucified and fled to the East, back to India, to fulfill his live as
a Buddhist teacher and that he was buried in Kasjmir. In the centre
of Srinagar, you can still visit his tomb. This opinion is backed by
the Qu'ran. It was not Jesus who was persecuted and executed, but
someone who was made to look like him. Jesus disappeared, because
Allah took him to heaven. This is why the muslims believe that the
Tomb of Isa (Jesus) in Kasjmir cannot be of the Messiah. Jesus will
return, according to Muslim teachings, to destroy the Antichrist,
after he will explain to all christians, that he has been wrong all
the time. Islam is the superior religion.
the Roman Empire, untill Constatine the Great, many cults and believe
systems were mixed up in Rome. Extremely popular, especially among
soldiers, was Mithraism. Originally a Persian deity. Mithras was the
destructor of evil (the bull) and a savior God. He was also called
“the Lord of Wide Pastures”. Mithras also promised life after
death. His birthday is the same as that of Jesus Christ, namely the
25 of december.
you follow Mithras, it was customary for believers to give presents
to your friends and loved ones on that day.
woensdag 17 oktober 2012
The same scientists, who predicted a new Ice Age in the 1970's, predicted Global Warming in recent years. In 2012 a report has appeared, in which is concluded, that the average, global temperatures have not risen since 1997! Nothing is as unpredictable as the weather. Still these scientific data and predictions
have lead to all kind of economical and political measures. We have to drive electric or on solar power, to stop the process of global heating. Dikes are very important in my country and the doom-scenario's were used to put pressure on politics, to prepare for the worst. Probably the reports by the IPCC (United Nations) and Al Gore's “An Inconvenient truth” were mostly politically and economically motivated. The results of the scientific material published by the United Nations and Gore's media hype, were debated from the beginning. The assumption of increasing temperatures due to greenhouse-emissions prooved to be wrong. It was the other way round! Sea-levels were not rising and the melting down of the Arctic happened much slower, than predicted. All this, was of no influence. Scientists who critized the official view, were marginalized and had to fear for their funding and career. Science was put under an enormous pressure to proof that global warming was manmade and that global meausures are needed. But countries like India, USA and India are paying for “emission-rights” of unpolluting countries, so keep on polluting the air. It's all capitalism and cooperate imperialism. Kyoto c.s. created an enormous business opportunity, we have to pay and will be taxed for. Back to Al Gore. He got a Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to save the world. He described the dramatic future of the polar bear. This beautiful animal was doomed to go extinct. Why? Because of the melting ice. The bears had to swim many miles and would drown. Proof: an Canadian article. When global warming-critics read it, they were shocked. It was the report of a pilot, who had seen 4 dead bears, during a fly-over. The animals had drowned, because of a giant polarstorm. There was no relation to global warming at all. From 1972 untill now the number of polar bears has doubled. From under the glaciers of Greenland, old Bronze Age villages appear. The weather was good enough to grow barley to produce their own beer. The polar bears have survived the last periods of global warming. By the way, CO2 is not so bad, plants love it.

Dan Pangburn heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "GLOBAL LYING" achtergelaten:
Paraphrasing Richard Feynman: Regardless of how many experts believe it or how many organizations concur, if it doesn’t agree with observation, it’s wrong.
The IPCC and many others perceive that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide was the primary cause of global warming. Measurements demonstrate that they are wrong.
The average global temperature trend has been flat since 2001. No amount of spin can rationalize that the temperature increase to 2001 was caused by CO2 increase but that 25.9% additional CO2 increase had no effect on the average global temperature trend after 2001.
Without human caused global warming there can be no human caused climate change.
Average GLOBAL temperature anomalies are reported on the web by NOAA, GISS, Hadley, RSS and UAH. The first three all draw from the same data base of surface measurement data. The last two draw from the data base of satellite measurements. Each agency processes the data slightly differently from the others. Each believes that their way is most accurate. To avoid bias, I average all five. The averages are listed here.
2001 0.3473
2002 0.4278
2003 0.4245
2004 0.3641
2005 0.4663
2006 0.3930
2007 0.4030
2008 0.2598
2009 0.4022
2010 0.5298
2011 0.3316
A straight line (trend line) fit to this data has no slope. That means that, for over a decade, average global temperature has not changed. If the average thru September in 2012 (0.3526) is included, the slope is down.
Find out what really caused the warm up during the 20th century in my stuff made public at the Climate Realists web site.
