Een vriendin uit Utrecht belde me vanmorgen. Ze had die nacht twee schoten gehoord. Tenminste dat dacht ze. Daarna had ze niet meer kunnen slapen. Ze raffelde allerlei lugubere scenario's af. "Als ik naar buiten was gegaan ..." "Maar je moet niet naar buiten gaan. Je blijft veilig in je huis, dan kan je niets gebeuren."
Op zo'n moment "maak je woorden vuil". Je praat over allerlei scenario's en mogelijkheden, waardoor je gedachten gesloten blijven voor positieve impulsen. We vullen onze gesprekken vaak met dit soort onderwerpen. De krant en de televisie doen er nog een schepje boven op. Allemaal "woorden vuil maken".
Een "vuil woord" is een aanslag op de ziel en versluiert de werkelijkheid. Het wordt ons zo voorgeschoteld, dat we leven in een wereld, waarin het noodlot direct toe kan slaan. Dit is je reinste flauwekul en een slechte richtlijn voor gedrag.
Natuurlijk, er gebeuren de meest afschuwelijke zaken en daar komt voorlopig nog geen einde aan. Onze samenleving staat bol van leugens, frustraties en onzekerheid; dat moet allemaal nog zijn weg vinden.
Waarmee we een begin kunnen maken is om in onze gesprekken geen woorden meer "vuil te maken". Laten we al die sensationele, confronterende en schokkende onderwerpen in onze omgang met elkaar mijden. Dan kunnen gesprekken een openend, verlichtend en helend karakter krijgen. Dit zal zijn uitwerking niet missen. Wie goed doet, ontmoet het goede.

zondag 30 september 2012
The SiTU Omniversity (Harns) has activated and connected the following blogs. Go your own way.
End time Chronicles: Fighting the NWO
Altijd anders: Achtergronden
SiTU Harns: de Elementen
Welcome: World News
Lijst de Bazuin: (Local) politics
Wikipedia Frisia: Local History
History: World History
de Tweede Bazuin: alien, ufo's, contact, deception or reality
Journey Within: Spirituality, personal growth
Verhalen: Fictie
Logboek: Gedichten (poetry, art, photography)
Music can change the world: SiTU Harns Greatest Hits
Join, Enjoy. It's all connected. Ignorance causes suffering. Updated daily. dM, SiTU

donderdag 27 september 2012
woensdag 26 september 2012
PBS NOVA: Mind Over Money
In the aftermath of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, NOVA presents "Mind Over Money"—an entertaining and penetrating exploration of why mainstream economists failed to predict the crash of 2008 and why we so often make irrational financial decisions. The program reveals how our emotions interfere with our decision-making and explores controversial new arguments about the world of finance.
In the aftermath of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, NOVA presents "Mind Over Money"—an entertaining and penetrating exploration of why mainstream economists failed to predict the crash of 2008 and why we so often make irrational financial decisions. The program reveals how our emotions interfere with our decision-making and explores controversial new arguments about the world of finance.
Part 1 - Why do we talk? - BBC Horizon
Talking is something that is unique to humans, yet it still remains a mystery. Horizon meets the scientists beginning to unlock the secrets of speech - including a father who is filming every second of his son's first three years in order to discover how we learn to talk, the autistic savant who can speak more than 20 languages, and the first scientist to identify a gene that makes speech possible.
maandag 24 september 2012
Special app finds iPad stolen midair, one held
Special app finds iPad stolen midair, one held:
A US airline passenger who lost his iPad on board used a special app to find it, in the home of one of the flight attendants, police said.
A US airline passenger who lost his iPad on board used a special app to find it, in the home of one of the flight attendants, police said.
zondag 23 september 2012
“He will be brought to justice!”, George Bush said to a enthusiastic crowd, referring to Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack. Soon afterwards the trouble in the Middle-East started. Sudan was bombed and so was Afghanistan. The manhunt was extended to the ground, while the US Air Force bombarded the Afghan mountains with “MOAB's”, the “mother of all bombs”, which should drive Osama bin Laden out of the caves, into the open and to be brought to justice.