Dan Pangburn heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "GLOBAL LYING" achtergelaten:
Paraphrasing Richard Feynman: Regardless of how many experts believe it or how many organizations concur, if it doesn’t agree with observation, it’s wrong.
The IPCC and many others perceive that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide was the primary cause of global warming. Measurements demonstrate that they are wrong.
The average global temperature trend has been flat since 2001. No amount of spin can rationalize that the temperature increase to 2001 was caused by CO2 increase but that 25.9% additional CO2 increase had no effect on the average global temperature trend after 2001.
Without human caused global warming there can be no human caused climate change.
Average GLOBAL temperature anomalies are reported on the web by NOAA, GISS, Hadley, RSS and UAH. The first three all draw from the same data base of surface measurement data. The last two draw from the data base of satellite measurements. Each agency processes the data slightly differently from the others. Each believes that their way is most accurate. To avoid bias, I average all five. The averages are listed here.
2001 0.3473
2002 0.4278
2003 0.4245
2004 0.3641
2005 0.4663
2006 0.3930
2007 0.4030
2008 0.2598
2009 0.4022
2010 0.5298
2011 0.3316
A straight line (trend line) fit to this data has no slope. That means that, for over a decade, average global temperature has not changed. If the average thru September in 2012 (0.3526) is included, the slope is down.
Find out what really caused the warm up during the 20th century in my stuff made public at the Climate Realists web site.
maandag 15 oktober 2012
Is the creation story of Genesis 1 compatible with modern science? Does a literal reading of the text show remarkable knowledge of future discoveries? Or, must the text be reinterpreted to align it with today's scientific discoveries?
What Genesis Got Wrong: Part 1
zondag 14 oktober 2012
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia

VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust.
zaterdag 13 oktober 2012
The American president Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace price. He was the first active Commander in Chief, leading the military actions in Iraq en Afghanistan (secretly in Yemen and Pakistan), who got that price. At the moment of his accepting speech a car bomb exploded in Baghdad,Afghan villages were bombed and drones circled over Pakistan.
2012 the Norwegians gave the price to the European Union. More that
60 years of peace and prosperity, guaranteed by the (now 37) members
of the Union. The price was a boost of morale. Economically and
financially the Union is on the brink of collapse. The only escape is
“a great leap forward”. More economic collaboration, one European
banking system and more centralization. The citizens of Europe will
one day wake up in a totalitarian system. Remember, George Orwell,
who wrote. “Imagine the future. A booth kicking in your face.
should be a Nobel price for History and Hypocrisy.
the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the European Union and its
military counterpart “Nato”, were armed to the teeth and prepared
for a war against Russia. This focus is lessened a bit, but together
the European Union spends, yearly, billions of euro's, to secure the
peace, through military spending.
this sixty years, Europe seemed in peace. Except of course for French
colonial expeditions, the war over the Falkland islands and former
Yugoslavia. This was a dirty war, in which soldiers of allied
European countries, participated and played an important role
(bombing of Belgrade or Srebrenica). Apart from this, the European
countries participated and still participated in the Iraq conflict,
Afghanistan (war on terror) and recently Libya. Supporting the Syrian
rebels will only be a matter of time.
no way, this fits in no way a Union of Peace. It is a Union of
economical, financial and imperialistic warfare. “Alle Menschen
werden Bruder”, but no through imperialism, that only strengthens
the rich and enslave the rest.
Secrets of the Aegean Apocalypse

The foreign countries (ie. Sea Peoples) made a conspiracy in their islands. All at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray. No land could stand before their arms: from Hatti, Qode, Carchemish, Arzawa and Alashiya on, being cut off [ie. destroyed] at one time. A camp was set up in Amurru. They desolated its people, and its land was like that which has never come into being. They were coming forward toward Egypt, while the flame was prepared before them. Their confederation was the Peleset, Tjeker, Shekelesh, Denyen and Weshesh, lands united..."
(Egyptian inscription from the mortuary temple of Ramesses III in Medinet Habu)
The foreign countries (ie. Sea Peoples) made a conspiracy in their islands. All at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray. No land could stand before their arms: from Hatti, Qode, Carchemish, Arzawa and Alashiya on, being cut off [ie. destroyed] at one time. A camp was set up in Amurru. They desolated its people, and its land was like that which has never come into being. They were coming forward toward Egypt, while the flame was prepared before them. Their confederation was the Peleset, Tjeker, Shekelesh, Denyen and Weshesh, lands united..."
(Egyptian inscription from the mortuary temple of Ramesses III in Medinet Habu)
THE HISTORY OF THE TALMUD. Director Pierre-Henry Salfati's incisive documentary explores the origins and history of the Talmud, the fundamental text of rabbinic principals and wisdom, regarded as the most influential text on the everyday conduct of Jewish life. Through expert analysis and in-depth interviews, Salfati goes to great lengths to demystify this vast collection of philosophical commentary and debate, which has been called "the hidden face of the Torah."
donderdag 11 oktober 2012
dinsdag 9 oktober 2012
The name of Osama bin Laden, as the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack, was mentioned on the media 42 seconds after the second impact! Remarkably fast after the “surprise-attacks” in september 2001.
Skyscrapers like the Twin Towers were build of steel, lots of steel. The frame and the inner core's weight 540.000.000 kilo's. A billion pounds of first class steel evaporated by the effect of the impact of 2 airplanes. The second plane even flew right through the building. Even if the planes were fully loaded with kerosine, they had not enough destructive power to bring the skyscrapers down. Kerosine does not produce enough heat to melt steel frames. But they did!
After an hour or so the Twin Towers imploded and collapsed to the ground in 10 seconds. Free fall speed. Long after the disaster, pools of liquid iron had to be dealt with. Kerosene does not do that. Termite does. The most powerful explosive on earth, witch literally turns everything into dust. At the time of 9/11 “nano-termite” existed. Miniatures of explosive devices, with a tremendous force.
But were there any planes at all? There were eyewitnesses that reported a missile and several explosions. In the media those messages were ignored. Two planes hit the Towers and caused the collapse. Eye-witnesses, photographs and video-recordings, they all seemed to prove the existence of two planes. But under close investigation strange data and coincidences appear. For instance, all the “official” (which means presented in the media) eye-witnesses all worked in the Corporate Media or were affiliated with it. The wife of one of the big CBS-bosses even appeared on television as eye-witness. She reported from her home, even though she could in no way see Manhattan. All media. All but one. Quite a coincidence. But it goes even further. All the impact-video's of Tower One and Tower Two were made by professionals, all but one. Quite a coincidence. But this evidence is disputed. It is clear, that all the images have been tampered with. Some show no second plane. Remarkably is a British news item. She announced, filled with emotion, that “Building 7” had collapsed. Strangely enough, “Building 7” was still standing, when her message was broadcast. The collapse took place 20 minutes later.
maandag 8 oktober 2012
Culture in Decline
The topic of this show entitled Economics 101 deals with the subject of Economic Calculation, Market Rationale and its effects, along with considerations of the Scientific Principles of Sustainability.
This episode features long winded and generally insulting rhetoric, a special guest Gremlin, CID’s “Man on the Street” and the return of the evil peach-suit capitalist – Peter’s alter ego.
“Culture in Decline” is a satirical yet serious expression that challenges various cultural phenomena existing today which most of society seems to take for granted. Nothing is considered sacred in this Series except for a detached benchmark of fundamental logic and reason – forcing the viewer to step out of the box of “Normality” and to consider our societal practices without traditional baggage and biases.
The topic of this show entitled Economics 101 deals with the subject of Economic Calculation, Market Rationale and its effects, along with considerations of the Scientific Principles of Sustainability.
This episode features long winded and generally insulting rhetoric, a special guest Gremlin, CID’s “Man on the Street” and the return of the evil peach-suit capitalist – Peter’s alter ego.
“Culture in Decline” is a satirical yet serious expression that challenges various cultural phenomena existing today which most of society seems to take for granted. Nothing is considered sacred in this Series except for a detached benchmark of fundamental logic and reason – forcing the viewer to step out of the box of “Normality” and to consider our societal practices without traditional baggage and biases.
Madurai's jasmine is Christian Dior's magic
Madurai's jasmine is Christian Dior's magic:
Dior uses extracts of jasmine sambac & tuberose sourced from Tamil Nadu, along with other raw materials, for J’adore, one of the top selling fragrances in the world.