Osama bin Laden is dead. Shot in a gunfight with American Special Forces in his hide-out in Pakistan. One of his wives and two couriers were killed as well. Presumably he grabbed a gun and was shot shortly afterwards. The soldiers took the body to an American warship, where it got a seamans-grave. The whole operation was seen live on television. Osama bin Laden's last minutes, where closely watched by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and a dozen members of Obama's staff.
Everything will be revealed. It will take some time, but things carefully hidden from us, come into the open. A participant in the bin Laden-operation has published an eye-witness account of actions inside Osama's house. Osama bin Laden was not armed or attacking the invaders. He was shot on sight and finished off with a couple of extra rounds. What happened to the body is unclear.
Osama bin Laden could have been arrested, but was deliberately assassinated. Why? Because in court he may talk. Just like Omar Gadaffi or Lee Harvey Oswald.
The USA had and has a global hitlist of terrorists and their affiliates. You better watch out, look up once in a while you may be followed by a drone.
at least the history were are presented as factual, is a political
construct. Its main purpose is to keep persons/classes/nations
indoctrinated and brainwash about their roots and possibilities.
Historians still preach, that civilization as we know it, started in
Iraq about 6000 years ago. Babylon, Egypt, Persia, the Greek and
Romans followed (compare with Daniel: Nebukadnezhar's dream). This
history shows the immense constructs, they build and the cities,
which they decorated and painted and made it a pleasure to live in
(hot/cold water, flushing toilets, restaurants and libraries). Many
people say and believe, that the pyramids, Angkor Wat and Chitzen
Itza were build with the help of alien gods and under divine
is a mindframe, that ignores the possibilities of mankind. The
pyramids were build by people, supported by human architects and
masons. Their interaction with the world was completely different,
then ours. They still were connected with Gaya and could use the
different levels of existence to create an amazing world. These
cultures generated architects, philosophers, prophets, musicians,
artists astronomers, writers, theologian and poets.
the course of the millennia we see a process of decline. Modern
scientists blow up things to find something new or just rearrange
numbers and statistics, completely alienated from reality. Our
capabilities fade away or are deliberately marginalized. “History
is written by the victors.”, Napoleon said. Anomalies in historical
research are driven into anonimity. The first official human
settlements date from around 6/7000 years BC. There is considerable
doubt about this timeline. My teacher told me, that history is
connected with waterlevels. “Much of our past is hidden beneath the
waters.” And he was true. Near the Eastern Coast of India, two
sumerged cities are found. One of which is supposedly the city of
Krishna, Dwarka. Many artifacts, houses, palaces and harbours are
found. When carbon dated, the findings stunned the scientists. Dwarka
was 30.000 years old. The same happened in Mexico. The mainstream
archeology accepts, that America was colonized from Russia, over the
“Beringstrait” to Alaska. This happened relatively late
(10/15.000 years ago; the end of the last ice-age). The proto-Indians
moved southward and reached Mexico and South-America. Here they
started a series of phenomenal cultures and civilizations (Olmec,
Mayan, Anastasi), that began about 8000 years ago. The whole of Meso-
and South-America is littered with pyramids, temples and monuments.
The Spaniards were surprised about the level of organization and
technology these “barbarians” possessed. They lived in model and
most of all, clean cities. Artists used platinum in their products, a
level of technology the Spaniards had not reached.
the last century an American university-professor was digging in
Mexico. She thought to have found an very early settlement. When the
carbon-dating results arrived, everybody was startled. The artifacts
were 250.000 years old. The find of a lifetime. When she published
her findings, something strange happened. Her paper was ignored, the
digging-site was closed and she lost her job at the university. She
never worked in her field of expertise again. Official science is a
construct, just a tool; although it is presented as the only way, to
improve our knowledge of the earth, the solar system and the stars .
There are many more. Thinking f.i. Start educating your self and
ignite your potential (not necessarily your brain).
zaterdag 22 september 2012
Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies
Alison Gopnik: What do babies think?
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain
vrijdag 21 september 2012
Chips die buigen en rekken zoals huid
Imec en UGent hebben op de internationale conferentie ESTC (Electronics System Integration Technology Conference) in Amsterdam een ultradunne flexibele chip voorgesteld, met buigzame en rekbare verbindingen en in een elastische verpakking. Flexibele chips zijn erg nuttig voor tal van medische en lifestyle toepassingen waar gebruikerscomfort en onopvallendheid centraal staan, zoals draagbare gezondheidsmonitors of intelligente kleding.
How Salman Rushdie helped the world discover Harry Potter
How Salman Rushdie helped the world discover Harry Potter:
An act of greed on Salman Rushdie's part, which he regretted for years, eventually worked out for the best and helped the world of muggles discover a young wizard by the name of Harry Potter.
An act of greed on Salman Rushdie's part, which he regretted for years, eventually worked out for the best and helped the world of muggles discover a young wizard by the name of Harry Potter.
donderdag 20 september 2012
woensdag 19 september 2012
Ancient papyrus reveals 'Jesus Christ's wife'
Ancient papyrus reveals 'Jesus Christ's wife':
A previously unknown scrap of ancient papyrus written in ancient Egyptian Coptic includes the words "Jesus said to them, my wife."
A previously unknown scrap of ancient papyrus written in ancient Egyptian Coptic includes the words "Jesus said to them, my wife."
In a world in which information is like air, what happens to power?
New technologies and a closely related culture of collaboration present radical new models of social organisation. This project brings together leading practitioners and thinkers in this field and asks them to determine the opportunity for government.
New technologies and a closely related culture of collaboration present radical new models of social organisation. This project brings together leading practitioners and thinkers in this field and asks them to determine the opportunity for government.
dinsdag 18 september 2012
hebt je aangemeld!” Inge was het stralende middelpunt van een
giechelende groep meiden. “Op televisie! Mogen we mee als
supporters?” “We maken een spandoek van 3 meter!”, beloofden
haar hartsvriendinnen Tien en Sjoukje. “We gaan met de bus!” De
hele groep begon te dansen en te springen.
meer brugklassers, nu ook jongens, kwamen nieuwsgierig aangelopen.
“Busje komt zo!” juichten ze.
straalde. Ze was het middelpunt van alle aandacht. Het verhaal ging
als een lopend vuurtje over het plein. De hele school wilde wel mee
en zowaar, toen de bel ging, leek het wel alsof de meesten heel
anders naar haar keken. Vol bewondering, zo voelde dat tenminste.
laatste uur kon ze alleen nog maar denken aan deze hoofdrol. Een
groep juichende supporters op de tribune, de make-up en de felle
lampen. “Er wordt van te voren geoefend.” had haar moeder gezegd
en dat stelde haar gerust. “Er zitten ook jongens bij!”, had Tien
gefluisterd en keek haar veel betekend aan. “Twitteren hoor!”
“See you on Facebook.” “Tot later.” Dat waren haar
hartsvriendinnen, die alletwee hun hand tegen het oor hielden. “Phone
weg naar huis was een verademing, die helaas maar kort duurde. Haar
moeder rende, helemaal hyper, op haar af. “Ze bellen zo! Ze bellen
zo.” Daarbij deed ze een vreemd dansje en trok een raar gezicht.
“Mam, doe normaal. Je maakt me zenuwachtig. “Ze bellen zo. Ze
hebben gemaild”., twitterde haar moeder verder, terwijl ze de
telefoon voor haar dochter neerlegde. “Waar is het feestje? Daar
...” De telefoon rinkelde. Inge griste het mobiel van de tafel.
“Met Inge de Jong”. Ze had een rood hoofd van de spanning. “Ja.”
stotterde ze. “Ja.”
gooide de telefoon op tafel en barstte in snikken uit. “Wat is er,
schat.” Moeder struikelde naar haar toe. “Hebben ze je
afgewezen.” Inge knikte met betraande ogen. “Ja, mijn CITO-score
was te laag.”
Human Diversity - 1 of 3 - Breaking the Taboo

The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth.
The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth.
vrijdag 14 september 2012
donderdag 13 september 2012
This is the story of Judyth Vary Baker, the woman who fell in love with Lee Harvey Oswald and became his mistress; to see him shot on television, live.