Dior uses extracts of jasmine sambac & tuberose sourced from Tamil Nadu, along with other raw materials, for J’adore, one of the top selling fragrances in the world.
zondag 7 oktober 2012
a commercial airplane fly into a sky-scraper and disappear. Can
another airliner vaanish into a hole in the ground? Can a Boeing-737
fly right through a skyscraper, with its nose unharmed? Can an
building, more than 50 levels high, collaps without exterior damage,
like it was a controlled demolition. Is it possible for an aeroplane
to fly into a building and disappear, including the passengers, into
thin air? Can 3 enormous skyscrapers, implode into themselves and
leave nothing but dust?” The answer to these questions is: “It is
not possible, at least not by the official information and
is serious doubt about the functioning of NORAD, the North American
Air Defense, who has secured American airspace for more than 50
years. Succesfully. Norad is obliged to put fighters in the air, one
minute after a plane stops transmitting. In total the hijacked planes
on 9/11, flew around undisturbed for 1 hour and twenty minutes
(total). All kind of wargames, including disrupting and fogging of
the radar facilities, went on to keep the American military busy. The
collective hijacking was first labelled to be an exercise. Overall
the different “languages” of Air Force and airtraffic controllers
let to confusion and unnecessary delay. Could the hijackings be
possible” I think, yes. In the muslim world it is possible to find
potential martyrs, for all kinds of suicide attacks. A grand finale,
while crashing into the World Trade Center, could sound an attractive
pathway to Heaven. Because they have to enter the plane unarmed, they
have to learn to behave assimilative, certain and a potential killer.
I think, this can be done and entering the plane would be no problem.
Many foreigners, newcomers too, use planes and the hijackers would
fit the crowd.
a group of five get control over the plane? Possibly, there would be
little resistance and the passengers, would be docile and submissive.
The question: Could the hijackers have succeeded? I think, yes. But
if you ask me, if four of the terrorists could fly a plane, the way
they did. My answer is no.
zaterdag 6 oktober 2012
JK Rowling Interview - UK

J.K. Rowling, born on July 31, 1965, in Chipping Sodbury, England, became an international literary sensation when the first three installments of her Harry Potter children's book series took over the top three slots of The New York Times best-seller list. The phenomenal response to Rowling's books culminated in 2000, when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire became the fastest-selling book in history. In 2012, Rowling published her first novel since the Harry Potter franchise,
On the 10th of May, 1941 Hitler's “Luftwaffe” bombarded London. This was part a distraction. At the same time a Messerschmidt-fighter departed for another journey. At the wheel, Rudolf Hess, deputy-”Fuhrer” of Nazi-Germany.
The flight had been carefully planned. The plane was converted into a one-seater and it carried extra fuel tanks.
Destination: Glasgow, Scotland. Purpose: to discuss a peace-treaty between England and Germany. In the months before there had been a lot of diplomatic attempts to find peace. The King of Sweden, the King of Spain and even the Vatican tried to get the war faring countries to negotiate peace. Germany seemed willing to settle. It would leave the occupied countries in the West, pay compensation and even accepted a Polish State. Germany in return, wanted their colonies back (Namibia, East-Africa). Every ground for continuing the war would be gone and England's ally the United States, would favor this.
Rudolf Hess was an romantic and he adored Adolf Hitler. He preferred herbal medicine and used astrology, to make decisions. In Hess' entourage were many occultists, magicians and astrologers. Most important was dr. Karl Haushofer, a former officer in the "Kaiserlichen Armee" and diplomat in Japan. His influence led to the Axis, the Union, of Germany, Japan and Italy. Haushofer was a nationalist and believed that Germany had a special destiny. To fulfill this destiny, Germany needed more “Lebensraum”. This “room to live” could be found in the East. The, inferior, Slavic people had to make way for German settlers. This was the most important battle, that would be decisive for the German Empire and the Aryan super race.
Hess flew, undiscovered across the North Sea and he parachuted North of Glasgow. His goal was the estate of Lord Hamilton, who sympathized with a peace treaty and who knew Rudolf Hess, personally.
In this first year of the war, several influential politicians and even royalties wanted to stop the war. On the other hand, the “war-faction”, lead by Winston Churchill, was determined to fight till the end. They were certain, that England would be victorious, if the war lasted long enough. The “war-faction” formed the majority.
Rudolf Hess was greatly influenced by Karl Haushofer. Haushofer had a great influence on Hess' decision to flight to Scotland. He knew Hamilton and in an eye to eye contact, he could determine if the British were genuine in their attempts to find term to end the war.
They were not. Churchill did not want peace. For him the British Empire could only survive, when the German Empire was crushed once and for all. A peace in the West, would lead to a war in the East. When Hess parachuted down, his welcome, was not as he had expected. He was arrested and put into prison. In no way peace-negotiations were held with him.
Hitler called Hess publicly a fool and he denied a peace-treaty in the West. Shortly afterwards Hitler's armies invaded Russia. The war for Haushoffer's “Lebensraum” had begun.
Did Hitler know nothing of the contacts of German ambassadors, diplomats and even Joseph Goebbels. Strangely enough, two days later, three German commando's parachuted down in Scotland. It was a quite desperate plan. The three soldiers had to kidnap an important member of the War-cabinet and exchange him for Rudolf Hess! They did not get far. The strangers were immediately captured and brought to the Tower in London. The three refused to become double-agents, and were shot.
Rudolf Hess spent the rest of his life in jail. Unable to do his account of this intriguing story. Karl Haushofer and his wife survived the war. He knew everything about the peace flight of his friend. He had laid several contacts for the Nazi-leader. The Allies did not bring him to court, but he was used as a witness, during the Nuremberg. It did not get that far. Shortly before his testimony, Karl and his wife committed suicide. But there are severe doubts.
His son Albrecht was arrested after the bomb-attack on Adolf Hitler in 1944. He was thrown into a Berlin prison and executed before the end of the war.
Rudolf Hess spend the rest of his life in the “Spandau prison” in Berlin. In the end, he was the only prisoner. In later years tries were made, to get Hess free. The English and the Soviets did resist adamantly. Hess had to fulfill his sentence and die in prison. When Michael Gorbatsjov became the Soviet prime-minister, their view changed. They seemed willing to let Hess go. It deed not happen. On
August,17, 1987 Hess' male nurse was warned by telephone that something terrible had happened. He ran to the prison gate and had trouble to get in. When he finally got to his cell, Rudolf Hess was dead. According to the official declaration, he had committed suicide. Hess' had strangled himself with electricity cables. This suicide is disputed. According to friends, who saw him regularly, the former Nazi-deputy was physically unable to kill himself. He had to be helped to get up and could not lift his arms anymore, due to arthritis.
The British files about Hess will not get public until 2019. Then more light will be shed on the year 1941. A year in which Germany seemed to want a peace in the West. Germany invaded Russia and almost reached Moscow. The year in which the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on the United States. The year, when the second World War started.
vrijdag 5 oktober 2012
donderdag 4 oktober 2012
woensdag 3 oktober 2012
‘Mannen worden homo, omdat vrouwen onaantrekkelijk zijn door voorbehoedsmiddelen’
De boodschap is van de beweging ‘Children of Mary’, een ultrakatholieke groepering.
De nonnen van de orde van ‘Children of Mary’ halen een studie aan uit de jaren ’70, die zou bewijzen dat mannelijke apen in de war raakten toen de vrouwtjes chemische voorbehoedsmiddelen kregen toegediend. De mannetjesapen lieten de vrouwtjes daarop prompt links liggen en hadden dan maar seks met elkaar.
De voice-over vertelt ons: “Het gebruik van anticonceptie maakt dat overspel aangewakkerd wordt, net als vrije seks, homoseksualiteit en zelfs abortus als de andere middelen gefaald hebben.
Geboortebeperking heeft ons vandaag de dag naar een doodscultuur geleid, volgens de nonnen. Om te eindigen met de boodschap: “Ken je iemand die aan anticonceptie doet, zeg hen dan daarmee te stoppen. Het zal hen namelijk vernietigen!”
Het zijn overduidelijk de tegenstanders van Barack Obama, die als eerste president homo-vriendelijk is. De sekte wil de boodschap verkondigen aan alle katholieken van de 50 Amerikaanse staten voor de aanstaande presidentsverkiezingen van volgende maand. Uiteraard om stemmen te winnen voor de Republikeinen. In het bijzonder in de ‘swingstates’, waar de meer liberale bevolking huist.
dinsdag 2 oktober 2012
Synopsis: In this mock-documentary parody of TV crime shows, it's "Spinal Tap" meets "American Justice". Bobby Ray Summers (played by Don Puglisi, Taking Woodstock, Life on Mars) is a 30-year-old unmarried janitor with more on his mind than mops. Sure, he's a total loser who lives with his parents, but he also makes the most of his ample spare time by kidnapping sexy young librarians and tying lonely housewives to trees. Oh, he also likes Mozart, art museums, and torturing small birds and rodents. Through interviews with Ray's family, his victims, and delightfully cheesy re enactments, we're given the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. In the end, "Crime Scene: The Bobby Ray Summers Story" is a Python-esque view of American criminal justice at its most hilarious.
Serial killers
De documentaire 'Serial Killers: The Real Life Hannibal Lecters' tracht aan de hand van drie bekende seriemoordenaars - Albert Fish, Andrei Chikatilo en Jeffrey Dahmer - en via interviews met advocaten, psychologen én FBI-profiler Robert Ressler een inzicht te geven in de gedachtenwereld van een seriemoordenaar.

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