The serie video's I am watching at the moment, is called “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” and the link leads you to episode nr. 8: “THE LOVE AFFAIR”. Watch it first, before you go any further. Look and listen carefully. This is one of the three episodes made by director Turner. The series was shown on the “History Channel”, but due to controversies (especially part 9 “The guilty men.” about Lyndon Johnson, being part of the conspiracy) the serie is not aired anymore. Personally part 8 was the most shocking to me. Judith Vary Baker came “out of the closet” in the nineties.
When Oswald was shot she was threatened by the secret services to keep her mouth shut. Judyth feared for her life. Her children have grown up and now she want to tell the truth. Lee Harvey Oswald is innocent, at least innocent of shooting president Kennedy. She knew him very well and was probably the last person to speak with him on the telephone, hours before of the assassination. Lee was part of an operation, to protect the president and was very proud of it (he served as a marine for three years). It was a dangerous job, but he was willing to protect JFK with his life.
Judyth Vale Baker was in the sixties a promising, young, cancer-scientist. She wanted to devote her life to curing cancer. But something went wrong. She met Lee Harvey Oswald in the New Orleans Post office and fell immediately in love with him. Gradually the feeling became mutual, although both were married. Oswald even has 2 kids, with his Russian wife Marina. This was not a happy marriage. This explains the fact, that Oswald only spent the week-ends with her. He lived close to Judyth and they met almost daily. Lee Harvey Oswald introduced her to his own town. But he didn't show the bars, but he introduced her to captain dr. David Ferry (probably CIA), cancer-scientists and Oswald shows her a weapon storage, to be used against Castro. Judyth gets involved in a secret project, where Oswald was already part of, to develop an extreme form of cancer to be used as a way to assassinate Fidel Castro. Several well-known scientist are working on this bio-warfare project. The researchers work in extremely well equipped laboratories, enough guinea pigs (even human; cancer tested on prisoners from the nearby Angola-prison) and nuclear facilities. Judyth Vale protested against the experiments on prisoners, just to see them die of cancer. This was a mistake and she was told that she was expandable. So was Lee Harvey Oswald. Judyth is certain, that he was innocent. That he was, unknowingly, part of the plot to kill the president. He was the patsy, the scapegoat and a front like Ruby) for the guilty men.
This element of the JFK-conspiracy was not known to me. If it's true, Lee Harvey Oswald never left the US Navy, but was part of a covert black project, to assassinate Fidel Castro by “giving” him a deadly cancer. This was not the only project. Well known is the CIA-plan to poison Fidel's cigars. Giving the paranoid feelings towards communism, the failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missile crisis, it seems plausible that the USA, unofficially, did this kind of research. Bio-warfare was one of the fields, the USSR was active as well. What not seems plausible, is the openness of this secret organization. Lee picks up a naive girl and shows her his friends and toys. She immediately gets involved in a macabre experiment. Actually she does the opposite, of what she claims: she does not cure cancer but to develop a extreme lethal cancer-virus. Lee Harvey Oswald makes an, improvised and amateurish, attempt to get the virus to Cuba himself. He tries to book a flight, in Mexico City, to Moscow (defecting again with a secret weapon), with a stop-over in Havana (Cuba). His mission failed and Oswald returned to the USA and his mistress.
Here he got involved in another project, “killing JFK”. Knowing the complexity of these kinds of games, it seems plausible to me, that not all the participants knew the truth. It even could have been, that Lee Harvey Oswald would fire a “warning-shot”, to test security measures. He could be drugged and indoctrinated when performing his task and panicking, when he realized the horror-story he played a part of.
But is it real? Judyth tells her story as if she has learned it by heart. There is no fear or pride, but a monotonous voice sketching in vivid detail, what seems a perfect love-story. I think she was used. The whole story is a smoke screen. It's written by a movie-producer, I am sure. If not, the whole question of experimenting on human beings, like in the Nazi death camps, is out in the open again. Bio warfare (including cancer) and other horror scenario's, are still hidden inside the industrial-military complex and possibly used. remember Jack Ruby died suddenly, of cancer!
woensdag 12 september 2012
This video is a good illustration of the growing compartmentalization of information. This one was only aired (by National Geographic Channel) in Australia. The big media-cooperation are trying to distort and destroy the new Tower of Babylon; powered by the internet.
Australia is a target of the NWO and is getting isolated. But don't worry, help is on the way.
But in the proces, the Media Moguls cannot numb the people down anymore. So they have to reveal the truth, step by step. That is why I want you to research the internet as much as you can. Stop playing games and getting entertaijned. The Elite does not care about you, so you have to take care of your SELF (your most valuable part, they lust for). Get educated and start asking questions, when you kinow the answer.
By the way, what's the relationship between alien domination and obese?
Listen carefully to the experts and especially the American one. What are they in fact saying, who are they (human?)
Is Australia a threat to China or is it going to be.
Make a calculation of the costs of a black project like this.
History Channel, NGC, Discovery, Animal Planet and other infomative tv-channels are carefully planning their global mindcontrol and desinformation. Australia is targeted and we will not believe them, because the information was hidden to you. Be aware of this and exchange information. In this way, it won't get lost. Like the last time.
maandag 10 september 2012
In my mind I organize the world around me, storing (uploading) in the process. There are several ways ro do this. You can order animals and plants in different species, subspecies etc. This is a never ending search, because everything and at any level is unique, never ending and part of a development, that needs its support. When this interaction fails or is willingly blocked (putting nomads into houses), strange things happen. Incomprehensible and out of “this” world. Incomprehensible, yes, on this level, and “out of this world”, yes, but this does not mean, that we are controlled by alien forces from Alpha Draconis or Sirius Minor. There are forces, alien to us humans, that want to create us again in their image. Violence, sadism, war, torture, medical experiments, animal rights and all the other deadly sins (remember Strauss-Kahn), you can imagine.
They feed our greed and our intolerance. It gives us the strength to send kids into a war, to keep those same kids down. Every survivor of this fatal rat race can own half a continent, a 20 million dollar house, a private jet and a 200 million dollar yacht. The deadly sins sre a way to order the world. But remember; there exist also 7 virtues. To keep things in balance. There are 7 stages in the concept “Heaven” and and also 7 stages of Hell.
Another way to create order in your mind is using the elements. I use 5: Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Other (ambiguous, don't know). But you have to keep in mind, that all these elements appear in different form and shapes. Fire may burn you or you have to blow (Air) very carefully to keep the sparks glowing. Earth can turn into quick sand (Water) or swallow you (Air). Air can caress you, but it can also turn into a tower of destruction, that lifts up cars and destroys whole cities. Water cools you, when its hot. When it is cold, it absorbs your body heat, paralyzes you in minutes and you drown. In a next step, you can try to combine the order of animals and plants with that of the 5 Elements. There are several possibilities to start Meditate on this.
zaterdag 8 september 2012
Magnetic therapy works where pills fail in depression
Magnetic therapy works where pills fail in depression:
Six months ago, south Mumbai-based executive Ramesh Joshi’s behaviour started worrying his family. He would take two hours to finish a meal. While walking, he would suddenly freeze at a spot.
Six months ago, south Mumbai-based executive Ramesh Joshi’s behaviour started worrying his family. He would take two hours to finish a meal. While walking, he would suddenly freeze at a spot.
The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.
Today, we have entered a state where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state, a decisive step to create a New World Order.
We have to become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.
Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or even eliminated, at least for mind controlling advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.
Mind control is an interwoven part of our environment. Education (and religion) is the most obvious. It was every dictator's ultimate wish to “educate” naturally impressionable children and bind them to your goals. The present powers are willingly numbing down the educationprograms. It's possible to pass an exam, all though you cannot write your own name. I know. I know what I learned; I learned what I had to teach and I see the level of reading, writing and arithmetic. The world is becoming more and more empty, when you lack the tools and energy to explore it. Advertising and propaganda create needs, that suits the invisible powers. People are bombarded with lethal threats, so they willingly accept a police state and an oligarchical global government. Messages can be direct, hidden and subliminal. Hollywood movies are used for predictive programming. On the big screen events of the future are presented as fiction. But it also make you accept, that this is a possible reality.
Sports are ideal to create heroes, it boosts nationalism and distracts the people. Children and the youth are indoctrinated that mass-manifestations are fun.
Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literaly alter your brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry. Today this medical tyranny, that defines a human by its disorders (DSM 5- almost 900 pages) and puts children on mind-numbing medication.
The Military (a terrain of its own regarding mind control) is developing electromagnetic, acoustic and ELF (extreme low frequencies)-weapons. These weapons destroy people, not buildings. The waves and rays turn the enemy soldier in a state of panic and depression and it makes them suicidal. The programming on television is deliberately produced to infiltrate and distract your mind. TV's, computer games and computer screens have a so-called “Flickr-factor”, data and input we don't register. You brain does! Results: overload and creating a ADHD-state. Young people need input, they lack concentration. When they do it is in role-playing games like “Lord of Warfare”. During the game less and less blood floods to your brain; turning you into a kind of cyborg.
What does this all mean. I want you to open your eyes and start deprogramming your mind. It seems a long and complicated path. It's not.
vrijdag 7 september 2012
Jon Ronson: Strange answers to the psychopath test
Jon Ronson: Strange answers to the psychopath test
donderdag 6 september 2012
The tech czar advocates the need for students to take up jobs along with studies.
The tech czar advocates the need for students to take up jobs along with studies.
woensdag 5 september 2012
dinsdag 4 september 2012
Organic food is not healthier over those grown conventionally: Study
Organic food is not healthier over those grown conventionally: Study:
In the largest analysis of studies, researchers said there is "little evidence of healthier benefits from organic food over those grown conventionally."
In the largest analysis of studies, researchers said there is "little evidence of healthier benefits from organic food over those grown conventionally."
People & Power: Pirate Fishing
maandag 3 september 2012
Beyond Human: The Invasion of the Inhuman
In 1959 the Leacky-couple did some important finds in South-Eastern Africa. They discovered bones and parts of a skull, that definitively proved the existance of a hominid-creature, that used tools and fire. There feautures were definitively ape-like, but due to its collective lifestyle in caves, the tools they made, the hunting techniques it was classified as hominid, a proto-human that would evolve into homo sapiens. Africa was the birth ground of human kind. Forced by overpopulation, climate change and absence of game, they wandered North. In the Middle-East our adventurers split up. Some went west, through Turkey, the Balkan and the Alps to Western Europe. Another group went East. Through Asia to India and into Indonesia. Others went up North again and arrived in China.
Because of the Ice-age groups of wanderers could pass the Beringstrait and arrived in Alaska (America). They wandered south and finally settled the whole continent. Some arrived in Mexico about ten-thousand years ago. They then developed some impressive cultures: the Olmecs, the Maya, the Anasasi, the Aztecs and the Inca. This all happened in a short period of about 8000 years, when it abruptly stopped in the 16th century by the Spanish invasion. The Inca and Aztecs were only some of millions of native Indians and cultural entities/tribes that were eliminated. Native books, monuments and documents were burned, as were the librarians and the priest. The gold, precious stones and silver were confiscated. The golden and silver statues, jewelry and temple-ornaments were molten down and transported to Spain, to finance its military and political ambitions.
In 1959 a Mexican archeologist was digging in a dried up riverbed. He made an important find. It was a piece of ivory. Part of the tusk of a giant mammoth. This seems not that important. Until the end of the Ice-age (12.500 years ago, so archeologists assume) America was populated by all kinds of giant mammals. Colossal mammoths, deer, horses and sloths to name a few. They, for no apparent reason got extinct.
But this piece of bone was an anomaly. Though slightly faded, on the surface animals were carved. The drawings (a giant tapir, pierced with spears and a mastodont) were carved, when the bone was fresh. This meant, that an artist was active here, some 15.000 year ago. According to the accepted theory, this was not possible. Humans were not here, yet. But it got worse.
More digs were made. And they were productive. Spearheads and other stone-artifacts were found. And registered. Dating techniques gave amazing results. The finds were at least 250.000 year old. One spear tip, in that dig, was found in a bone. The animal escaped and carried it for the rest of its life.
Authorities struck back. Armed with guns policemen pressed the workers to sign a petition, which said that the archeologists had planted the items themselves. All artifacts were confiscated and transported to the National Museum in Mexico-city. Here they all disappeared and the area where the finds were made, is forbidden territory for archeologists and diggers. Still most people believe, that the Indians arrived from Siberia and worked their way down, creating miracles on the way in a few thousand years.
zondag 2 september 2012
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